Episode 2 - An Ever Present Shadow

Dramatis Personae

Cyrus "Koroban" Starfel; Jensaari Ring Defender, Former Inquisitor (Miraluka male)
Draigo "Patch" Orade; Mandalorian Protector, Mercenary (Human male)
Dreldo; Black Sun Operative (Toydarian male)
Fenn Shysa; Mandalore, Mercenary (Human male)
Jerec; High Inquisitor, Former Jedi, Sith Disciple (Miraluka Male)
Jopal; Dark Jedi, Black Sun Operative (Shi'ido male)
Lara Forto; Jedi (Human female)
Mankrus; Dark Jedi, Former Inquisitor (Cyborg-human male)
Min'ull'tann "Null"; Chiss Ascendancy Spy (Chiss male)
Navik; Gunslinger (Rodian male)
Palpatine; Emperor, Dark Lord of the Sith (Human male)
Sele'Vida; Representative of the Hutt Council (Twi'lek female)
Sera Creel; Sith Apprentice, Emperor's Hand (Human female)
Sethrin; Inquisitor Acolyte, Force Sensitive Martial Artist (Zabrak male)
Sian; Assassin (Zeltron female)
Teek; Bounty Hunter (Ewok female)
Xol Paan; Baran Do Sage, Sector Ranger, Captain, The Sarlacc (Kel-Dor male)

Episode 2 - An Ever Present Shadow
The Legacy Group is divided. Each plans a different course of action in response to Jopal's theft of their ship. Karl is done with the group and leaves to pursue bounty hunting. Navik wants revenge on Dreldo and desires to reclaim what is his. Using the Black Sun network, Null decides to leave to pursue a grudge against a bounty hunter named Dengar. Xol offers what comfort he can to the group, but is concerned for the plans Jopal holds and the fate of Sele'Vida.

Koroban washes his hands of the Empire entirely, embracing his previous role as a member of the enigmatic Jensaari. He advocates the systematic destruction of Jopal and Dreldo to reclaim their ship. Draigo takes a darker approach. His main concern is getting Sev off the ship, then denying it to Jopal. His intention is to rescue the clone before destroying the ship and its computer core. Meeting fierce opposition, Draigo throws down ultimatum that if the others are not willing to aid him he will do what he can to get the resources to enact his plan and kill Jopal. Teek agrees with the Mandalorian and expresses interest in learning more of the Mandalorian culture. The two also take their leave of the group after claiming their share of the beskar.

Koro, Xol, Navik, and Sian are left to wonder at the current turn of fate. Xol attempts to dissuade Draigo, but to no avail. The Mandalorian does offer a place to launder the beskar, with the Mandalore himself. Seeing no better option, the group takes the offer earning millions of credits; but supplying the Mandalorian resistance with tons of beskar ingots for a fraction of value.

Taking their newfound fortune and two ships, the group leaves their colleagues behind on Mandalore and head to Tatooine to meet the Car'das smugglers, whom Navik had met at the smuggler market nearly a year before. Arriving, Koro and Navik begin to shop to upgrade weapons and armor. Koro focuses on acquiring the parts to make a new lightsaber. Navik, having grown uncomfortable with "evil witch magic" of Koro and Jopal, finds an interesting creature among the smugglers' stock. The furry lizard costs him a one hundred thousand credits, but the smugglers prove to be correct it causes both Xol and Koro to be sickened within its presence.

While there, Koro and Xol sense a presence in the Force. As they do a crate topples off a large pile, cracking open to reveal a frightened girl about sixteen. While small and frightened, she holds a very large blaster and waves off the two Force-users saying she won't be taken back again. Xol notices the bruises and contusions on the girl, offering comforting words that she will be safe now. Koro feels a desire to train the girl to protect herself from the Empire, lest she be used like him.

Sian and Xol, take the girl aboard The Sarlacc and get her some food and water. Lara Forto, as she introduces herself, seems to be a barely contained wreck. Curious, Xol searches the holonet for records on the girl. What he finds is disturbing, but matches what the girl had told them and the items in her possession. Lara was marked as a person of interest on Ord Mantell in the violent assault of her father and the emptying of his bank account.

The group chooses to head down to Tatooine's surface, to Mos Eisley spaceport. Navik comments that he had been told correctly, this was the armpit of the galaxy. Celebrating their success and good fortune, the group sits down in a well known cantina for a nice meal. As Koro goes to the bar to get drinks, a group of thugs wander up to the booth. The leader slams a hand down on the table demanding the group leave "their table". Sian retorts that "their name" isn't on the table. The gang leader points to a rough carving etched in the plastic. Lara blinks "That's the first time that's ever happened! Our apologies, all yours."

Navik is unimpressed and lowers his menu to confront the thugs, when the leader steps back. "Its him, boys! It's that Navik with the bounty! Meathead, get over here and grab him!"

The thugs grab at Sian and Lara while leveling a blaster in Xol's face. Navik pulls both pistols to a shout of "No blasters! No blasters!" from the bartender. A giant Gammorean answers to the leader's call trundling over from the bar. Koro, hearing the shouts, leaps in his way and ignites his lightsaber. The previously unconcerned patrons now flee as they know trouble has begun.

The leader grabs at Lara, but she ducks beneath the table. In anger, the leader smashes the table in half only to be shot in the face by Xol. Sian tackles one of the goons, stabbing him with an alchemical sword. The two square off blade to blade. Navik begins to fire wildly through the thugs that now seem interested in helping the Gammorean fighting Koro. The Jensaari digs into his anger and begins to Force Choke the Gammorean.

As one of the thugs tries to stab Koro in the back, but is killed when the broken table slams into him at high velocity. A shell-shocked Lara stare wide-eyed at the destruction she just caused. Xol and Sian pick her up and make for the door. The Gammorean proves resilient to the choking so he is thrown out the front door. The group walks out to find him getting up oinking angrily at Koro. He points at the group as ten bystanders turn around and level weapons. A Togorian brandishing a vibro-ax and a Trandoshan with a large sword approach Koro and Navik as the other eight open fire on Xol, Sian, and Lara.

Koro charges the Togorian, using his skill with a lightsaber to swiftly dispatch the foe. The Trandoshan performs a flourish with his weapons hissing a challenge at his Rodian target. Navik pulls a blaster pistol in the blink of an eye and kills the Tradoshan in one shot.

Xol returns fire while trying to drag Lara to safety. Taking a hit to shoulder, his grunt of pain snaps Lara out of her state. Screaming for the thugs to go away, she lets loose a wave of Force energy that slams them to the ground and knocks them unconscious. The girl collapses again, this time in tears. Sian helps her up as Xol covers their escape back to The Sarlacc. Koro and Navik spot the Gammorean getting away further down the street. The two steal a speeder bike and give chase. Using its blaster, they do no lasting damage to the tough creature.

After swatting at them as they strafe him, the Gammorean is able to land a blow on the side of the bike unseating Navik. Koro spins the bike around and bails off after jamming the deadman's switch. The bike slams into the Gammorean and explodes. Both Navik and Koro are horrified to see the brute stagger to its feat. Koro contemplates calling in his starfighter to hit the creature with a proton torpedo. Navik pulls his pistols and opens fire at the on-coming creature. As the blasters stagger it more, Koro lifts the Gammorean and slams it into the ground with the Force. It does not get up again.

The two make their way back to their ships battered, but curious as to what was going on. Koro goes to check on Lara. He and Xol argue about telling the girl what is going on with her powers, deciding that they should both do it and offer her the chance to choose her own path. Lara initially wants nothing to do with the Force saying she had used it to kill her father. Xol informs her that her father survived, but deserved worse. Koro points out that it is only dangerous because she has not learned how to control it. Taking this under advisement, Lara decides to accept their offer.

Koro brings up the issue of the attack on them in the cantina. The thugs recognized Navik too quickly. Xol suggests that they get on the holonet and find an active bounty list from the Bounty Hunter's Guild. Crowding around the holonet transceiver on the Black Sun freighter, the group sees a large problem. Koro, Navik, and Xol are listed by name as having bounties posted by Dreldo. Karl, Teek, Null, Sele'Vida, and Draigo also have matching bounties. Sian jokes that at least she and Lara are safe, but is forced to ear crow as two new bounties are posted for them. Lara panics accusing the group of getting her into trouble, but is calmed by Xol. The bounties are a revenge tactic and an efficient one at ten thousand credits per head.

Leaving Tatooine, the group heads for lesser parts known while they wait for their orders from the Car'das smugglers. In the three months they must wait, Lara proves to be quite the student; rapidly learning all that Xol and Koro offer her. Koro gives her a lightsaber and begins to teach her the fundamentals of the weapon. In that time, Xol begins to experience dark visions and sees a fleeting shadow lurking in the Force.

After picking up some of their items, the group is forced to wait a few more weeks for the rest of their gear as well as ordering some new things. Lara chooses an old deactivated R2 unit to buy and fix up. Navik receives his creature and a backpack frame to allow him to wear it.

As the group heads out, a pod race on Malastare catches Koroban's eye. Investigating the race, he gets the notion of a way to multiply their significant credit account. He will pilot a pod in the race and have the group bet heavily on him to win. However, his plans hit a snag in that he has no vehicle. Convincing Xol to search impound lots, he finds one that will suit his needs. Using Xol's credentials and an application of the Force, Koro frees up the pod, but discovers a snag... it requires two people to operate. A pilot and a mechanic were needed.

Lara as an able mechanic was immediately set upon by Koro, trying to convince the girl to race with him. Xol, becoming increasingly fatherly toward the girl, forbids it. As the two argue again about Lara, the girl steps in and chooses to help Koro as it can help everyone if they win.

As the group argues with the race organizers about participation and sponsorship, a familiar face gives them assistance. Sele'Vida helps them enter the race and clears them quickly to participate. When asked of what happened on The Legacy, she waves off the question saying that she was able to make her escape and that her master saw to her safety. Thankful that their friend is alive and unharmed, the group concentrates their attention on getting ready for the race. Lara's attention to detail along with some surprising knowledge of the racing circuit from Sele leave the group with a ready to go racer.

Koro tries to get Lara to mediate and center herself in the Force, but is met with resistance as Lara still shy away from meditating on the Action IV or The Sarlacc. One feels dark and tainted, the latter with a feeling of despair and pain. Xol is concerned especially when Lara points to one area... the cell where Draigo had tortured Jopal and the Weequay pirate.

As the race is set to begin, Lara and Koro do a last minute check of  the pod. Both of them chase off a rude Dug that was snooping around their pod. The Dug, another driver, curses at Lara saying another human isn't going to beat him. She angrily retorts that he'll be sorry if he messes with her. Jumping in the pod, she calms herself down and begins to relax using the meditation stuff Xol and Koro had taught her. She centers herself in the Force, ready to go.

The rest of the group is sitting in the stands with a viewing screen. As Sian walks up to the seats, she overhears a conversation between two pit crew for the Dug that confronted Lara. The two refer to several booby traps placed along the course that they can trigger on their boss' signal. The two have also sabotaged many other pods in order to ensure victory.

Reporting the two to Xol, Navik, and Sele'Vida, the group rushes into action to stop the explosives from being set off. As they go to call Koro and warn him, the race begins drowning out their warning. The four then storm the pit row to find the culprits in order to protect their friends.

As the race begins, the dual pod gets an exceptional launch despite being on the back row. Within seconds, Koro has positioned them into 3rd place. As he jockeys for position, the track splits into two lines. An outside curve with no hazards, but is longer distance and an inside hazard filled tunnel. Choosing to follow the race leader, the Dug, Koro takes the tunnel. Lara gives the pods an extra bit of momentum and the gap narrows. Passing briefly through the tunnel, Lara glimpses something odd... small repair droids placing something along the tunnel walls. Puzzled, she notifies Koro, who feels danger in the Force.

The two push on and weather several slams from their opponent, one of which forces the pod to lose ground. While falling back to 3rd place, the 2nd place contender experiences some "malfunction" and one of his control cable separates from the pod from the car. Koro deftly dodges the possible collision as Lara is able to stabilize the damage the pod racer had taken. Gunning it, the two catch up and boost past the Dug. Not to be outdone, the wily leader accelerates trying to intimidate Lara by having each pod on either side of her seat. The girl set her jaw in defiance, giving Koro a burst of speed and the instructions to flash his vents. The maneuver worked with the Dug being dropped back and blasted with super-heated air.

Sian and Navik split from Xol and Sele to cover ground faster. The Zeltron and Rodian find the two saboteurs and confront them at blaster point. The two deny any knowledge of wrong doing and signal for track security. Xol and Sele arrive and begin to question the two, finding numerous holes in their story. As track security arrives, Xol extracts a confession from them. They programmed little repair droids found all over the track to carry small limpet mines into the mid tunnel to collapse it. Being taken away, they give security their detonator.

Xol and Sian request that security stop the race, but the guards shrug it off saying that the race is almost over as the third lap is about to begin. Horrified, the two look on to see Koro and the Dug battling closely for 1st place. As both round the starting point, the Dug boosts forward and heads for the tunnel. He flips a rude gesture at Koro, who boosts as well giving chase.

As they are about to enter the tunnel, Xol is able to get through to them... the Dug had mines placed along the tunnel walls! Lara and Koro look in horror as the mines activate on a slight delay. Reaching out with the Force, Koro throws any mines in front of them behind the the racer. Lara pushes the engines nearly to the critical level to get them out faster.

As the tunnels explodes, Xol and the rest fear the worst. The Dug escaped easily, but from the cloud of debris shoots Kor and Lara. With the engines red-lining, they enter in the final turn. The dug pulls one last surprise, throwing an object at one of their engine's intakes. Lara is barely able to catch the action and relaxes in the Force. She is able to telekinetically grab the item and throw it back at the Dug. The object strikes the power coupling between his two engines right as the Dug is pulling a tight turn. The coupling is broken just for a second, but it causes the engines to not move together. Both engines collide together, throwing the pod off to the side of the track. Koro and Lara cross the finish line, having won the race. As the group enjoys their fame and credits on Malastare, a dark dread seeps into Xol. Koro is the first Miraluka to win a pod race while Lara is noted as being the second ever human to do so. On curiosity, Xol looks over the records of the sport. The only other human to win a podrace was a boy named Anakin Skywalker, a name Xol remembered from the Clone Wars as a famous Jedi Knight. Scared for Lara's safety, Xol urges the group to head elsewhere.

Koro agrees that they should, there are other pod races and he and Lara made a great team. Lara is skeptical  about the keeping the pod they "borrowed". But doesn't hold it against Koro if he wants to continue. Xol pulls Koro to the side and explains the situation. While they may have Black Sun bounties, it is the Empire that will come for Koro (a rogue inquisitor) and Lara (a powerful Force sensitive). He asks Koro if fame and wealth are worth Lara's freedom, something he had invested himself in already.

The Mirluka concedes, deciding that there are other ventures that can be pursued. The group heads back to Tattooine to wait for the rest of their gear and lay low. During the travel, Xol experiences a nightmare. A dark shadow stands over Lara staring at her as she sleeps. Rushing to where Lara bunked down, there is nothing there. Xol feels a cold tinge in the air and laughter echoes at the edge of earshot. The Kel-Dor fears for the girl and what could possibly be haunting her.

Over the next several days, Lara wakes up with excruciating headaches. She's a bit on edge, but nothing is different in Xol's eyes. Koro begins to teach her how to use a lightsaber. In a few short lessons, she has proven adept with the Jedi weapon. To his eyes, she instinctively uses a highly specialized form of Soresu naturally. The Jensaari shrugs it off giving Lara a lightsaber he had taken from the Dark Jedi assassin Draigo killed in the pirate base. She proudly accepts the gift and hangs it on her belt.

Picking up the last of their gear from the Car'das smugglers, the group heads down to Tattooine's surface to Mos Espa to relax and keep low.


Elsewhere in the galaxy, two figures stand looking at the hologram of an Inquisitor Acolyte. Sethrin clenches a fist tightly. "Then we are agreed, the sum of two million credits will be transferred to your account upon providing me the exact location of this fugitive, Koroban. We know he was last seen on Tattooine. I want him alive... no disintegrations."

One of the figures, a male Bloodcarver, nods slowly. "As you wish."

The other, a female Nagai, crosses her arms. "It'd just be easier to blast him. How do you want us to hold him? Anything special we need to know?"

Sethrin shakes his head. "Stun him, trap him, seduce him... whatever! Activate your com to my channel. I will be waiting in orbit for your signal. Just stay near him and I will take care of the rest."

The Bloodcarver squints at the hologram. "You're the guy paying the check. Consider it done. You shouldn't have to wait more than few hours."

"See to it! I am not a patient man. Sethrin out!"

The blue image disappears and the two bounty hunters look at each other. The Nagai moves to the controls of their ship. "Something stinks about this. The Empire's never screwed us over, but I've heard some stories lately. I don't trust this 'Inquisitor Sethrin'. Guy looked like a kid."

The Bloodcarver bobbed his head in thought. "Those were Inquisitoral codes, so the kid is Empire. The real question is what the Jedi Hunters want with this guy Koroban. Sounds like they are setting us up on sleemo Jedi."

"Well, the holonet shows Black Sun has a stake in this Koroban for Thirty-K. For two million, I'll test my luck on a Jedi. Besides, we don't even have to capture him... just stand tail him and active a comm. Should be easy credits."

"Too easy. Something always goes wrong when the job is too easy."

The Nagai leans over and punches the Bloodcarver in the arm, "Don't jinx it with that kind of talk!"

The two laugh as they enter the ship accelerates into hyperspace, course set for Tattooine.


Landing in Mos Espa, the group stays low key hoping that no Black Sun operatives learn of their presence until after they leave. Cyrus seems restless and nervous, but cannot place why. Navik keeps to the darkened corners to avoid detection. Xol and Sian share a meal at an outdoor cafe while keeping an eye out for trouble. Lara wanders the shops with Tweaker, looking for upgrades for the droid.

Lara slips away and finds an secluded location. Entering a holonet code, Tweaker begins holo-transmission to an older Miraluka in black and red robes. Lara is greeted by High Inquisitor Jerec, who receives her report about Koroban and his defection from the Empire. The two argue about the next course of action, but Jerec is put in his place by Lara. She makes one request of Jerec, she needs Koroban's Inquisitor credentials reactivated, but adjusted to to her instead. Lara cites that the credentials will aid her in the next step of her plan. Jerec capitulates and warns her that if she fails, he will not take any blame in the matter. Cutting the transmission, Lara hears Koro's voice raised outside. Something has begun.


The blood Carver and Nagai survey Mos Eisley with a wary eye. The information they had received claimed that their target had caused much of the damage they had seen. Concerned, the two head to a contact at the spaceport. For a decent payment, the two learn that ships matching the description of Koroban's transports were seen docking at Mos Espa.

Stealing a swoop bike, the two head out across the Judland Wastes to Mos Espa.

Arriving in the small town, a few greased palms points them toward their target. The two approach cautiously, but are spotted by Koroban. The Miraluka draws his lightsaber and warns the two that he does not want to kill them, but WILL if they choose to attack. The Nagai pulls a blade, but Koro reaches out with the Force telling her to "drop it". She complies, but the Blood Carver pulls his comm and activates the signal. He tells Koro that they were supposed to find him, nothing more.

Koroban looks puzzled until two an Imperial assault shuttle screams overhead. The craft lands behind him and the ramp descends. Sethrin steps down and greets Koroban with contempt. He brandishes a lightsaber on his belt, one that had originally belonged to Koroban when he was captured by the Inquisitorius.

Sethrin tells Koroban that Mankrus has taught him the ways of the Force, using his anger at Koroban to make himself powerful. Koro questions why Sethrin wanted revenge in the first place. The Zabrak ignites his lightsaber, "Because you made me feel helpless that day we met! Killing you will put that right."

Lara watches from a window in the shop and comms the others about Koro's situation. Sian and Navik arrive weapons ready. Xol is more cautious confronting the bounty hunters. The Blood Carver and Nagai are speechless as Koro and Sethrin begin to duel in the street. As Sian and Navik look to intercede, six Imperial storm troopers bearing the markings of the 501st Legion descend the ramp of the assault shuttle. They cover everyone as a squad of regular storm troopers and their lieutenant show up.

Seeing that they have been possibly betrayed, the two bounty hunters pull their weapons and enter the stand off. Lara slices into the Imperial comm channel and recites an authorization code. The Lieutenant can be seen near panic as he responds to some comm message. Lara orders him to stand down and be prepared to place Sethrin under arrest should he win the duel. turning back to the group's frequency, she tells them that if a storm trooper attacks then he it is okay for him to die.

Xol is puzzled about this, but Lara allays his fears. She tells him to get The Sarlacc and be ready to escape fast.

Koroban and Sethrin battle back and forth in the duel, delivering savage attacks designed to kill in one strike. The two manage a terrifying pace as the blades cross several times in the span of seconds. Sethrin begins to pull martial arts maneuvers out to unbalance Koroban, but the Mirluka's cortosis armor proves to be an equalizer. The two combatants eventually lock sabers, trying to out leverage each other. Koroban uses his greater strength to drive Sethrin back, delivering a powerful blow to the Zabrak.

Sethrin withdraws and orders the storm troopers to kill Koroban and the others present. Lara shakes her head and orders them to stand down. the 501st ignore her command and take aim at the Navik and Sian. Sethrin flys into a rage as Koroban attempts to re-engage the duel. Locking eyes with Lara, Sethrin's bottom lip trembles. His begins to claw at his eyes and scream in terror. Unswayed by Sethrin's bizarre behavior, Koroban decapitates his opponent. He bends down and collects his lightsaber from the dust.

The 501st attack the group, but are quickly eliminated by the Blood Carver, Nagai, Sian, and Navik. As they turn toward the squad of storm troopers, the Lieutenant tells them they have orders not to engage them and that they are free to go. The group scrambles away quickly as The Sarlacc arrives. Lara tells the Lieutenant over the comm to send Sethrin's pieces back to Mankrus along with a note of who Sethrin had crossed.

As Lara moves toward The Sarlacc, she clutches her head in pain. Stumbling, she falls face down in the street. Sian pulls the girl into the ship. Xol drops the group at the Action IV and the ETA-2's hangars. They rendezvous back at the smuggler's station to take stock of the situation. Sethrin is dead, Lara is unconscious, and no one knows what is happening.

The Blood Carver and Nagai speed back toward Mos Eisley. They are also confused as to what went down, but they do know that Sethrin betrayed them and that they are owed 2 million credits. As they debate whether that can be collected, the two remember the blonde girl from the scene. She had bossed around the storm troopers at the end, so she had to be an Imperial agent. "Maybe she can get us that 2 million credits."

The group ponders what to do next. Despite moving on, it seems that the Empire is still moving against them. Xol's concern is turned toward the comatose Lara. He feels a dark shadow looming around her, but in his dreams he feels her presence fighting against that shadow. After a few days, she wakes up with little memory of Koroban's duel or Tattooine in general.

Koroban and Navik receive a holo-call from Jopal. He claims he has retrieved what he wished from the Legacy and that he is willing to return it to them. He will meet them above Imperial Center in two days time to hand over the ship. Navik and Koroban smell a trap, but know that the only way to get their ship back will be to disarm the trap before they are caught in it.

Letting the group know the situation, the ships jump for Imperial Center.