Chapter 1: Legacy ; Episode 1 - Dark Times

Dramatis Personae

Cyrus "Koroban" Starfel; Jensaari Ring Defender, Imperial Inquisitor (Miraluka male)
Draigo "Patch" Orade; Mandalorian Protector, Mercenary (Human male)
Dreldo; Black Sun Operative (Toydarian male)
GV-9 - Tikket's Enforcer (Droid)
Karl Skirata; Bounty Hunter (Human male)
Jopal; Dark Jedi, Black Sun Operative (Shi'ido male)
Mankrus; Dark Jedi, Former Inquisitor (Cyborg-human male)
Min'ull'tann "Null"; Chiss Ascendancy Spy (Chiss male)
Navik; Gunslinger (Rodian male)
Sele'Vida; Representative of the Hutt Council (Twi'lek female)
Sethrin; Force Sensitive Martial Artist (Zabrak male)
Sian; Assassin (Zeltron female)
Teek; Bounty Hunter (Ewok female)
Tikket; Trader, Captain, The Last Resort;(Jawa male)
Xol Paan; Baran Do Sage, Sector Ranger, Captain, The Sarlacc(Kel Dor male)

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Episode 1 - Dark Times
Seven years after the end of the Clone Wars, at a gathering of smugglers, eight lives are thrust together. The group is pulled together when the Galactic Empire raids the location attempting to capture an imprisoned Jedi up for auction by a group of slavers.

Barging their way onto a Jawa trader's, Tikket, ship The Last Resort; the motley group had to deal with a stow-a-way, the escaped Jedi.

The Jedi, Jopal,  promised them great wealth in exchange for their help in breaking into the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to retrieve a holocron. One of the Mandalorians, Draigo Orade, confronted the Jedi and revealed himself to be a former clone trooper. Backing down, the Jedi left the offer on the table for the other escapees.

The other Mandalorian, Karl, backed his companion. Navik, a Rodian Scoundrel, expressed his distrust of Jedi in general. Tikket was not pleased that the Jedi had put him and his ship at risk, tossing his vote to eject the Jedi. The escaped "midget Wookie", Teek, sided with the Mandalorians as well, due to their tactical expertise during their flight. Sethrin, a young Zabrak, wanted to stay away from the Empire as best he could. The lone hold out was Null, an enigmatic species not familiar with the Jedi or other galactic events. He was interested for knowledge sake, but backed down with the overwhelming hostility of the group.

Tikket put his enforcer droid, GV-9, on watch over the Jedi as the group began to discuss turning the Jedi over to the Empire. The group relented, promising that the Jedi would be free to go once they landed on Ord Mantell. However, none of them wanted to see him afterward.

Their journey was not to be. Instead of arriving at Ord Mantell, The Last Resort came out of hyperspace damaged and in an asteroid field overlooking a massive ship, The Arkanian Legacy. Boarding the ship, the group was beset by hostile burrowing worms, but they were dispatched effortlessly by the Mandalorians and GV-9.

Exploring the ship, the group learned that the Legacy had last seen activity almost four thousand years ago. Despite this, the technology found on board the ship was advanced enough to rival the current Imperial standard. Tikket and GV-9 made their way to engineering in hopes of finding the parts to fix the Resort while the rest headed to the bridge to see if anything could be salvaged.

Null discovers that the Legacy itself can be salvaged, but has enough power for one hyperspace jump. Discussing it, the group decides to head to Sluis Van to see what can be done about the ship. Tikket chooses to part ways taking his droid with him. Bidding each other farewell, the two ships jump into hyperspace.

Jopal, using the jump as a distraction, sneaks off into the ship and disappears. Teek and Draigo tracked Jopal for several days of the jump, but lost track of him over time. Turning back to the bridge for the rest of the week long jump, Draigo shut down life support to everything, but the command deck in a overt attempt to kill the Jedi.

Those aboard the Legacy;were not the only ones bound for Sluis Van. An Imperial Inquisitor, a Miraluka named Koroban, arrives at Sluis Van trying to escape the Empire while under the guise of looking for a former Jedi reported dead. The Jedi, whose name is Jopal. Also headed to Sluis Van was a Sector Ranger and Baran Do, Xol Paan. Xol was tracking an escaped prisoner from the Corporate Sector, a Black Sun operative known to be elusive as he is deadly. Receiving a vision from the Force, Xol knows that his target will be on Sluis Van and murder a dock worker.

The Legacy reverts to hyperspace and is towed into dock. Intrigued by the ship and its salvagers, the COO of the Sluis Van Shipyards and former Khedive of Sluis Van, Candobar Inglet, took an interest in the rebuilding of the ship for a series of "favors".

Koroban was drawn to the Legacy seeking the Jedi, but after attacking and subduing Karl and Sethrin he learned that the Jedi had escaped. He witnesses a disturbance on the docks below the shipd's bridge and rushes to investigate it.

Xol was on the dock watching for the time his vision would come true. As Draigo and Teek head out from the ship, Xol's vision began to take place. A dock worker kills another, turning and giving Xol a knowing smile. Draigo stops and using his skills as a medic, saves the Sluissi dock worker. Teek joins Xol in the chase, but they come across no murdering Sluissi. Teek scents that the killer smells just like the Jedi she had been hunting days before.

Draigo and Koroban arrive to find Xol and Teek facing an innocuous creature that is neither the Jedi or the Sluissi killer. As the four turn away to begin a thorough search of the area, the creature bolts away. Xol's powers of a Baran Do allow him to react in time to knock the creature unconscious. Once unconscious, the creature reverted to another form. Xol's killer and the Jedi were the same person, and it was a shape-shifter.

Taking Jopal to Xol's ship, The Sarlacc, Xol and Koroban attempt to interrogate the prisoner. Jopal wakes up and a first feigns innocence. With "persuasion" from Draigo, Jopal begins to act himself. He claims to be a Dark Lord of the Sith and was seeking an object called the Great Holocron at the Jedi Temple. He threatens the group if they don't release him, but Koroban scoffs at him. Using the Force, Jopal forces Karl to attack the Inquisitor; but is stunned by both Xol and Draigo.

Koro and Karl are escorted out, as Draigo begins to creates a knockout drug to keep Jopal unconscious. Xol and Draigo debate the merits of keeping Jopal alive, as the Sith taunts them with their heart's desires. As Xol begins to falter, Draigo stabs the bound Sith with the injector saying "We can't trust anything you tell us, IF you are a Sith."

Draigo recommends killing Jopal, but Xol opposes it. Not trusting the Kel-Dor, Draigo suggests an alternative... freezing Jopal in carbonite. The solution is agreeable and the Sith is kept on a steady diet of drugs to keep him unconscious. After being frozen, Xol loads up the cargo and returns Jopal to Star's End prison. He begins to experience odd dreams and hears the Sith's mocking laughter. Concerned, Xol decides to return to Sluis Van to seek out those that aided him prior and find if they were also having the same issue.

As Xol and Draigo dealt with Jopal, Navik and Null turned their attentions to managing The Legacy as it had been re-designated. Candobar convinced them of the importance of strong weapons and shields, but declined to mention the requisite licenses that would be required. He suggested finding someone to cut through the red tape. The two turned to the Inquisitor Koroban who was still suffering from a bruised ego from Jopal's taunting. Koro saw this as means of making his escape from the Empire for good and used his authorizations to clear The Legacy for the best ion cannons, turbo-lasers, and shields Candobar could get. In exchange, Navik and Null would give him an equal share in the ship.

Sethrin is furious that the man who attacked him is now his business partner. Karl and Draigo are unhappy with the situation as well, but admit that the abusing the privileges of rank can speed the ship through the system.

Unfortunately, The Legacy had drawn other interests. The Black Sun Crime Syndicate and the Hutt Cartels began to see possibility with the ship and decided to make their own plays. The Hutt Council sent a representative to Sluis Van in the form of Sele'Vida, a sensuous Twi'lek negotiator. Sele made convincing arguments, but found resistance in the group. The Hutts were offering generously to gain a stake in a ship that could become a resort casino, which caused a lot of suspicion.

Navik latched onto the idea and stated that if The Legacy would be a resort casino, then it would be his. Sele was not amused by the prospect of returning empty handed and became very suspicious when Koro played his hand and Imperial credentials. Leaving her offer on the table, she went to meet with Candobar, who was the one who had told her masters about the ship and its owners.

Sensing deception from the Twi'lek, Null commed Candobar in order to get to him first and learn more on why the groups was now earning the attentions of the Hutts. Candobar gave them his location and told them to hurry to it as there was something they needed to see.

The group made it to a private hangar in the dockyards only to find Sele walking up as well. She had not been summoned to the location, but had tracked down the Sluissi dock master on her own. As the Twi'lek, Null, and Navik entered the hangar a true surprise greeted them: a Lambda class shuttle in Inquisitorius markings.

Candobar was meeting with an Imperial Inquisitor named Mankrus. The Inquisitor claimed to have followed Koroban's lead about Jopal only to discover Koro's odd allowances for a certain ship. Mankrus figured he would investigate further, suspecting Koro of treachery. However, he states he has discovered more. Force Gripping Sethrin, Mankrus notes that the young man is Force Sensitive and shows much promise. He knocks Sethrin unconscious as the Zabrak hurls insults and threats at the Inquisitor.

Outside the hangar, in assault position, Koro cursed his luck. Mankrus was an old rivial of Koro's master, Jerrec, and took efforts to cause problems with Jerrec and Koroban to discredit the two Miraluka. Draigo confronts Koro about now being a liability. Koro decides it is time to remove Mankrus once and for all. Revealing himself, Koro ignites his lightsaber and strides into the hangar.

Draigo gets into a sniping position and draws a bead on the Inquisitor, but lowers his weapon as he sees four Stormtroopers exit the shuttle, all wearing markings of the 501st Legion. Having served in the Clone Wars as and ARC Trooper, Draigo cannot bring himself to fire on his "brothers". Koro challenges Mankrus about his suspicions, but quickly loses his head and charges the Inquisitor. The Miraluka takes only 3 steps before the 501st cut him down. Koro lives, but is unconscious and badly wounded. Mankrus tells Null and Navik that their "friend" needs to report in and confirm his loyalties to the Empire.

Mankrus dismisses the group and Candobar, saying that he is keeping a keen eye on Sluis Van. The 501st pick up Sethrin and drag him onto the shuttle before it takes off. Draigo revives Koro, but meets with derision that he did not kill Mankrus. The Mandalorian responds that he was not going to let the Inquisitor fire on Sele, Null or Navik who were unarmed and as good as hostages. Any matter between Koro and Mankrus was something they could settle, without jeopardizing others needlessly. Sele thanks Draigo for not escalating a bad situation, offering scorn on Koro for his rash actions.

Koro stalks away unhappy and wanting the Twi'lek to leave the group alone. Draigo seeks out Sele later on to discuss terms on the ship again, granting her a small stake in the ship. Reasoning that a small toe hold in her name, was something that could be controlled versus the Hutts gaining their own full share. Null and Navik agree to the deal as it offers an avenue of escape should the Empire become too interested. Draigo is more than satisfied that Koro sees Sele's stake as a slight against him.

The group begins to see everything come together and begins to relax, but they all have one question: why is Xol just hanging around with them? Xol responds that he had vision where he needed to be close to them for something up coming. Candobar is pleased with the progress of the ship, but tells the group that he has one more mission for them. As part of Mankrus' threat, the Empire had chosen to expand and fully staff the COMPNOR listening post in the Sluis System. If the group was willing to assault the post and clear it out for Candobar's own people to take over, the rest of the bill on The Legacy would be wiped clean.

After consulting each other, the group agrees. Candobar provides transport with most of the group hidden in cargo containers. Koroban will infiltrate using his credentials and remove the leadership from the top down. The group arrives safely and is sneaking out of their crates when Koroban arrives. Anticipating a problem, Koro forgoes his credentials to use those stolen from Jerrec. As luck would have, Jerrec would access his credentials minutes before on Coruscant. The Imperials suspect treachery and order Koro to be blasted.

As Koro ignites his lightsaber, a loud crash and the sound of blaster fire echoes from further inside the station. The Imperials withdraw behind blast doors, leaving Koro in the hangar facing turrets. The crash had come from Teek as she tried to exit his crate only to find it on top of a narrow pile. She and the crate fell to the ground, earning the interest of a stormtrooper squad. The rest of Teek's companions moved to help her beginning the fire fight.

Koro easily destroyed the turrets before using the Force to rip the blast doors off their frame, blowing them inwards. He finished dispatching the last officers as another door into the control center were breached by the rest of the group. Using the holocams, Null was able to find that there was one last pocket of resistance above them in the station.

Entering the area, the group was set upon by a squad of Shadow Troopers, an elite stealth unit. Despite Null and Sele'Vida taking serious wounds, Navik being knocked unconscious and badly needing a bacta tank, and  being out numbered two to one; Sele was able to con the stormtroopers into surrendering. The sergeant, Sev,  and his men were taken to the main hangar where Candobar's transport would pick up them all. When forced to remove his helmet, everyone was shocked to see an aging clone. Draigo confronted Sev, who scoffed at the Mandalorians. Draigo counted in Mando'a that while Sev may have the blood of Jango Fett, he knew nothing about being an actual Mandalorian. Sev questioned back in Mando'a, if Draigo was a brother. Draigo  warned that they might be brothers by blood, they were not if Sev chose to stay an Imperial. The clone trooper seemed intrigued by the prospect and renounced the Empire in favor of a free live.

Upon returning to Sluis Van, Candobar let them another Hutt representative had arrived and wished to meet with them. Waiting until Navik was out of a bacta tank, the group discussed the matter and openly questioned Sele'Vida about what the Hutts were aiming at. Sele was concerned herself, putting in a call to her master. The Hutt was confused why another envoy would have been sent and suspected treachery from another member of the Hutt Council, a private investment. Sele promised to report back after the meeting with more information.

The initial meeting would be set up between the contact, Null, Navik, Sele, and Koro. Xol, Draigo, Karl and Sev's team would be hidden in case things got out of hand. The representative turned out to be a Toydarian named Dreldo who came on board with a small squad of armed guards. Navik took an instant dislike to the Toydarian, who presumed that the ship and the casino Navik was overseeing was his. After the negotiations broke down, Dreldo slunk away cursing Navik and making threats against Sele. He would be back once she had learned the truth he claimed.

Sele called her master back and explained the situation in full. The Hutt confirmed that Dreldo was not acting  on the orders of the Hutt Council at all and had to be trying to use that as leverage to get himself or someone else and foothold in the ship. Taking this information to the group, Sele decided that the best way to rid themselves of the Toydarian would be to over emphasize the Empire's role in setting up The Legacy, Koro donned his Inquisitorius robes as Draigo and Sev donned the seized stormtrooper armor from the COMPNOR station.

Dreldo returned the next day as he promised, asking if Sele had "gotten smart yet?". Sele'Vida led the Toydarian and his guards into the casino where the rest waited for them. Dreldo was not pleased at the sight of stormtroopers and an official of the Empire being one of the primary shareholders. Negotiations turned into threats until Navik pulled a gun from nowhere and grabbed Dreldo in a headlock. Pressing the muzzle to Dreldo's temple, the Rodian coolly explained that there was no way he was going to let the Toydarian take his casino.

Dreldo's guards were not prepared for Sev's team to flank them and surrendered their weapons. Dreldo when confronted by Sele'Vida's information withdrew his claim that he was acting for the Hutt Council and was merely trying to get his master a cut of the deal. Sele told Dreldo to buzz off and that if she ever saw him again, it would be a mistake he might not live to regret. Navik was much more blunt, calling Dreldo a "little blue bastard"; he simply stated if he saw Dreldo again... ever, he would kill him in the most inventive way possible.

With the Toydarian now angry and screaming profanities at the Twi'lek and Rodian, Navik pistol whipped Dreldo and ordered the guards to drag it back to whereever it came from. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief with Dreldo gone. Xol pondered a vision saying aloud, "I don't think that we've seen the last of him."

At last, the time came for The Legacy's first flight. After 4 months of repairs, refits, and upgrades; the ship was ready to launch. A carefully selected crew was hired to run the ship while Candobar supplied some of his best engineers to oversee maintenance. Planning the leg of the ship's first cruise, the group decides that Corellia would be the best location to begin. Just as things seemed settled, Candobar sends a message that some of the last high end supplies they ordered had been stolen en-route by a group of pirates. Spoiling for a good fight, the group decides to reclaim their property. Sele'Vida is given charge of the ship while the rest load up on The Sarlacc, two Z-95 Headhunters, and Koro's ETA-2 Actis Interceptor to combat the pirates.

Taking the information provided by Candobar, the group locates the pirate's base carved inside a comet. The pirates scramble several fighters, but there is an oddity to their behavior. Still, the pirates are quickly dealt with. Xol uses the ion cannons on The Sarlacc to shut down one fighter and undertakes a space walk to pull the Weequay pilot from his disabled ship.

As the group navigates the tunnel entrance into the comet base, Draigo throws the Weequay into a cell and begins to question him. The Weequay is silent, refusing to talk. Draigo explains that if the pirate doesn't talk, Draigo is going to break the pirate's knee.

The Weequay laughs at Draigo, claiming that he won't fall for a bluff. He then spits on the Mandalorian. Draigo proceeds to kick in the pirate's knee, explaining "I never bluff. When I tell you what will happen if you don't talk, I mean every word of it. Now, let's try this again or you lose the other knee."

Through tears of pain, the Weequay explains that they never stole the cargo. When they captured the ship, there was no cargo, just a shipload of death. Draigo pushed harder, learning that the pirates had been paid to specifically target that ship as well. After rendering the prisoner unconscious and setting his knee, Draigo notified the others that this was a trap.

In the hangar, the group discovered a large amount of material goods the pirates had stolen. A large number crates were marked with Imperial Military insignia and contained Madalorian beskar. Karl convinced the group to load as many of the beskar crates into The Sarlacc as possible. Exploring the hangar further, the group locates a blast door that has blood seeping out from beneath it. Despite, Draigo's warning the group chooses to open the doors. At the threshold lies a dead Weequay pirate, bleeding from several nasty cuts to the abdomen.

Beyond the door, lay a darkened room and a voice beckoning them forward. The room seemed to be some type of commissary with a raised area near two turbolifts. The voice told the group it had a message to give them and they must enter to receive it. Koro moved forward followed by Null and Navik. Xol and Karl hung back while Draigo refused to enter the room.

Small lights come on throughout the room, revealing a black hooded figure to whom the voice belonged. He reiterated that he would not give the message if everyone was not in the room. Draigo countered that he could hear just fine from where he was. Annoyed, the dark figure gestured at the door and it began to quickly close.  Koro quickly reacted grabbing the door with the Force and holding it open.

Undaunted, the figure signaled several assassins who attacked the group. Not being able to hold the doors, Koro called out for Draigo to get in or walk away. Not balking at Koro's challenge, the Mandalorian jumped through the space grabbed an assassin and held him in the gap. At Draigo's signal, Koro let go of the doors, bisecting the assassin. As the fight began, another figure stepped forward from the shadows and began to aid the group. A slight Zeltron woman had joined their cause for the time being.

The dark figure showed his true power, that of a Force user. Claiming to be Sith, he attacked the group with a barrage of Force powers, but was forced to retreat in the face of an assault by Koro's lightsaber. He would flee to one of the turbolifts, escaping to a higher level of the base. The group would use the time to men their wounds and confront their new ally. The Zeltron, Sian, was an assassin and bounty hunter of sorts. She had been hired to kill the dark figure. The group was fine with her aide and went about re-opening the blast doors to give them easy access to their ships.

Following the dark figure up the turbolift, the group found him in another much larger hangar. The figure welcomed them and told them to follow so he could deliver the message. Leading the group into his Action IV   transport, everyone circled around a holo-projector. The message was from his employers.

Dreldo appeared with the casino of The Legacy in the background. He applauded the group for surviving and for being so determined to keep out his employers. They had succeeded too well, so plans had to be changed. Koro scoffed at the Toydarian, claiming the Hutts would never cross the Empire like this. Navik pointed out that Dreldo probably has other employers and those were where his true loyalties lay. Dreldo applauded Navik for showing some intelligence, saying he actually worked for Black Sun. To add insult to injury Dreldo complimented him on the casino he built that the Toydarian now owned. Navik coolly stated that the Toydarian was living on borrowed time and he would collect it real soon.

Dreldo laughed off Navik's threats saying the real message was coming from his partner in this. The holo shifted to the bridge of The Legacy, showing Corellia through the view ports and an empty carbonite container propped against one wall. Stepping into the shot was Jopal. The proclaimed Sith, taunted Xol and Draigo for their attempt at capturing him. Black Sun had helped him escape Star's End for a second time. He explained that the computer core of The Legacy contained specialized data that was needed for specific projects. When asked why he had tried to brought in the assassin and felt the need to steal The Legacy, Jopal  stated that he need unrestricted access to the computer core, something the group was not willing to give him. As to the assassin, he shrugged saying that one good turn deserved another. One of their group had tried to kill him and he repaid the favor. In that same spirit, he would have another surprise coming to them and that he was just stalling them until it arrived.

Raising his blaster slightly, Draigo quickly shot the dark assassin in the head, killing him. Jopal seemed taken back at the action. Draigo placed his finger on the comm switch and locked eyes with Jopal. "You are going to die and my laughter is the last thing you will ever hear. Mando'ade shab'rud'ni! [Don't *expletive* with Mandalorians!] Draigo then stabbed the comm button and headed back toward The Sarlacc.

When asked why he did that, Draigo points out that he just saved them if they act swiftly. Jopal was stalling for time, if they leave immediately they can't escape the surprise he planned. Sian is angry with the Mandalorian as he just cost her thousands of credits, but Xol advises not to raise the issue. Null, Navik, and Sian decide to steal the assassin's ship. Draigo jumps into one of the Headhunters while Xol and Karl board The Sarlacc. Koro retrieves his fighter as well.

As Null pilots the Action IV out of the other hangar, an Imperial ship arrives in their path. Draigo convinces the group to head for a safe harbor, Mandalore. Using the comet and its dust tail as a sensor screen, the group is able to hide while plotting their hyperspace jump. Null's freighter is hailed on an open channel by the Imperial ship. Opting to not use the holocam, he leaves it on voice only. Sethrin's voice rings out, announcing his position as Mankrus' apprentice. He questions whether the group is trapped on board the comet as agreed. Null gets Sian to reply that they were and the frieghter is headed out per the agreement. Sethrin confirms his orders there and allows the Action IV to leave.

As everyone regroups at an abandoned compound on Mandalore, the group weighs the situation and laments the loss of their hard earned ship. As Null inspects their stolen ship he finds a profitable secret, the Action IV belongs to Black Sun and contains unrestricted access to the syndicate's computer network. With that and fifteen crates of Mandalorian beskar, the group has the beginnings for revenge or to start anew. The future is in motion...