Thursday, April 12, 2012

Not Infinties

Xol lets go of Set and slowly gets up off the floor. "I need to stop getting shot at..." He pats Set's head before going back to the mirror.

Set exhales quickly and stands up too. "Maybe I'll go find you slobery thing you..."

((again...short...gotta get in the groove))


  1. Lara breathes deeply trying to push irritation from her mind. The Other's words cut more deeply than she realized.

    I'm not weak. I'm not.

    Pausing in her travel back to the Specter, the girl sees the training room. Flashes of memory come to her, not of her own time here, but of Sera's brutal sparring with Draigo.

    Feeling the weight of her lightsaber on her hip, Lara ponders the idea momentarily before stepping inside and taking the weapon in hand.

    This is the weapon of a Jedi. I keep telling myself I am still a Jedi, but am I just lying to myself. I need to find my limits and not pull from her...

    Igniting the blade, Lara closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Cyrus' lessons in The Sarlacc's hold appear in her mind. Slowly and clumsily, she steps through the basic kata of Soresu as Cyrus had taught her.

  2. Set wanders around the Sarlacc, having no luck finding the strill. "Hmmm...did you already escape into the bigger ship?" he mumbles to himself. He goes to head down the ramp out of the Sarlacc but stops and sits down at the top. Maybe he should wait for Xol. Who knows what might pop out of the walls or something else crazy like that. And what will he do if that happens?

    He nervously twiddles his thumbs, looking around. Naw...nothing is going to do that it? Maybe? Set jumps up and runs back into the depths of the Sarlacc.

  3. Must defend my friends, the people I care about. Can't fail them. Can't let the Other hurt them or anyone else. Especially not Xol and Set!

    Lara collapses on her back in the training room. Breathing heavily she lays there with her eyes closed. Looking inward she finds the darkness where Sera had sealed herself off. Lara frowns and pulls away.

    I ought to notify her. She should know of what's going on. The Other is a serious threat to her Empire. Something that she would seek to stop on that alone. But it seems more personal to me...

    Her thoughts are interrupted as something wet slurps its way across her face. Opening her eyes, a long purple tongue licks her face again. She stares up into what looks like a miniature sarlacc. Lara sits up and rubs the head of the familiar animal.

    "Hello to you to, Whid! How did you find your way over here? Is Xol with you?"

  4. Widdimur yawns, stretches, then lays over Sera's lap, enjoying the head rub for a bit.


    Set looks around the inside of the Sarlacc for Xol. How could he lose a kel dor AND a strill!? Not in front of the mirror, or on the couch, or eating anything. After a few more minutes, Set figures Xol is probably resting. He did take a beating. He always does. And Set never does anything to say thank you...He gasps. "I'm horrible...I should make him a breakfast...myself...breakfast in bed!"

    He heads to the Sarlacc's tiny kitchen and grabs a bowl then stops. "I don't know how to cook anything!" Set thinks for a few seconds before it finally comes to him.

    "I've seen Xol make..." Set gets three purple eggs. "Something with these. You break 'em." Crack. "Do you not eat this hard part? Naw...I've never bitten into anything crunchy with these." He gets rid of the shells and beats the eggs a little bit. "And I'm thinking now you heat them up..."

    "And he can't have just this..." Set looks down at the plate of what would be best described as soft scrambled eggs. He proceeds to get more food in an attempt to make the biggest, best breakfast in bed...

  5. Lara pets the strill for a few minutes before trying to budge it from her lap. After several unsuccessful attempts, the girl looks at the animal quizzically. "Having you been eating rocks? How is such a small animal so heavy? Come on, hop off."

    Widdimur looks at her for a few seconds before rolling over onto its back, proffering it's belly for rubbing.

    Lara sighs and laughs a little seeing the pleading look on the animal's face. "Oh alright. I shouldn't spoil you like this, but I'll scratch your tummy for you too. But when I'm done, I need to get up and get you back to Xol."
