Elbor K'Hor

Elbor K'Hor

Homeworld: Fondor
Race: Herglic
Gender: Male
Age: 45
Height: 9'8"
Wight: 271
Eye Color: Navy Blue
Hair Color: --------

History: From an early age, Elbor K'hor has wanted to follow in the foot steps of his ancestors. To explore the galaxy and learn all it has to offer. At 16 Elbor was out on his own, trying to see everything he could. He made it all through what was once referred to as 'Herglic Space', back in the days of the Old Republic, when the Herglic where a thriving trade race. While traveling the inner worlds, came in contact with 


 Elbor went to almost every world in the core, then he started moving out. Naboo, Utapau, then bounced and got to Tatooine. By this time he is 25. While on Tatooine Elbor was drugged in a cantena.