Tuesday, January 3, 2012

RP 16-The Past

Xol stands up and stumbles a bit. "Well...I think I'm done...Or I should be done," he takes one last, long sip on his drink and then looks over at Set sadly. Set puts his data pad away and grabs Xol's hand. "Straight to bed!" Set commands. Xol nods as he slowly follows Set out who gives a quick wave to everyone.


  1. "I think we're done here too." Lara says turning for the door.

    "Also better to make sure Xol makes it back to his ship okay. Whatever he drank kicked him pretty hard."

    Lara leaves to catch up with both Kel- Dor.

  2. Set and Xol aren't moving along too quickly.

    "Come on come on," Set urges. "We'll never get there before you go flop."

    "If the floor stopped moving I'd be better," Xol mumbles. "But this time is much better than that first time...that drink needs a warning...sip...only."

  3. "Don't worry, Set. He'll get there, I'll see to that. Even if I have to float him down the halls." Lara says as she puts a securing arm around Xol's waist.

  4. "I already feel like I'm floating..." Xol says as he begins to walk faster now with the help of Lara. "Thank you..." Xol looks at Lara's eyes as best he can and squints. "...Ahh Lara...thank you."

  5. "Don't worry about getting it wrong for now. That little trick actually takes it out of us, for some reason if we change over during a meditation or sleep, we don't feel the effects.

    "Also, listen for the accent and that way she talks. Somehow only higher ups in the Empire talk like that."

  6. "I'll use more of my senses when I can remember how to use them," Xol chuckles. "That Navik and his concoctions..."

  7. "Think you should have stopped at one sip." Lara mutters.

    "Remember this, Set. Learn from Xol's and Sera's mistakes here and you will be fine."

  8. "But it was so good!"

    Set shakes his head. "I already know from just Sera...she had it really bad tho...so...hows that work? Did you feel sick too or something?" he scratches his head.

  9. "I think the horridness that became the bathroom was due more to the violent wake-up from that Force vision or dream...

    "Though what are you trying to get at, kiddo?" Lara says tightening arm around Xol's waist.

  10. "Well...aren't you both in there?" Set looks Lara up and down. "Somehow..."

    Xol tries to give Lara a hug and almost sends them both to the ground. He laughs. "Hmm bad idea...?"

    "Yes! Bad..."

  11. Lara uses the Force to gently prop Xol up before continuing.

    "Yes and no. I can't explain how it happened, just that it did. Everything around us is a part of the Force, Set. Your body is little more than a cup or box or container for the actual you, if I am remembering that Jedi lesson."

  12. "That makes sense...somehow..." The Sarlacc isn't too far off. "Should I vent that room? Or can you hold your breath to get him in there?" Set asks Lara, walking backwards ahead of her and Xol.

  13. "I'll be fine. If you are up for it, I can show you a neat little trick you can use." Lara says with a smile.

  14. "Sure," Set says happily and makes his way to the ship quickly. "What is it? And don't tell me it's floating that," he points to Xol.

  15. "That will take a lot of practice, this is something simple. How to hold your breath for a very long time. Useful if something happens to your mask."

  16. "Hey," Xol grumbles. "What are you trying to say? I'm fat? I'm not fat.....Am I?"

    Set giggles but doesn't answer Xol.

    "That's not an answer," Xol makes his way up the ramp.

    Set looks back at Lara. "That sounds like something useful." They get to the room with the Dorin atmosphere in it. Set hits a large button on the wall and the door slowly opens. The air is very still and doesn't look any different from any other air. Lara can assume the lack of any fans and the slowness of the door is to keep the atmosphere from really going anywhere else.

  17. Lara centers the Force and walks in. She lowers Xol to the bed and removes his breath mask. Waving goodbye she turns leaves the room.

    Once outside, she shuts the door and waits for Set.

  18. Xol waves back and flops down as the door closes.

    "Wow...you didn't rush or anything," Set says after watching Lara.

  19. Lara motions for Set to follow her to the lounge of the Sarlacc. She exhales there.

    "Didn't have to. Its an exercise that will allow me to hold my breath and my lungs will use less air during the duration. It won't last forever, but you will be able to outlast any normal person. Which is handy in certain dangerous situations.

    "Now let's try it, with your mask on. Here's how I go through with the mental preparation..."

    Lara spends the next few hours teaching Set the basics of Jedi breath control.

  20. "Wow! I thought once the door was closed you were done..."

    Set seems slow to pick up on the lesson initially and then surprisingly figures it out much faster than Lara would have thought based on his earlier attempts.


    "Do you think I'm ready to actually try," Set asks.

  21. "If you think so, give it a try. Just have your mask ready just in case." Lara says adjusting her position to help the child if he should falter.

    "Remember, you aren't going to be able to talk. But I will time you and let you know how well you do."

  22. Set nods, takes a few slow deeps breaths then slowly takes the mask off for all of about 10 seconds. He quickly puts it back on. He's laughing. "I'm sorry...I feel naked...Let's try again..." After a few seconds, he takes the mask off again. He's relaxed.

  23. Lara smiles in approval, nodding. "That's it."

  24. Xol finally appears and walks around the corner, groggy and looks up at a maskless Set. He gasps and runs forward to try and "save" him, maybe two steps before tripping over Widdimur who was taking up a nice chunk of walking room.

    Xol crashes to the floor. "Set...where is...your mask! Lara find it!" he says anxiously as he frantically tries to untangle himself from the strill. Set puts the mask back on and walks over to Xol. He's got Widdimur on his lap and a paw in each hand. "What...what's going on?" Xol asks confused and lets the paws go.

    ~Hrumph! Widdimur stomps off.

    "Lara taught me how to hold my breath long..."

  25. "Just teaching Set something useful. Jedi breath techniques." Lara responds with a sigh.

  26. Despite how red he naturally is, Xol seems to have gotten even more red.

    (huttese)"Damn kids. Giving me a heart attack. I've never been this...scatter brained. It's either the alcohol or the fact that I care so damn much..."(/huttese) he mutters, standing up and dusting himself off.

    Set looks at Xol confused. He has no idea what was just said. It sounded angry? Maybe?

    (dor)"I'm sorry..."(/dor) the little kel-dor lowers his head. (dor)"I didn't mean to make you mad...or make you fall...I..."(/dor)

    "Kiddo, I'm not mad," Xol pats Set's head. "I'm...embarrassed. I don't usually trip over fat strill."

    ~GASP! A shocked Widdimur pokes it's head out from the other room.

    Xol takes a seat near Lara. "You make me feel crazy sometimes," he says to Set as he motions for him to sit back down.

    "I'm sorry..." Set walks over and hugs Xol.

    "Don't be sorry. I think kids are supposed to make..." he thinks for a moment before continuing, "make parents feel crazy. You're doing your job. Now have a seat and show me what you learned."

    Set nods and gets comfortable again so he can continue with practicing.

  27. Lara looks at Xol for a second. "I don't remember Whid being fat, but it is a bit bigger now. odd."

  28. "Probably Set giving him junk food," Xol says.

    Set uses the Flow to speak since he can't use his mouth right now~"I don't feed him junk!"

    Xol folds his arms. "I'm a pretty hard being to lie to."

    Set puts the mask onto his face. "Am I a bad liar?"

    "Oh no...you can be a pretty good liar I'm sure. I'm just hard to lie to."

  29. Lara stands up and moves to the doorway. "Xol, why don't you time, Set. He's been working very hard and it'd be great for you to see his progress."

    The girl ducks out of the room and reaches out with the Force. Using it, she seeks out the strill, wondering what is the matter with the creature.

  30. Xol gets up and sits facing Set on the larger couch. He puts his hands on his own mask. Set spins on the cushion to face Xol and laughs. "So it's a race..." Set pauses. "Ok well not a race...um...er...you know what I mean!"


    Widdimur is laying on a huge pillow that is meant to be his bed, chewing on a bone...which is an unsettling shape...

    Besides looking the littlest bit chubby, he's not doing anything odd.

  31. Lara settles down next to the creature and pets it gently.

    "Whacha got their Wid? Whacha got there?"

  32. Widdimur doesn't growl or anything. Just stops chewing long enough for Lara to see that the bone looks a lot like a tibia.

  33. Lara pauses slightly and drops the cooing voice. "More importantly, where did you get that Widd? And from who?

    "Xol... I think you might want to see this."

  34. Xol walks in a few moments after Lara calls.

    "What is it?" he asks. After taking in the whole scene before him he says, "Oh that...I can't remember where he got that from. He's had it for a long time."

  35. "That is the leg bone of a humanoid creature, Xol. I understand that strills are supposed to be hunters, but I don't think that one bone is going to last a long time."

  36. "He doesn't usually chew on it," Xol stares at Widdimur as if he were examining the animal. "He just sort of licks it? Why he decided to try and finally eat it is beyond me."

    Set walks in now. "Hey what's going...oh ew that thing is so gross..."

  37. "And you're certain that there is not a skeleton somewhere in an access panel, that Widd has been snacking on?"

  38. "I'm sure. If that was the case the whole thing would have been out here. Widdimur doesn't hide his food...I er...I know this from experience."

  39. Lara looks quite skeptical at Xol.

  40. Xol shrugs. "Well...that one guy shouldn't have been trying to steal my ship? This one...it's pretty much looked like that when he dragged it aboard."

  41. "So the animal you watch over and take care of drags a dead humanoid's bones aboard your ship at some point and you don't stop to question where it got them? Nor do you use your authority to investigate the matter?

    "I don't think Widd would raid a museum or dig up a grave. And people tend not to just keep humanoid leg bones around where a strill or other animal can just take them."

    Lara seems to be getting a bit indignant at Xol's lack of concern.

  42. Xol leans against the wall. "Widdimur is more of a partner. And that was so long ago...when I was a different person...that I don't even remember...and it's probably better to leave it forgotten." He walks out of the room but doesn't go very far. He's leaning against the other side of the wall, his arms folded, grumbling in kel-dor.

  43. Lara folds her arms and sets her jaw. Turning back to Whid, she coos a little bit. "Gimme the bone, Wid. I'll get you something more tasty. Come on. Come on."

  44. Widdimur sort of gives the bone a kick toward Lara and looks expectantly at her.

    Set leans up against the wall where Xol was and then slides down it till he's sitting on the floor. "Why's everybody been cranky lately..." he sighs.

  45. Lara picks up the bone. "Let's get you something from the galley. Something tasty for Widd..." she coos at the strill.

  46. It wags hir tail and follows Lara. Set stays sitting on the floor and watches Lara and Widdimur walk off.

    "I'm sorry," Xol moves to the doorway when Lara leaves.

    Set pats Xol's foot and tucks his hands into his sleeves.

    "Stay good Set..."

  47. Lara punches in a combination on the auto chef for a rare bantha steak as half as big as Widdimur. She even tells it to leave the bone in.

    After a minute, the device gives her the slab of meat. She carefully puts it down in front of the strill. "Bon Apetite, Widd."

  48. Widdimur looks up at Lara, almost smiling and then practically dives into the food. To say the strill is a messy eater is an understatement. Xol is going to have one heck of a mess to clean up. The creatures jaws were obviously meant to tear at meat and crunch through bone.

  49. Lara takes the time to wrap the bone up and senak it to Xol's evidence locker. She makes sure that the locker can't be opened by a clever strill, before heading back to the galley to check on Widd.

  50. Lara walks on to a surprisingly clean floor. Widdimur is in the process of licking the last bit of mess up off the floor and has a decent chunk of clean white bone under hir paw. It looks up at Lara happily, licks its chops, then proceeds to carry the bone back to hir bed.

    "Bleh that one is even more gross than the last one," Set says when Widdimur comes back in.

    "Widdimur's a beast," Xol chuckles.

  51. "Well, at least it cleaned up the place afterward." Lara says somewhat stunned.

  52. Whenever Lara appears in the room again, Xol moves back out the door into the lounge area and sits at a chair that's sort of separate from the more social looking group of seats and puts his feet up on a foot stool.

  53. Lara returns and looks at Xol. "So you are telling me that you don't care where Widd got that from? Because I'd assume that a Sector Ranger would have been curious where his trusty companion was finding dead bodies."

  54. Xol sinks into the chair. (hutt) "Chances are he wasn't just "finding" dead bodies...most likely I was making them..."(/hutt)

  55. "That's horrible. As much as despise Jopal, I'm not going to let an animal remove part of him as a toy."

    Lara says still in basic.

  56. (hutt)"Like I said...I was different...enough....different enough when I was younger..."(/hutt)

  57. "You must have been different, cause I'm pretty sure not even Sera, at her worst, would stoop that low." Lara says turning away and walking out of the ship.

  58. Set is still sitting in the other room on the floor leaning against the wall. He's curled up with his knees up to his chin.

    He only understands what Lara is saying and he can only assume Xol is saying something he doesn't want Set to understand.

    It's quiet for a moment and then a whole lot of loud noise. Set crawls over to the door and peeks into the other room. Xol is sitting in the lonely chair, his forehead resting on his hands. The rest of the seats seem to have jumped across the room.

    "They all deserved it...that's all...they always do...some deserve worse...and I stopped dishing it out..."

  59. Lara pauses at the foot of the ramp. Maybe I was too hard on Xol. It seemed to be something personal to him, something old and still festering.

    She catches a reflection of Sera on the hangar floor. The girl shakes her head. "I killed a lot of people, only the first one was personal. I can tell you that WAS personal to Xol. He did something that made him feel it and it still haunts him. I was trained to detach myself from the mission, Xol never was."

    Lara sighs, turning around as a crash echoes inside The Sarlacc. Running back on board, she sees Xol and the wreckage of the furniture.

    Walking over, she leans down and gently places her hands on his. "Sera told me to come back and apologize."

    Shifting into a whisper, she says in Huttese "Do you want to talk about it? Whatever this is has been eating at you for a long time, Xol. Ignoring it is not going to make it go away or lessen."

  60. Xol doesn't look up. He just kind of presses his claws into his head a bit then relaxes.

    (hutt)"That whole thing with Widdimur...(/hutt)

    Again! That language! Set listens and only understands one word...Widdimur...

    "This is your fault?!" he angrily whispers at the confused strill and crawls off in the opposite direction to the helium room.

    (hutt)"I felt like they deserved it...I never told him to do anything like that...he was young and just kind of did...and I was past the point of caring. As long as I shot them down like I was supposed to, it didn't matter...after that mess on Dorin."

    "Thugs threatened and insulted my people...my family...my father was shot, my mother was terrified, so many things were stolen and when I had my chance to make it right...when I found out I could grab them from a distance, I messed up...and I was shot and beaten and insulted and a failure."(/hutt)

    He sighs. (hutt)"They got away. Years later when I became a Ranger, I had the "best" opportunity dropped into my lap. To go after the same thugs who were upgraded to murderers and who knows what else...and I had a ship, a blaster, and more skill. And I was getting paid."

    "When I found them and they started bringing up the past, I got so angry and figured out I can put the Flow into my shots and drop a guy with one bolt. That didn't help me because I ended up reliving the past beating." (/hutt)

    Xol's hands begin to shake. (hutt)"And that guy with the dagger...I must have snapped his neck and my hands were being held behind my back...and then I shot them all in the back as they ran and I laughed...I won" (/hutt)

    Xol takes his goggles off and covers his eyes. (hutt)"I never did that again but I stopped caring about a lot of things after that...(/hutt)

  61. Lara let's go of Xol and takes a step back. Covering her mouth in shock and horror, she begins to mentally recite the Jedi code.

    (hutt)"Xol, that was the Dark Side. You used the Dark Side to kill people and didn't stop even when they were beaten.

    "In all that I have been through, Dark and Light exist on personal level just as much as they are cosmic forces at war.

    "These were evil people and needed to be brought to justice. But you went beyond looking to protect yourself and others, you sought revenge twice. Revenge is about hurting someone else more than they hurt you. And believe me, Sera has learned how to make that an art form.

    "The ends never justify the means. While they all died that day, they won. They drug you onto their level and made you just like them. You may have looked a hero to your peers, but when you become the thing you fight against...

    "But you know this, don't you? That's what is eating at you. Xol, listen to me. You can move on from this, you have to. You've been so great to me and Sera. Now you've got Set and he is actually starting to call you 'father', this kind of thing will eventually eat at you until it affects him.

    "Care about him, Xol. Care about those things you have left behind. Let go of that hate for them and for yourself." (/hutt)

    Lara leans over and grips Xol in a hug. She pulls back his hands and wipes his eyes. Through the Force, he can feel a bright white light next to him. Warm and comforting, inviting and safe.

  62. Xol, get another comm from Navik. "I know what just happened, if you need to talk I am here. I was in a situation like yours, as you know. Sometimes, yo need to just let it out, however it feels best to you."

  63. (hutt)"I guess I stopped hating them when I killed them...I stopped caring about everyone else...I never stopped hating myself...and what happened on Nar Shadda...that reminded me of everything that I was. It just all came back. A flood of emotions I haven't been able to get away from again."

    "Your past sticks with you but it changes you. You wouldn't be who you are today if it were not for who you were then."(/hutt)

    He looks up at Lara with sad shiny silver eyes. She knows Kel-Dor can't see without them, but Xol seems to be able to "see" just fine.

    "You," he taps Lara above her heart, "Sera...and Set...I've never cared so much about anyone else in so long...I don't want any of you to see that Xol come back...not even Sera. And especially not Set. It would crush me if he ever looked at me the way you did...heck...after you walked out I hated myself even more."

    He closes his eyes and sighs when he feels the warm light. Then he slowly pulls the comm out after Navik speaks and answers.

    "You have cameras on my ship too? Or did I leave this thing on?" he manages a laugh. "Thank you...I'll be ok."


  64. -------------------------

    Set has been in the helium room the whole time. He's constructed a sort of fort made out of blankets, pillows and chairs. Until right this moment, he's felt angry, sad and lonely and now for some reason, he feels better. Just really tired and drained.

    Set hugs the pillow he has with him tight and lays down. He yawns and closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep.

  65. Lara strokes Xol's hand. "The past only has chains as long as you let it. I'v been this scared frightened girl, fighting for survival. Nothing made sense and I was pretty much a puppet. But as I fought with Sera, reconciled, and began to piece together my past... I decided to chose who I wanted to be. I'm not a abuse victim, I'm not a Sith puppet, I'm not Marka Ragnos' minion... I choose to be who I want to be.

    "You define your choices, Xol. They don't define you. So choose all that you cared about then and now, letting go of all the rest."

  66. From the ramp to the Sarlacc, "I have eyes and ears every where Xol, I have lost to much to not know where my friends are and what they are doing. The big difference between us is you got to have avenge you loses, I will never have that feeling." Navik says has he walks on to the ship.

  67. Xol takes a few slow deep breaths then lets out a long sigh. He leans forward and hugs Lara tight. "I've never told anyone what happened...thank you..."

    He stands up then puts the goggles on his face to better see the mess he's made in the room. Xol walks over to a flipped chair. He drags it back into place. When he goes for another seat is when Navik appears.

    "I didn't have to do things the way I did them," Xol says, shoving the larger couch. "And I wouldn't wish any of these feelings on anyone."

  68. Lara closes her eyes and the rest of the furniture begins to float back into place.

    "Vengeance is hollow."

  69. Xol watches the furniture float into place. "Thanks...that's much easier," he says. He looks over at Lara then at Navik...who's missing...SET!

    Xol excuses himself after telling Navik to make himself at home and heads off to get Set.

    The room is dark, except for a single dim light toward the back of the room. All of the sheets and pillows are missing from the bed. Xol creeps into the room, closing the door behind him, making his way to the light.

    He finds a sort of igloo made out of blankets and pillows on the floor. The light is underneath it. Xol smiles and lays down on the floor, putting his head into the fort.

    "Did...you get rid of Widdimur?" a sleepy Set asks, rubbing his eyes.

    "Why would I do that?" Xol asks surprised.

    "Well...you were talking to Lara in whatever that is...you're not happy talk and all I understood was Widdimur's name. Figured it was all his fault..."

    Xol laughs. "No it's not his fault...he's not going anywhere."

    "Ok...I kinda liked him...are you ok?"

    "I'm fine," Xol puts his hand on Set's head. "You make everything better. Lets go back down and be good hosts for Navik."

    Set crawls backwards out of the fort and gets his mask and goggles.

    Xol reappears in the lounge area with Set.

  70. As Lara finishes up, she looks around and wonders where Widd got to. Reaching out with the Force, she goes in search of the strill.

    She finds the strill now laying a top a pile of pillows and a few robes. The animal is a sleep and snoring loudly.

    Lara gives it a few pets before standing up to leave.

  71. "Sorry I don't have anything with a punch to offer you," Xol says handing Navik a drink. "But this is still pretty good."

    Xol sits down and Set snuggles close. "Sorry you had to see that pitiful display Navik."

  72. "Emotions are never a pitiful display. If you don't deal with them, they will eat at you until you do something you truly regret." Navik says has he takes the drink. "Trust me, it kills me every day that I was not at home the day I lost my family, but I wasn't and if I had found who did it. I don't know if I would be here right now talking to you. I have found over the years, to have a way to let go, even for a moment, is better then holding it in for years. Letting it fester and consume you." He then gets up an walks to the a door. "I have seen quite a few men kill them selves over smaller things." He raises his hand and one of the small eye bots appears in his palm. "I will have one of these on every ship in my hanger, I have found you can't put all of your trust in people. And it is to much work to find the ones you can. I hope you don't mind, but i have to protect me and mine." The little droid the floats away and disappears in to a shadow.

  73. Lara walks in and raises an eye brow. "Well, Sera won't be happy to hear that. She's very touchy about her privacy.

    "By the way, Xol, Widd is sleeping loudly on a pile of pillows and some of your clothes. It seems to be unphased by the earlier stuff."

  74. Navik turns "Well she is leaving my ship, so she will not have to worry about it. That being said, I am going to be off, I am sure I need to over see something." He then makes his way to the ramp.

  75. Lara blinks. "I was half expecting him to cover his face with a sweep of his coat and throw a smoke bomb. Vanishing, 'POOF' in the cloud."

  76. "No I don't mind. I can think of many situations where having a recording would be extremely helpful. As long as it's not in the bedroom or bathroom," Xol chuckles.

    He looks over at Lara. "Widdimur was never one to care too much about anything unless it was work related or food related...he also isn't one to be taking my clothes and making a nest out of them," Xol gets up to reclaim what is his.

    Set laughs at Lara and waves to Navik.

  77. Lara puts an arm around Set and follows Xol.

    "I think it actually got every pillow on the ship. So wait, a nest or just a bed?"

  78. Xol starts pulling things right out from under Widdimur who just lays there, looking lazily at the kel-dor struggle with pillows and robes.

    "What on Dorin," Xol mumbles as he makes a rather large pile of things that belong in dressers and closets. "What are you doing strill? You've always been fine with what you had..." He points a stern finger at Wid. "Bad. Don't take my stuff to lay on...and now it's all gross..."

    Xol kicks a panel in the wall and a small droid pops out. He says a few things in kel-dor and it proceeds to take the pile away little by little.

    "That was some kind of nest if I ever saw one...Widdimur isnt..." He lowers his voice to a whisper now, "'Fixed'...yet...maybe? If he's going to be taking my stuff...I'll have to see...animals do weird things when they are whole right?"

  79. Lara covers Set's ears. "Wait, you got it as a pup or cub or chick... whatever and you didn't? Widd never leaves the ship though, right?"

  80. Set crosses his arms and taps his foot.

    "I had him since he was a pup yeah...I didn't think he was going to be hormonal and nest or whatever he's doing."

  81. "Well, there's no way it is actually going to make more of it... is there? I know there are both, but that usually take another."

  82. "Wait what?! Both? What do you mean by that? Set go..." Xol makes hand motions off to the side while looking at Lara.

    "Oh I know...I'm going..." Set bounces back to check on his fort.

  83. "Sorry kiddo, must have hit puberty for this conversation." Lara says with a weak grin. "One day."

    Turning back to Xol. "How could you not know?! I got curious about what Widd was my first week on the Sarlacc and looked up info on strills. That's like the first sentence in the galactic encyclopedia, hermaphroditic hexaped mammals native to Mandalore.

    "I had to double check what two of those words meant. Wid is not a he or she, it is both. The entry didn't go to any mechanics on how things work, but I'm sure the holonet has something if you need to know. But hexaped means it walks on six legs.

    "It also mentioned that its lifespan is typically four times that of a standard human. So hope you have plans for Widd to be taken care of for, say, the next three hundred years.

    "But back to the topic at hand, did Widd leave your sight for any lengthy period of time recently? Especially while on Mandalore?"

  84. "Well I knew he...she...it...Widdimur...was going to live for a really long time. I didn't know any of that other stuff," Xol thinks for a moment. "Set had Widdimur with him on Mandalore but h...it didn't come back with Set. It came back later."

  85. Lara just covers her face with a hand.

    "Well, if you know a Veteranarian, might want to call him."

  86. "Wait...you don't think...do you think?" Xol sounds a bit worried. "No...it can't be...it'd better not be..."

    "Is Widdimur gonna have babies!?" Set pops out from behind a door and bounces up and down happily.

    "No no..." Xol looks over at Lara, "Right? No? And you aren't supposed to...never mind. I don't know of an veterinarians. Should we just...wait and see?"

  87. Lara continues to facepalm, but shrugs.

    "Considering we are soon to face Jopal, I think that it can wait until after then. Though, you may want to check and see as there is no telling how long all of that will take.

    "And maybe, Set."

  88. "Yay!" Set gives one last big jump at the thought of some cute baby animals.

    "Well if Widdimur does have babies, the litter he came from wasn't very big..." Xol tries to remember exactly how many he had seen.

  89. "Well, check the holonet. Should have all the info you need."

  90. Xol hops onto the holonet to see what information he can find on strill. After what feels like forever for Set, Xol explains what he has found.

    "So...if Widdimur is going to have any babies at all, it will have between 3 and 4 pups and it would take 15 months for them to arrive. Luckily, for me anyway, strill, like other animals, can experience false pregnancy."

    Set raises his hand slowly.

    "That means it can act like it's going to have babies without actually having any."

    "Awwww! Darn," Set whines. "Kinda figured that's what that meant..."
