

Homeworld: Christophsis
Race: Rodian
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 5'9"
Wight: 137lbs.
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color:-------

History: Navik was born on Christophsis, his father was  a miner on the asteroids that encircled the planet, his mother stayed home taking care of the family. Being the oldest of three children he had to help his family the most, he had to take care of his two brothers and sister. Having to help his mother, he was forced to watch his father work him self to death, literally. One day in the mines there was a collision of asteroids and the mines collapsed killing 40 workers, one was  his father. Several weeks later a group of less the reparable characters started coming around the house, after three days they approached his mother. They harassed her about his father, how he was late on payments that she knew nothing about. They didn't buy that he was dead. The group came and sat in front of there home for two months, on a cold day Navik got up before every one and went to the local store, he was gone for less then twenty minutes. When he came back there was a large pillar of smoke. It was from where his house is. He dropped the bag he had and ran as fast as his legs would go. He came to his house, and it was nothing but the metal frame work left. He fell and sat there for a long while. Then local authorities arrived, sorted through the ashes and left him there not really have anything to do with him. A few weeks after the fire, he is able to sneak off planet, to a world unknown to him, Herdessa.

After bouncing around a city doing small odd jobs, he found a small group that came to him needing help. Not sure what they did he agreed, it was money. He found out very fast he was now part of a gang. They soon started robing apartments, small jobs nothing big. After a few months doing this, he decides this life is not for him. Using the money he got from the gang he get passage to Tatooine.

While there Navik tried his hand at honest work, he became a bartender at a lesser know cantena. He soon came to be the life of the place, not for his people skills but what he could do with a bottle. He could flip it over in his hands a thousand times and never drop it. Soon after he became favored by the crowd, some of the patrons where found dead, poison. From his drinks. The owner did what he could with out involving local "law", but there was nothing proving Navik didn't do it. He then ran. Hiding on a cargo freighter headed for Coruscant.

Once ther he found a small place to stay while he could get back on his feet. After a few days he received a note, telling him to meet "a friend" at a little bar. When he arrives he sees a Rodian, one he hasn't seen in years. It was his mother. They sit and talk for hours. Eventually that day comes up. He asks if she was here if that ment every one made it out, she said no. Moments before the fire, the same group of men came and took her, they knocked her out, so she was unable to tell them there where four children in the house. Soon after she woke up she asked and they knew nothing of them. She assumed they where all dead, she then asked why she was saved, the "leader"said 'he didn't sign up to hurt woman', he told her they were orders from some where else, some one above him wanted their payment and to burn the house. She soon found out that three children found in a closet together. She was never able to find out which one of them made it out. She then tried to get away from that horrible place, winding up on Tatooine just be for Navik had leave. His mother saw him once hearing about the 'great bartender Navik'. The moment she saw him she knew who had got out. She then asked why he didn't save the others, he told her he wasn't there when the fire was set. He then told her that he had some money saved and he wanted her to have it, and that he had heard of a good opportunity to make more, working for smugglers. He said that if the jobs paid as good as he had heard, she wouldn't have to work a day in her life. So from then on he has sent her two-thousand credits every month on Coruscant. Then the great tread happened when four large smuggler groups got together and traded their finds. And from there you know the story.