Xol and Set Paan


Xol Paan
Homeworld: Dorin
Race: Kel-Dor
Age: 37
Skin color: Deep red
Eye Color: Silver
Parents: alive

Back Story: Xol's parents were high ranking members of the Baran Do Sages.  He had tidbits about the tradition thrown at him since birth and was a natural when it came to the training in becoming a sage. As he got older, he became more intrigued in the the business some sages did with helping law enforcement. Xol didn't care much for the boring weather predictions.

And then the day happened that sealed the deal. He walked into his home to find his mother on the floor crying, his father clutching his arm, and thugs destroying everything. Xol walking in was a surprise and they bolted out the back door. After making sure his parents were safe, he did a little investigating of his own and found out this group attacked many other kel-dor families. 

Xol put his Baran Do training to the test and tracked the thugs down to a cove not too far off from the city. They didn't kill anyone...they hurt the kel-dor and stole from them...so Xol had no intention of destroying the group...just breaking bones, taking everything back, and generally showing them he is NOT to be messed with. No kel-dor is. 

He got a little carried away in his "pay back" and discovered he could do more than just what he learned in the temple among the sages with the Flow. While Xol was lost in marveling at the ability to choke someone from afar, he was shot, beaten, laughed at, and the group of thugs escaped with everything.

Xol was furious and embarrassed. It was around this time that he decided he wanted training to "take care" of people like those thugs and he sought to join the sector rangers. It was pretty easy to get in since the sages helped this group of law enforces often in their investigations.  The rangers knew how useful he could be. 
Not soon after he got his own ship, The Sarlacc, Xol was given a file on a group of viscous murders and thieves he was to track down and serve justice to. It was them! The same group from Dorin. He had a determination he's never felt before to catch these now murderers and remove them from the galaxy. With his training from the Baran Do, it was a little too easy to find them and when he did, their own egos made their end worse than it may have been initially. 

They brought up that night, what they did to Xol's parents, how they threatened his mother and shot his father and what they did to other kel-dor...things he didn't even know about...what they did to him. He tightens his grip around his blaster and fires with a force that he didn't even know was possible from the gun. This single bolt outright drops and kills one of the thugs. They all stand and stare on in shock. Even Xol. The thugs snap out of it first and fire on Xol. It's a little fire fight back and forth until Xol loses his patience, slips up and takes a painful shot to his shoulder and chest. Not again...I may not even make it out alive! Failure!

He hears the boot stomps and chuckles from the group as they walk toward him. They roughly sit him up, talk smack about his race, his planet, his ship, his job, and pull out a vibro dagger. The dagger was the last bit to push him over the edge. It was a mix of survival and seething hate when he uses the Flow to choke and swiftly kill the one coming at him with the dagger. The few remaining in the group curse and turn to run but Xol is too fast. He pulls his blaster to him and shoots every last one of them, killing them instantly with a single shot each. Xol can't help but laugh at his "victory" as he drops the blaster, his hands shaking. 

After he finished turning everything in to close that case, Xol finally realizes what he's done. He doesn't necessarily feel sorry for his actions, but he realizes he must control himself. He also realizes he can do much more with the Flow than simple divinations. 

Xol would go back to Dorin and the Baran Do sage temple occasionally when he had off time and even met and studied with Plo Koon at the  temple numerous times. Xol developed his powers and became a go to officer of the Sector Rangers for the tougher, dirtier cases. He sometimes gets special clearance for things because they appreciate his swift, no nonsense justice. 

To be continued... 

Widdimur, strillis Xol's partner in stopping crime. He acquired Wid early on in his career as a Sector Ranger from a family he helped out of the kindness of his heart. They wanted to thank Xol and repay him for his help but had absolutely nothing they could spare to give except a strill pup. Not wanting to turn down their offer, Xol takes the strill and soon finds out he's got a partner for life. 

Set Paan
Homeworld: Dorin
Race: Kel-Dor
Age: 8
Skin Color: Peach
Eye Color: Silver
Parents: deceased 

Back Story: Set was taken to be trained in the ways of the Sith after his parents were killed for refusing to just hand him over nicely to them. He was going to be trained in the ways of the Baran Do Sages on Dorin and was actually ripped away after one of his classes, which is why Xol and Cyrus found him in the sage robes. He is your typical curious active 8 year old, when he isn't thinking about the day he lost his parents. 
Xol sees Set as his own child and Set occasionally calls him dad. What started out as a master and apprentice quickly became something more. 


Art by Lizzy
Some kool Kel-Dor pics