Tuesday, November 22, 2011


((started up a new one so we don't have too many comments to scroll through))

Xol narrows his eyes ((that you can't even see)) at Sera as she walks away.

"Oh ok," Set says happily. "Thank you," he calls out as Sera walks off.

Xol puts a hand on Set's back to lead him down the hall in the opposite direction of where Sera is headed. "Hutts, big slimy creatures, aren't terribly interesting and neither is Nar Shadda...it's all dingy with less than nice people...we are simply going there to pick up a friend."

"Oh yuck," Set says as he walks with Xol to the cargo area.

"Are we going to watch Ti?" Set asks bouncing.

Xol takes a seat on the floor away from and facing Ti and Cyrus. Set goes to sit down next to Xol, but Xol gently spins him around so Set has his back to the training and is sitting across from and facing Xol.

"But I can't see!" Set whines.

"We are going to practice calming your mind and focusing," Xol says.

Set listens to the sounds of the light saber and squirms a bit. "Can we go some where quiet then? It's hard to think..."

"If we go some where quiet and "easy" how will you learn, practice, and get better at this?"

Set sighs as he has no answer to Xol's question.

"Try and listen past the sound..." Xol says, watching Set fight his urge to get up and run around, and he fights his own urge to chuckle at Set's efforts to try and do his best.

Monday, November 21, 2011

RP1 Continued from Facebook group....

"That is not part of a sages training," Xol says to Cyrus. He chuckles a bit and continues, "We were originally known for our expetise at predicting the waether."

"And I'm sure the rhodian is up to no good...I just hope we don't all have to end up paying for it..."

"When can I tell the weather?" Set pops up next to Xol. "Does it snow in space? Or rain? How hot is the sun? This is only my," he thinks and counts on his fingers, "my third time on a ship..."

"So many questions...did you finish eating?" Xol asks.

"Can I have desert?" he pokes Xol's arm a bit.

"Of course!"