Sunday, January 15, 2012

RP 18-Cereal Killer

((after leaving star's end and getting the info on the murderer..coming down after the crazy))

"That place looked cool!" Set tells Xol. "Too bad I couldn't go in to see what it looked it..."

"It's really boring in there," Xol says. "Full of a bunch of sleeping people."

Set sighs. "Hmmm...that does sound boring...not exciting like when we caught that cat lady."

Xol laughs. "We?"

"Yeah! I went too...I mean...I guess I didn't do anything though..."

"You were back up," he pats Set's head. "And now you can be not back up and we can relax for a little bit..."


  1. Lara sits in the co-pilot's chair after Cyrus leaves and places her head in her hands.

    What did I do back there? That wasn't Jedi-like at all. I let Cyrus torture a person and nodded MY approval to it. That's something Sera would do... and it happened before on the ship when I thought I could use lightning to power the generator.

    What's happening to me? I am turning to the Dark Side? Is she corrupting me? Or is it just me relaxing against its influence?

    Raising her head and looking into a reflective portion of the console, Lara looks at herself. Other than her eyes, she is indistinguishable from her Sith cousin.

    A thought sets in... If I am to fight this, then a constant visual reminder of our differences should help reinforce my resolve.

  2. "But I can be back up again later?" Set asks hopefully.

    "Of course. But not for every 'case'," Xol says, anticipating a future 'but you said!' from Set if he ever told him to stay behind.

    "Aww why not," Set whines. "I thought we could be partners..."

    "We are. But I'd be a horrible parent if I let you come with me to go after..I dunno...a small kel-dor eating alien criminal."

    "Those don't exist!" Set says crossing his arms. He looks around then scoots next to Xol. "Right? Those don't exist?"

  3. Lara knocks lightly on Xol's door. "Xol, can I borrow the holocron? I need to reference something."

    She looks at Set's expression. "What have you been telling him now?"

  4. "Lies! That's what," Set answers Lara.

    Xol chuckles. "Just joking with him. But yes Lara, you can borrow the holocron."

  5. The girl maneuvers the twelve sided holocron into the air in front of her.

    "Easy on the joking, Xol. There are plenty of scary things out there, those small Kel Dor eating things... whatever they are called, for one. Don't tease him when there are real things like that out there." she says with a wink.

  6. "What?!" a shocked Set takes a step back from both of the crazy adults. "It's that thing isn't it!? I knew it!"

  7. "Them? They are like this big though." Lara says holding her thumb and fingers at about 4 inches apart. "They eat Kel Dor, but they are so small. Wonder how its even possible, you can barely even see their mouths. Also they can't breathe oxygen, helium, or nitrogen."

    She giggles a bit, before waving goodbye to the Kel Dor. Once back in her room, Tweaker whistles a question at her.

    "I don't know. I'm assuming that the Jedi in the holocron can help me in more ways than one. There HAS to be something."

  8. A few moments after Lara leaves Xol hears a large 'thud' on his door. A deep booming voice "Oofficerr Xxool, maay I enterr yoour quaarters. I muust discuuss what happened at Starr's Eend."

  9. Set gasps. When Lara, leaves he looks at Xol who just shrugs. "No way..." Set whispers and starts looking under everything that could possibly house a vicious creature 4 inches long.

    "Hmm wait...they shouldn't be able to breath here..."

    "IT'S GONNA EAT ME!" Set dives under the covers after the sudden thud and booming voice.

    Xol can't help himself and he laughs. "'re killing's ok...we were joking." He goes and opens the door.

    Set peeks out just in time to see Elbor in the door way. EEP! He covers himself up again and stays as quiet and still as possible.

    "What would you like to discuss?" Xol asks.

  10. "Aa prooper inntrooductioon iis inn orrdeer, I amm Elbor K'hor." he says as he squeezes his way in to the door. "I woould liike too discuuss thhe aactioons yoou alloowed too traanspiire. Theey whhere leess thaan honooraable, hoow a Seector Raangeer coould bee wiitneess too suuch aann aact aannd leet thhe truue criimiinaals too waalk ouut oof thhe plaace theey beeloong." He says as he trys to face Xol with a very accusing look.

  11. "Do you have any idea what kind of scum are kept at Star's End?" Xol asks. He's very calm and yet a hint of annoyance can be heard in his voice. Xol can't stop feeling like those criminals deserve worse than a cold slumber. Those criminals didn't deserve any honor showed toward them.

    "I've had to do worse to get what was needed after sometimes days interrogating many of the criminals there." He tries hard to keep looking at Elbor's face and not down at the ground. They deserve it he thinks to himself then he rubs his head. It's my job.

    "Sorry...I feel a headache coming. Anyway...the kiddies playing cops did no harm. The true criminals are in carbonite where they belong. I'm sorry that you had to see that which has offended you," Xol bows, his voice completely calm and sincere when he apologizes.

  12. "Veeryy weell, I foorgeet thaat not aall seentieent beeings aare woorth the skiin theey aare maade oof." Elbor says looking off thinking on something hard. "Ii haave taaken too muuch oof yoour tiime, Ii shaall trry too maake myy seelf coomfoortaable. Ii taake myy leeave foor noow. Goodbyye Oofficeer, and small Keel-door." He then turns to try and leave.

  13. Xol bows again and once Elbor has left, he slides his head under the blanket Set is under and rests his head.

    "It knew I was here," Set whispers as he crawls toward Xol, "And it didn't eat me? Is it full? Do we not taste good?"

    "His name is Elbor," Xol says, "And he's not going to eat you, silly Set." He touches his forehead to Set's and sighs. "I wouldn't be so nice to something that would eat those things Lara was talking about..."

    "You said you were joking...and if they ARE real they would just suffocate...I win!"

  14. 334 commandos Stand in formation behind the loading ramp of a Lambda shuttle. A supply officer unloads the last of the large crates. Jace signs the last of the equipment transfer, and beckons his XO Murra to him.

    "This, my friends, is the fresh shipment of brain buckets." Jace says, addressing the unit. Your officers will get them distributed to you. "They will also have details about getting them "adjusted" to your liking. IE, what is a go and what is a no-go to paint on them."

    He waves the Srgent from the first squad of tempest company up, and directs him to grab his squads gear, and then directs LT.Murra to get everyone geared up.

    Jace then walks over, picks up 2 rather large armor cases, and heads to his quarters.

    He up packs the first one, and assembles his new armor. (check out the new pic on his character page).

    after some time, he heads to find sera

  15. Lara sits down in front of the holocron. "What can you tell me about Satele Shan?"

    The gatekeeper cocks is head to the side. "Other than confirm records that Master Shan was once Grand Master of the Jedi Order, we have no other data in this holocron."

    Lara hangs her head. "It's because its me, isn't it?"

    The hologram shakes its head. "While representing an odd vergence, this is not the case. Other than being referenced by title once, Grand Master Satele Shan has no record here. Is there anything else I can assist you with?"

    Emotion builds in Lara. "I can't begin to search for a key to my past now because of her. Her and her corruption." Tears begin to well in her eyes.

    Tweaker whistles plaintively. ["I can do what that device cannot, Maker. Do not let it trouble you anymore."]

    Lara pats the droid, but the tears are still there. "Thank you, Tweak. But this goes beyond them not having that information. I'm one of the last Jedi in existence now and here lies this treasury of their knowledge. Something to help re-build one day and I can't do anything to learn from the wisdom it contains.

    "Sera's corruption bars any inquest into it. Since learning about my heritage, I've done my best to stop being a victim. I was a promising young Jedi before Dooku, before my father, before Sera..."

    Tears flow freely now as the pain from fresh wounds. "Just by accepting her Master's teachings... she kicks me down after standing me up. Xol has seen the good she can do and wants to do, but her darkness won't let her. She just spreads pain unawares. The holocron says redemption is possible, but WHAT can redeem a Sith murderer?"

  16. A new voice from behind her startles Lara. Through tear blurred eyes, she sees the hologram of a red-haired woman come from the holocron. "I may be able to help you answer that question, child. I was told it was impossible, but I witnessed it first hand with a Dark Lord of the Sith."

    "I'm Lara Shan. Who are you?"

    "My name is Vima DaBoda, daughter of Nomi Sunrider. My record on this holocron is the redemption of the former Dark Lord of the Sith, Ulic Qel-Droma, my teacher and close friend."

    Memory stirs in Lara's brain. "I knew Sith Lords could be redeemed, one of my ancestors was... Revan, but I don't know how. Can you share how Qel-Droma was saved?"

    Vima grimaces slightly at the mention of Revan. "There is no one procedure, child. If it were so simple, the Sith would cease to exist long ago. I have no knowledge of how your ancestor was redeemed, but the redemption of Ulic Qel-Droma came from death, sadness, loss, a renewed sense of purpose, and love.

    "Ulic killed his brother Cay in duel at the end of the Great Sith War. My mother found him cradling his brother's body, crying and broken at what he had done. Using an ability called the Wall of Light, my mother severed his connection to the Force despite his pleas for mercy. She regretted doing that the rest of her life.

    "Ulic showed them where Exar Kun's base was located and help the Jedi Order end the war. He had everything he cared for taken away in several seconds. He lost his brother to his own rage, then he lost his in-born abilty to the Force... taken away by the woman he loved. He also realized that he had lost her too. He was a man with nothing to live for, punishment enough.

    "Despite this, the Force called me to search him out and seek my training from him. It is during that time, Ulic redeemed himself. Not by training me, but by realizing something within the Force."

    Vima's lesson goes on for an hour. Her story brings tears to Lara's eyes again. Qel-Droma's redemption and death show a few parallels to Sera's own current journey. The Jedi Master closes the lesson. "Ulic may no longer have been able to touch the Force, but he understood it more than any of us. He had the heart of a Jedi."

    Lara nods, sniffing and wiping back tears. "That... that is what I needed to hear. You've given me hope, Master DaBoda."

    Vima smiles at the girl. "Then the Force guided you to this point. Trust yourself to it and it will take you to where you need to be. I wish you well, may the Force be with you."

    The holocron shuts off and leaves the room somewhat dimmer. Lara sniffs once more before standing up, she looks to Tweaker. The droid warbles its concern. But she waves him off. "I'm fine, Tweek. What did you find for me?"

    The droid tootles triumphantly, a hologram appearing in mid air. Lara marvels at the woman briefly. Somehow across countless generations, she can see the resemblance. "This is great. You aren't going to get flagged for this are you?"

    Tweaker hrrmphs electronically. He states that is is quite good at what he does and his time with Sera has given him special insight into Imperial computer systems. He also has something else that Lara might have use for one day. It takes a minute to realize what she is looking at, but a grin begins to spread across her face. She hugs the R2 unit tightly. "You amazing, beautiful little droid. I love you!"

    The droid whistles its response that it cares deeply for her as well, adding ["I just thought that if I am the droid of a Jedi, I might as well act the part for you."].

    Lara smiles. "Hold on to that. I'll need it one day, but not right now. I'd better get the holocron back to Xol. Hopefully I won't find Set standing on a chair, scared of tiny monsters."

  17. When Lara enters the room to return the holocron, she hears quiet muffled talking in what sounds like kel-dor. When she looks over at the bed, Xol and Set are laying facing each other with a blanket over most of Set (she can see his feet) and over the front half of Xol.

    "Shhh...someone is here," Xol whispers after sensing Lara.

    Set backs up off of the bed, taking the blanket with him. He peeks up over the edge, with the blanket wrapped around his head. "'s just Lara," Set says as he begins to fight with the blanket, trying to get it off.

    Xol leans over, pulls on a corner of the blanket and has Set free in seconds. "I had it right where I wanted it...but...thank you anyway."

    "Did you find what you were looking for," Xol asks, walking over to Lara. Looking at her face for a few more seconds he then asks, "Are you ok?"

  18. "Better now." Lara says sniffing back some of the drainage. "I found something I needed to see, but not what I was looking for."

    The odd scene from when she walked in clicks in here head. "What did you have right where you wanted it, Xol?"

  19. "No I had the blanket right where I wanted it and Xol 'ruined' it," Set says, tossing the blanket on the bed.

    "You would have been stuck in there for hours if I didn't help," Xol says.


    Xol turns back to Lara. "Sorry you couldn't find what you wanted. Hopefully what you got was useful," he takes the holocron and sighs, looking at it. "Still can't figure out what Plo knew. Maybe I never will...or maybe I just need to give it more time."

  20. "I'm starting to get the feeling that this thing is better off in other hands. If there are any other Jedi left, this belongs to them. They ought to have it to preserve what little they have left.

    "We saved it from Jopal's clutches and reassembled it. It's given us a little bit of information and changed my life, but I feel that we need to pass it on."

  21. After an extensive search of the ship, Jace gives us searching. He enters the port side hanger bay with officers from his command squad, and they set up Sera's gift on an armor stand. After he is please with the result, he taps a few buttons on his wrist com, and opens up a channel with her

    "My lord, the 44th would be honored to have you join us in the port hanger. We have a gift we wish to present you with" Jace says, into his com

  22. Xol narrows his eyes. "I've been looking for this thing for years and I've finally found get what you wanted and now you want me to give it up?"

  23. Lara is taken back. "Why are you angry? I didn't get what I wanted at all, Xol. Cyrus didn't get what he wanted either. I got what I needed, despite not looking for it.

    "Remember that old saying, when you don't look for something... that's when you find it. Think about all that is good in your life, Xol. Did you search out Widd, Set, or even me? None of us were something you set out to find, but here we are and we are better for it.

    "If you want to keep trying, keep it, Xol. I can only tell you what I feel in the Force, that our part with this is almost done. I'm one of the last of the Jedi's lineage... and I get the distinct impression that this is not for me."

    Lara places a hand on Xol's arm. "Is whatever you seek worth this anger?"

  24. Xol takes a step back. Maybe this is why he can't figure out what Plo has to teach. This feels familiar. Like the day he hurt Sera.

    "I'm...I'm's just...when you've been after something for so long and you've got it and it slips away...or you think it's going to be lost..."

    He sits down. "I shot Sera over this because of how I feel about it...maybe my fear of losing anything just comes out as anger. But I feel like I need this for whatever it has to teach me." He stares at the holocron. "Even if all it teaches me is that I can't get what I want all the time...but I don't feel like that's the case."

  25. "I recall." Lara says rubbing her left shoulder and looking concerned.

    "What are you looking for, Xol? Why do you need it?"

  26. Xol looks away from Lara when she rubs her shoulder. He feels bad about shooting Sera, but the thought of also shooting Lara makes him feel even worse.

    "It's a technique," he says quietly. "I've gotten to the point where Plo explains it. I've watch him explain it multiple times and I just don't get it...But I know I'm close," Xol taps the holocron.

    "I don't know why I feel like I need it. Maybe it's because it's Plo? Or maybe it's because he's a kel-dor? Maybe it's because it's something no one else has done? I'm not sure. I just feel a pull to it."

    He looks at Lara again after looking at the holocron for so long. "When I feel like I have learned what I'm supposed to from this, the Jedi can have it. I'll give it to you since you're the only Jedi I know now."

  27. ((for anyone who cares :p)) After leaving Xols room Elbor makes his way to the galley.

  28. "Who is this person and why do they mean so much to you, Xol? How did you even know that technique was on the holocron?"

  29. "Plo Koon? We talked whenever he came to the Baran Do Temple. I don't know if you would say we were friends, but if he were still alive, we may have very well become friends. We would talk about all kinds of things whenever he would visit Dorin."

    "He had told me once about this technique. Saying no one on the Council would understand it. He never went into detail though. Not even about what it was or what it looked like or anything. Some time after he was killed, I had heard about the holocron and that certain Jedi Masters had put great secrets into it. I knew Plo was a Jedi Master and I thought maybe he had put that technique on it. The more I researched and sort of offhandedly looked for it, the more I learned about what it did have on it, and the more I wanted to find it."

  30. Lara plops down on the bed next to Set. "So Master Plo was someone you looked up to? An example to live up to? So when he died, you lost that until you heard about the holocron..."

  31. "Maybe..." Xol sighs and looks at the holocron.

  32. "While memories are great, we often have a way of shading them for better or worse. That might be what's stopping you, Xol. Master Plo is on this pedestal for you and you still look up to him. Maybe if you try to remember or learn about the actual Plo, you'll be able to push past the block and see eye to eye."

  33. "I guess this is true...and I have to admit, not every time I watch it, but often enough, I have to push away feelings of anger or sadness...he didn't deserve what happened to him. He was a good person."

  34. Lara bows her head slightly and as if reciting something. "Many who live deserve death. Some who die deserve life. Can we give it to them? Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wisest of us cannot see all ends."

    She blinks a couple of times and shakes her head slowly. "There is no death, only the Force." she repeats to herself.

    Looking back up at Xol, she begins slowly. "Master Plo wouldn't want you to feel anger or sadness. While unjust, his death made him one with the Force. While natural, you can't let anger or sadness motivate this. Not only will they cloud your mind, the holocron can sense it. Its why I and Cyrus were limited in our ability to use it. Certain things are locked away to make sure that the information can't be used incorrectly.

    "What was this technique you were looking for?"

  35. Xol looks at Lara thoughtfully, then he looks back at the holocron. "He calls it Electric Judgement. He never uses it on the holocron."

  36. "Elctric Judgement? How does he describe it, Xol? Cause I have bad feeling I might know where this is headed."

  37. "He doesn't really describe it..." Xol says looking at Lara confused. "He talks mostly about how to do it and what place your mind has to be in and how he feels...OH and that the Council was none too pleased by it for some reason. Why?"

    "I bet it looks like lighting, with a name like that," Set chimes in happily.

  38. Lara sighs heavily. "You are probably right, Set."

    Looking at the child, she chooses her words carefully. "IF it is what I think it is, but not from WHERE it usually comes from... then they are well within reason for being unhappy. Anyone who fails in following him could accidentally go down a dark path.

    "Sera has used it... I have once... it FEELS amazing, the power. It could be addictive, easily. Xol, those emotions may be the reason you can't."

  39. "Oh," Xol says softly thinking as he looks at the shapes on the holocron and then he sits straight up after pondering the name of the technique and what Lara just said. "OH!" he remembers what Jopal did to Cyrus and how he practically fried him.

    "No wonder Plo talks about how he was told to meditate and decide if this was a good or bad power when he brought it up to the Council. Obviously he felt it was good enough to put on here," he slowly turns the holocron in his hands.

    Xol then looks at Lara. "You have used that power?"

    Set looks on confused. He's obviously missing some bit of information.

  40. Blushing heavily, Lara looks ashamed. "The generator needed an extra boost when we escaped... the gonk droids were coming and I thought I might be able to power it up before they got there. My plan didn't work." she says chewing on her bottom lip.

  41. Xol puts his arm around Lara. "I'm sorry...It's ok were trying to help."

  42. "The ends can never justify the means. This isn't the first time that I have pulled from... THAT. It wasn't for that one thing, but its happened. And then in that prison, I let Cyrus choke that guy. I nodded in approval. That's not me, Xol. That's stuff she would do, but it was me the entire time.

    "Since Sera 'left', its just been easy to just do those things. If my guard is down for a minute, I feel it. Like slipping into a warm bath, inviting and ready. But I know its wrong. I know what it does, how it will eat at you. I've seen her memories of her master... it is frightening.

    "I don't know how I could that other us could have done the things Iku says, but then I feel THIS. And a small part of me knows we could..."

  43. "Hmmm bubble bath," Set mumbles. "Do we have bubbles? I have to look now..." With that, Set goes off to check for bubbles.

    Xol feels like he really can't say much now. At Star's End, he did forget that it was Lara and not Sera there. If only saying things were ok actually made them so. All he does is give her a tight squeeze with the arm he has around her and then stands up to put the holocron away.

    "No bubbles!? We need some," Set says almost stomping back in.

  44. Lara leans into the hug. For some reason, Xol can feel that she is cold to the touch all of a sudden.

    She smiles weakly as Set comes back. "Its just soap. You can easily make your own with some of the soap in there." Lara says pointing toward Xol's bathroom.

  45. "Really?" Set says happily and runs into the bathroom, closing the door. Sounds of bottles bumping against each other can be heard and then running water.

    Xol sits back down before he even stands up and places the holocron on the floor. "Are you ok?"

  46. "I dunno. Maybe. Yes." Lara says kind of distracted.

    "Just thinking about the one thing I did get from the holocron... About those other versions of us... About who I am."

  47. "Those beings aren't us and we won't become that," Xol says with a sort of certainty. "What did you get from the holocron? I've told you of my adventures with this over sized block," he nudges the holocron with his foot.

  48. "I've tried to gain some grasp on my past with this, but nothing there or acessable. The one time it works, a Jedi Master tells me about the redemption of a Jedi turned Sith Lord. Her story held a few things that bode well, but.."

    She looks into Xol's eyes. "Redemption begins and ends in sacrifice."

  49. "You want to help Sera." It's still odd to him that he can look at this one person and see two. "So she can be helped...but does she want help? She so badly wants that awful future for herself...or wanted it?..." Xol quietly thinks about how everything just felt that day Sera 'left'.

    "Did she see it too?" Xol scratches his head then laughs. "I'm sorry...I've been around Set too long. I picture a small Sera in there," he gently gives her forehead a poke.

  50. "Of course I want to help her. The problem is convincing her that I AM helping her and not killing her dreams. Not everyone can be redeemed, but Vima seemed to think that Sera could be. Love is a key part in that.

    "Yes. No. She doesn't even know what she wants most of the time. Xol, I've seen her... the real her. She's still a frightened child clutching the remains of her parents. Her master turned that fear into hate, forging her into a weapon to use against his enemies. But there's still glimpses of who she actually is, that night with me. When she's around Set. When she's modifying the ship or Tweaker. She is loving, smart, kind, funny. Like me, but without the beaten-in inferiority complex.

    "I wonder if all that she has done AFTER finding out my past and our ancestry has been a subconscious attempt to forge me into someone who CAN save her. Light to remove darkness. Good to stop evil. A Jedi to defeat a Sith. Love to overcome hate..."

  51. "She's a stubborn one. But she is a good both..." Xol is interrupted but a splash.


    "Seems we have a bad kid?" Xol heads over to the bathroom and opens the door. A pile of bubbles flops out and the rest of the bathroom floor is covered in suds. The tub has a pile that's a few feet high. Xol takes a step in and slips, using the sink to catch himself.

    "Set," Xol says as calmly as he can while he lifts up the soaked robe he almost killed himself on. "What did you do..."

    Set's head pops out of the huge pile of bubbles in the tub. He looks around and slowly puts his hands up to his mask. He hadn't realized the bubbles had sort of "escaped". Set slowly then disappears back into the pile of bubbles.

  52. Lara puts her hands to her mouth and squeezes her eyes shut. She tries hard to keep from laughing, but eventually can't contain it any longer.

  53. Set pokes his head back out when he hears Lara laughing just in time to see Xol make his way over on his hands and knees. Xol hooks an arm over the edge of the tub and pulls himself up so he's sitting. "Are you trying to kill me?" Xol sighs.

    Set moves slowly, judging Xol's reaction. If he must, he will dive back into the bubbles. He lifts his arms out of the soapy depths and wraps them around Xol's neck in a hug. Xol says something in kel-dor to Set and then looks at Lara. "I like this reaction better than the one Sera had with the kitchen mess...we should probably get a droid in here..."

  54. "I've got it," Xol wipes the bubbles off his head and slip-slides out to find a droid to clean up the soap.

    Set looks at Lara. "You were right about this..." he giggles.

  55. Lara manages to stop laughing. "No big science experiment. Just remembering when I was your age. All the things I'd play with my friends."

  56. Xol returns with a small round droid that has the floor dry and bubble free in minutes. It also grabbed the robe and whatever other wet fabric it found on the floor with small metal claws.

    Set was splashing around as the droid was cleaning and now realizes he's running low on bubbles. "Oh how do I make them come back?" he asks concerned.

    "You don't," Xol grabs the towel that was spared the drowning everything else got. "You have magically made a mess and become very clean at the same time."

    Set laughs and then looks at Lara. He ducks down into the tub so only his eyes peek out. He makes a shooing motion with his hand at her.

    Xol drops the towel on Set's head and heads out with Lara, closing the door behind him.

  57. "At least it encouraged him to bathe. Always a good thing." Lara says with a giggle.

  58. "I guess boys can be pretty messy," Xol says. "Well...he did sort of make a mess..."

    A few seconds later, the door opens and Set sticks his hand out while staying off to the side behind the wall. Xol hands him a folded bundle. The door shuts again and a few minutes later, Set comes out. "And now...we eat!" he says grabbing Lara and Xol's hand, attempting to drag them with him. "I wonder if the fun big ship has different stuff to eat?"

  59. "Actually its most kids, Xol. Very few are neat or tidy. Set is typical, which for as crazy as things are... that's a good thing." Lara replies glancing at Set.

    "And yes, they do. That ship has all sorts of things, its supposed to have almost anything people could want. But some of it is that nasty weird luxury food." she explains. "Sera knows all sorts of that stuff, but even thinks its gross. Me, I'll take a nice bantha steak or burger any day. Nothing fancy."

  60. "I guess I actually have no idea what is typical for a kid," Xol says embarrassed as they follow Set. "Sometimes I think I'm terrible for him...I've never even baby sat. Not once. And no brothers or sisters. I feel like the Flow is about to slap me for all the help I keep asking for."

    "I thought I was just lucky with how sweet he is," Xol laughs. "I thought kids were wild messy crazy critters that should probably be kept on leashes...I know...I'm horrible," he laughs again.

    She's going to hate me...

  61. "You can't remember growing up? Come on, you're not that old.

    "While Set is a sweetie pie, he's pretty typical for a kid. Amazing as that is in these circumstances. Bad kids mainly come from bad parents. Of course there's an exception to every rule, but a parent is in charge of shaping their child. It's kind of like cooking, you can't have too much or not enough otherwise things get ruined."

  62. "Well yeah I remember...but I can't use myself as a child measuring stick...or," he hesitates. "Or I'd think kids should just be locked in cages...never mind the leashes."

  63. Lara gives Xol a skeptical look. "Oh really, sir? How bad could you have been? And this is coming from me who has memories of a nice little middle class life until my mother died and my father became a child be... not nice person. Add in that Sera's doting spoiled little rich girl childhood is in here too."

  64. Xol sighs and puts his hands in his pockets. "You're hard to talk to sometimes..."

  65. "You didn't know? I figured you'd have been all mystic and looooked into my past." Lara replies, a little shocked. "Needless to say, I have not had an idyllic childhood and one of my adoptive parents was about as low as you can get. So when I ask how bad could you have been, I'm genuinely curious and also being facetious."

  66. "No I knew all of that...I did look" Xol says slowly and then quickly starts again, "'s..."

    He sighs.

    Now she's probably going to get on me about I'm sticking my nose into things...

  67. "Not blaming you for looking. Sera did pull one over on you, you needed assurances. But what, Xol?"

  68. "I guess this is a good thing...but sometimes I feel like you are a whole new person I'm trying to befriend and I don't want to look like a koochoo in front of you for whatever reason."

  69. "Honestly, I kinda am, Xol. We got to know each other a little for a few months, but then Sera had to do her thing and I got pushed into that battle. You got to know her over the course of a year, only for a change-up in that there were both of us. Now I'm back for the foreseeable future and you don't know what to do?

    "Did I get it right?"

  70. "Yeah...I guess so," Xol looks up to see the galley door way.

    "Finally! This place is waaaay too big," Set complains. "We need things to ride or something..."

    "So you can turn into a hutt?" Xol jokes, finally relaxing.

  71. Lara places a hand on Xol's arm as he starts into the galley. It's okay. Its all weird to me too. Just be the same person who took me in on that space dock. I'm still getting used to the new me too. A nice constant is a great thing to have, and you've been that for me. Thank you.

    "Don't worry about turning him into a Hutt just yet, Set. He doesn't have nearly enough credits, eat live food, or drool enough." Lara says with a giggle.

  72. Xol sighs and nods but it's a happy sort of sigh.

    "EEWWWW," Set shakes his hands quickly as if he actually touched a hutt. "That sounds gross...those things really exist?"

  73. "Hutts? Yes. Sele'vida works for one. They are interesting creatures. Speaking of interesting creatures, where's Widd?"

  74. "Bleh!" Set hesitates before he punches in something to eat. The thought of a hutt will make him choose his food carefully.

    He finally picks something to eat...creme brulee...whatever that is. "Widdimur was sort of in the closet. I saw him in there when I was looking for your fake kel-dor killers..."

  75. Lara is about to make a joke when the hyperspace tone beeps. "Well, looks like we are back at Sluis Van." she says.

    "Cancel your food and you can check out that restaurant in the Legacy."

    Cyrus lands the Specter with minimal effort in the private hangar bay. As the ramp descends, Lara is taken back as Jace and 334 soldiers stand at attention in greeting.

    "Captain? This is... unexpected." she says with a nervous smile.

  76. In unison, The entire 44th pounds their fist on their chests 3 times in salute. The all Appear to be wearing their "Retro" Katarn Armor, Save Jace and the Unit officers. What they Are wearing, is a Hybrid Storm cloak/ Rank Pauldron/ Kama- Katarn armor mix.(Think Jace's picture, but color coded by rank (LT- Blue, Captian- Red, Srgnt- orange).

    Infront of the Formation, Jace and his Senior officers stand in a Semi-circle around an armor Stand. On the stand, is a suite of armor Identical to the officers, without the Katarn Armor pieces. In Place of it, is Simple Jedi style robes. The whole effect is something similar to the armor worn by the Jedi of the clone wars, with the 44th's own "flavor" added. Whats odd about it, is the "armor" itself is about 1/2 the size of normal, As if designed for a teenage girl.

  77. "Come on! Fancy food fancy food!" Set bounces around the outer edge of Jace and his group.
    Xol pats Lara's shoulder before he heads off after Set.

    ((due to brains melting we'll do some magic and say Elbor is here now XD ))

    The two kel-dor walk into the galley and Set darts behind Xol. "You're fine," Xol whispers. "You can get your 'fancy food' now." Xol sits down at the same table Elbor is at, much to Set's dismay.

    All this empty space, empty chairs and he sits there, he thinks to himself.

  78. Elbor and Xol can hear Set make yuck sounds as he comes across "hutt pizza" on the screen.

    Set talks to the screen even though he knows it won't respond. "How could you serve that?! I don't even wanna know what that would look like...BLEH!" He continues to look through a long list of strange foods. "I don't know if I like what any of this stuff is called...Oh wait...happy-patty? That sounds...happy? Can't be too bad with a name like that right?"

    Set giggles. "Topato soup. That's a fun word...What's a nerf? Would it taste good as a stew? Not risking that...Eels? "Hungry Hutt" breakfast sandwich? Bleh!"

    "Hmm nerf's in a lot of things. Maybe it tastes good. Can't go wrong when you put," he pauses and thinks about many of the other foods, "MOST things in soup...eels...ick..."

    Set sounds out this next one. "Mo-lec-u-lar-ly ag-itated cheese sandwich? Sure why not...and a...doughnut."

    Set decides to get everything whole so he can see what it looks like and just hold his breath like he was taught.

  79. "Heelloo Offiiceer Xool, iit seeems yoour offspriing haas eyees biigger thaan hee iis." Elbor says with a hardy laugh. "Whhat maay Ii doo foor yoou?"

  80. "Just Xol is fine," he says as Set practically sits on Xol's lap after putting a full tray of food on the table. Xol scoots over a bit, forcing Set to not be so close. "And this is Set. I don't think he's officially introduced himself. We just came in to get something to eat. Figured we may as well sit here."

    Set squeaks out a hello and manages a small wave.

    "So what is all of this and how do you plan on eating it?" Xol asks.

    "Um...a happy patty," Set says softly.

    Xol laughs. "Really?"

    Set nods and continues. "Topato soup and nerf stew and a Mo-lec-u-lar-ly ag-itated cheese sandwich...wanted to ask you about that one...and a doughnut? And I thought I could hold my breath till I ate it?" he looks at Xol hopeful. "I wanted to see what it looked like."

  81. "Veery weell, Xool and Seet. Whhat maay Ii doo foor yoou?" Elbor says watching the small Kel-dor struggle with the amount of food he has.

  82. "Oh we don't really need anything," Xol says with a short bow. "I'm just here to make sure he doesn't destroy this kitchen too while he gets food...I should probably eat to."

    Set quickly plops a bowl down in front of Xol. "You don't have to get up, we'll share! Look! I'll even put a straw in for you!"

    Xol looks at the bowl confused. "What is this?"

    "I don't's either the nerf or the topato. Hold on." Set drags the bowl back over and scoops some quickly under his mask. After a few seconds he pushes it back to Xol. "Still don't know...but it's yummy."

    Set continues to "sneak" food under his mask.

  83. "So what is all this ceremony, Captain Adeen?"

  84. "My Lord," Jace Says, kneeling, "As it stands, we are the only Imperial forces now present on this ship. As Hand of the Emperor, that makes us yours to command . We humbly offer a token of our loyalty to you: this armor weave Robe and pauldron. May it serve you in battle, and as a reminder of those who you command."

    The remainder of the 44th kneels at this point, in unison

  85. Lara swallows, trying to press down the lump in her throat. Yay! I get to deal with Sera's stuff some more. Now would would she say?

    Straightening her back, Lara takes a deep breath. "Rise. Bow knee only to the Emperor, never to me. This is a truly touching gesture and I thank you deeply. This means a lot to me. However, Captain... these men are under your command not mine. While your cooperation is appreciated and I know that you can be trusted, I am not a commander. But these will serve to remind me of some of the bravest soldiers of the Empire. I am just a simple means of bringing the Emperor's Justice to those who seek to fracture our Empire."

    With more conviction she adds. "I ensure there will never be another Dooku. You ensure we will never face another army of destruction."

    She steps forward and runs her hand over the dark brown robes. Turning back to the assembly, Lara gives them a salute. "Thank you very much all of you. And thank you for your service and loyalty to the Galactic Empire. You are dimissed."

  86. "Your will" Jace simply says, bowing.

    As if pre-drilled, the members of the 44th execute an about face, and march in lock-step out of the hanger. Jace dismisses his officers, makes sure his helmet is fashioned on his belt, and heads out. His mind is troubled about the coming storm. Xol is the one I should find. His wisdom is what I need right now....

  87. Lara nods Jace and waves at the group. When they are gone, she exhales. Tweeker trundles down the ramp behind her, it blurts and electronic laugh. Lara frowns. "My impression wasn't that bad. Besides, its better than hurting their feelings. Besides, I don't even know if Sera would have stood for the ceremony."

    Running her hand over the robes again she sighs. "Do me a favor and get this sealed up. A display case or something to keep it looking nice and dust free. I'm going to go catch up to Xol. All that talk about food got me hungry. Hopefully, Set isn't accidentally ordering giant sea snails or other disgusting rich people food."

    Lara heads from the hangar and towards the restaurant.

  88. Set is back at the screen again looking at the food. He isn't ordering anymore. He is stuffed from almost finishing everything else he had ordered earlier. He's just curious about all the different names and wonders what they could possibly be made of and what they look like.

    Xol hesitantly finishes up what Set left over. Most beings aren't terribly polite to a masked kel-dor and even more react worse to an unmasked one. He doesn't really think Elbor would be one of those beings, but it's just always something in the back of Xol's mind and he thinks about the (usually) humans he's actually punched for their comments.

  89. Lara enters the restaurant and walks over to the table. She looks across the destruction of food and sees Set eyeing the menu. "Xol, you're going to need to start feeding him more than once a month."

    She turns to the non-Kel Dor at the table. "I don't think we were properly introduced before. You're Elbor, right? Lara Shan."

    Turning back to Xol and Set, she sits down and picks up a menu of her own. "So what can you recommend for me Set? Hope you found something good."

  90. "He eats everyday," Xol chuckles. "And then I ate what he left which was a lot. I ate about half of this," he gestures toward the plates and bowls. "Last he said he was stuffed and just looking."

    Set comes back with a doughnut. "I was just looking."

    "Then what's that?"

    "It's for you! I ate the last one and didn't share..." Set holds out the doughnut for Xol who now has to figure out where in his stomach this doughnut will fit. Xol rips it up into a bunch of pieces so he can more easily eat it.

    Set sits next to Lara and points out everything he had tried. "It was all good stuff! Just stay away from eating hutts and sounds terrible and it looks like nerf are yummy whatever they are cuz they are on here a lot."

  91. "They don't make things out of Hutts. Sometimes its just a catchy name. Trust me though, always read the description of the meal. If you don't know what it is, then ask.

    "Nerf is kind of like a smaller bantha, that's less shaggy. It is really good. Speaking of which..."

    Lara orders a small nerf fillet with a salad from the waiter. Turning back to Set, she begins to point out things on the menu that are "delicacies".

  92. "No eating hutts? Phew! That's good!" Set says relieved. "I like to have the surprises sometimes. See what it is for myself."

    Set comments on the foods Lara describes, usually surprised by all the different things that one can eat. He'll often look up at Xol, asking if he knew any of this stuff was actually eaten, to which Xol's reply is usually no. A lot of this stuff is way too "fancy" and Xol's never seen most of it.

  93. "Its not really what one CAN eat, but what people CHOOSE to WANT to eat. And that's the thing. You make the food sound fancy enough, exclusive. Then make small portions. You will be able to get people to pay for the 'privilege' of eating that meal." Lara's finger traces down the price line of many of the "exclusive" menu items, many with triple digit pricing.

    Leaning over to Set conspiratorially, she points at several items. "Now those don't have a price listed. It's not because they are free, but the opposite. If you have to ask for a price, you probably can't afford it."

  94. "Well that all sounds really sneaky," Set finally says after he gives the menu a look over again. "And expensive! So, fancy people with a lot of money are going to come eat here and play the games...I get it."

    He thinks for a bit. "But me and Xol aren't fancy and I don't think Xol has a whole lot of are we going to eat later!?"

    "I can be "fancy" if i want to," Xol says with a joking offense. "And I'd like to think working here would get us fed as well as getting me a paycheck but if it comes down to it, I'll cook."

    Set silently stares at Xol for a few moments.

    " don't think I can cook?"

    "You don't seem like the chef kind," Set laughs.

  95. "I do recall eating out a lot or being the one to do the cooking when I lived on the Sarlacc." Lara says teasingly.

  96. "Hey I cooked...once...eggs....hmmm," Xol folds his arms. "I was just....busy. With everything."

    Set giggles.

  97. "Wait. Those were eggs? I thought they were rubber balls for me to use in telekinesis practice."

  98. "Aawww," Set laughs and pats Xol's knee. "I'm sure it wasn't that bad."

    "It certainly wasn't that bad," Xol grumbles. "Was it? Really? You didn't say anything then..."

  99. "I honestly didn't know they were food. I played fetch with Widd for an hour with those things. We stopped because the last one bounced to a place we couldn't get to in the cargo hold." Lara says making a slight face.

  100. Xol remembers not actually watching her eat. He had wanted to give her privacy. That was not long after they had first met. "You're lying aren't you? You've got to be lying...unless I did cook them for too long...did I?"

  101. Lara pats Xol's hand gently. "Widd chewed on them, but didn't eat them. You might have over done them just a tad. Its okay, some people just can't cook. NO shame in that. You did get those grease and blood stains out of my coveralls, you have that going for you."

  102. "I want to try and cook! Then I can teach you Xol," Set says once he's stop laughing.

    "No I've got to try and make those again," Xol stands up and then sits back down. "Ugh just had to like my ship the best. My little kitchen I'm used to being in is of course on the Sarlacc."

  103. Lara giggles a little. Thoughts of Set's ideas of cooking flying through her head. Cakes, pies, cookies, ice cream and candy being taught as lessons to Xol.

    "I'm sure you will." shes says tasseling Set's head. "Now there is one thing that is more exotic than some foods. It's these." Lara taps the corner of the menu and it shifts to show a bevy of desserts.

    "Something from Sera's memory says you will want to try this... one. Chocolate Lava Cake."

  104. "Lava? You can't eat lava..." Set tries to picture what a lava cake would look like as only a child could. He pictures a red rocky cake, that when you cut it open, steams and glows and spills out liquid. "Wouldn't that burn everything? How do you even eat it?"

  105. Lara double taps the entry and an holo of a small chocolate cake appears. A fork moves in cuts a wedge from the top of the dessert. A thick liquid chocolate begins to bubble from the hole and ooze down over the sides, like a small sugary volcano.

  106. Set slumps over disappointed. He feels conflicted. He's glad it's normal food he can eat...maybe? But upset that it isn't actual lava. "That looks nothing like lava," he pouts.

  107. "That's okay. More for me then." Lara says with a smirk. She orders the dessert and subtly signals to the waiter to bring two forks.

  108. "When I start cooking, I'm going to give the food I make real names...not fake that's not actually what's in there names," Set says crossing his arms.

    "Who are you going to cook for?" Xol asks. "All those names are so the food seems more interesting to whoever orders it."

    "For you!" Set says as he tips himself so he leans onto Xol.

    "Well in that case, call everything food and I'll be fine."

  109. "That might backfire for you, Xol. 'Food' takes varying shapes, colors, and forms. Like this."

    A small brown cake dusted with powdered sugar and garnished with two berries is placed before Lara. The girl casts a knowing glance at Set, before using one of the two forks to cut into the top. Steaming warm gooey chocolate bubbles up out of the cake, sending its sweet aroma around the table.

    Lara scoops some of the oozing chocolate onto a bite of cake. She looks sideways at the child as she takes a bite.

  110. Both Set and Xol stare at the cake. "It's not lava but it looks yummy," Set says.

    "Can you make something like that?" Xol nudges Set with his elbow.

    Without any hesitation, Set responds, "No...I don't know how you would get the melted stuff inside..."

  111. Lara takes a few more bites and subtly shifts the other fork around toward Set. "And the cake is all gooey on the inside too." she says with a smile. "See for yourself, Set."

  112. Set quickly grabs the fork then carefully cuts a piece. He examines the cake and its "lava", pokes it with his finger, then looks at Lara embarrassed as he wipes his hand off on Xol's robe, thinking it was his own. "Had to make sure it wasn't too know how bad that would hurt for me?"

    Set quickly eats the cake. Xol watches Set to see how good or bad this could possibly taste and suddenly has a scoop of cake pushed toward his face. Xol looks at the cake and lifts up the mask for Set.

    "You need to learn how to make that Set...It's really good!"

    "Why can't you make it?"

    "If she is to be believed, this thing would be solid all the way through and not fit for strill...."

  113. ((because you 2 post so damn fast, and while i am asleep)and typing like he talks is annoying, so im not doing it anymore you know what he sounds like)

    Elbor watches the slight hesitation of the Kel-dor, "Xol, you do not have to worry about worry about your appearance." He says with a slight smile. Now that Xol is just sitting there he really takes in Elbors size, he also notices several scars on his arms, chest and head. He even sees that Elbor has a cybernetic eye(nothing fancy, purely so he can see) with a large scar going across that eye.

    (when Lara sits down) "Hello, I am Elbor K'Hor." He says with as best a bow as he can give with out getting up. He then sits and watches Set marvel at what is on the menu.
