Monday, November 21, 2011

RP1 Continued from Facebook group....

"That is not part of a sages training," Xol says to Cyrus. He chuckles a bit and continues, "We were originally known for our expetise at predicting the waether."

"And I'm sure the rhodian is up to no good...I just hope we don't all have to end up paying for it..."

"When can I tell the weather?" Set pops up next to Xol. "Does it snow in space? Or rain? How hot is the sun? This is only my," he thinks and counts on his fingers, "my third time on a ship..."

"So many questions...did you finish eating?" Xol asks.

"Can I have desert?" he pokes Xol's arm a bit.

"Of course!"


  1. "We each have our own ways, our own secrets, our own methods. And we each have our own ways of training these younglings. I dont even try to comprehend seeing the future though the force, and if you are able to not only do it but teach this skill, then you are more powerful then I imagined. No offence intended, mind you, your ways are just much more....subtle"

    At the sound of "desert", Ti slips away and follows set to get a desert. He takes a quick look around the room to make sure no one is looking, and pulls his lightsaber out. He holds it out to Set, Grinning from "ear" to "ear".
    n a hushed wisper, he says
    "Look! Master Cyrus gave me my own lightsaber!! He is even going to teach me how to use it! I feel stonger just holding it :D ! wanna see?"

  2. "Not offended at all," Xol says as he leans back in his chair and sips his drink. "Never thought you would have seen me as being powerful..."

    "It's a kel dors nature to think things though...deep in thought...and ponder things carefully."

    Set looks at the light saber. "I never thought I'd be this close to one!" he says as he sort of hugs his pouched desert in excitement.

  3. "Me either" Ti says. I didnt expect it to be this heavy either!"

    He rolls it around in his hands, and then hands it to Set while he gets his desert"

  4. In the background, Lara extends a hand. Her cup floats over to the dispenser and it activates, filling with a steaming liquid. The cup then floats gently back to the table. At most, you see her move one eye from the schematic.

    "Based on previous experience with Navik... That or something equally insane. All I know is that I had better not find another something in the engine room disabling the hyperdrive this time."

  5. Set puts down the desert pouch and gingerly takes the light saber. He's a little afraid of accidentally cutting off a limb...

    ((Xol watches lazy ass bitch get a drink...))

    "Indeed...we don't need any more of that," Xol says as he watches Sera.

  6. "True. It may serve to investigate what he he is up to." Lara replies without batting an eye.

  7. Ti grabs his desert (a cake type thing, also in pouch/liquid form) and takes a takes a long "sip". He makes a weird face mid sip

    ~~~through the force~~~
    "See what Sera did Ti? Simple things like that are the path to the dark side. It may seem simple and meaningless now, but things like that add up"

    Ti shakes his head and says
    "That felt really weird master Cyrus, and kind of cold"

  8. Set tilts his head, wondering what Ti could be talking about. Feeling a little uncomfortable about the weapon, mostly coming from the fact that he hasn't the foggiest on how to work it, Set gives Ti the light saber back while grabbing his desert.

    "I can already tell we are going to learn very different things," Set says.

  9. A suppressed chuckle can be heard from across the room.

  10. After quite a bit of stuggle, Ti finally gets his saber re-"holstered".

    "Our training cant differ that much? Arnt you going to learn how to use a lightsaber?

    "Ah to be young. Their biggest concern is what kind of sweet treat to get. They have hardly any clue how aweful of a mess we really are in" Cyrus says to xol while looking at the two padawans.

  11. "I don't think..." Set pauses then calls to Xol from where he is, " um...Xol! Am I gonna use a light saber?"

    Xol looks away from Sera, he may need to keep a closer eye on her, and looks over to Set. "No Set you will not," he looks at Cyrus. "I am certain our situation is better than the situation we took them from."

    "Oh! I guess not," Set says to Ti with a little shrug.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. "True, I'm sure they dont know the extent of the danger that they were in" cyrus says

    "uh...master cyrus? Why dosnt Set get to learn how to use Light sabers?" Ti says it a worried tone

    "You know Ti, I dont actually know the answer to that. Xol, Care to share some light?" cyrus asks with a puzzled look on his face

  14. {I sense fear and concern focusing on me and your apprentice, Xol. Do not be overly concerned. I do not want him nor Cyrus'. Sith have to willingly choose to accept training. They have obviously not chosen it at any point.

    {Also, it is not my place to take an apprentice. Once I become the master, then it is right to seek out a worthy individual who willingly accepts the mantle of apprenticeship.

    {I do not trust the words of IMP-6. While those on that world might have given the younglings some Sith teachings, they are not true Sith. Trust me on that much.

    {So allay your fears. I will not seek to "corrupt" them. If they want me to fix something or need help with something like the food processor, I will be quite cordial.

    {But these feelings I sense from you are quite base and un-becoming. You might want to control them, before Set learns to pick up on them.}

    If Xol looks over at Lara, she will catch his eye and give a warm smile.

  15. Xol will catch Sera's smile and look away at Cyrus.

    "Your tradition and mine are quite different Cyrus. We are not warriors like you. The Baran Do tradition is focused on meditation and deep thought rather than action and combat. We don't use light sabers or other weapons besides our knowledge of what is to come."

    ((ok i cant post more cuz i'm spazzing from this coffee...))

  16. "Well, this lunch has been most enlightening, however it is time for instruction. Feel free to join us. Im curious to learn more about the baren do. It would be a learning session for both my student and myself. Now if you will excuse me." Cyrus Stands up and takes the demolished platter to the disposal unit. Ti Waves goodbye to Xol and Set, and leaves the room on Cyrus's heels.

    After about 10 mins of shifting some of the cargo boxes around, Cyrus steps into the makeshift arena and ignites his saber.

    "Lightsaber Combat, is as much an art style as it is a form of combat....

  17. Sera stretches her arms an back, before gesturing with one hand. At her command the dishes in front of her gently float over to the cleaning unit.

    Closing down the datapad, she smiles politely at Xol and Set and begins to move toward the door. She pauses briefly, sticking her head back in.

    "Oh, to answer your questions, Set. There is no atmosphere in space, its what holds the air on a planet and helps cause weather. So, no. No rain, snow or even clouds in space.

    "Also there are many different suns out there and each is unique, just like people. The sun of the system we are going to is called Y'toub and it is a large yellow star. So its probably about 6,000 degrees hot!

    "Ask Xol to let you look up more about Y'toub and the worlds in the system. A lot of interesting people live there, including the Hutts. The place we're going to is the moon Nar Shaddaa, where every inch is entirely covered by one giant city. You ought check it out."

    Sera tosses a two-fingered wave at the two Kel-Dor. "Later, kiddo. I'll be in the workshop until reversion, Xol. If you see Tweaker, send him to the bridge."
