Thursday, April 12, 2012

Not Infinties

Xol lets go of Set and slowly gets up off the floor. "I need to stop getting shot at..." He pats Set's head before going back to the mirror.

Set exhales quickly and stands up too. "Maybe I'll go find you slobery thing you..."

((again...short...gotta get in the groove))


I still wanna rp D:< KEITH! the only one who would rp with me on a constant basis XD so...infinities stuff...maybe i'll even make a post so i can rp set and xol in the other world...let's see...

Set slowly lays back down after everyone leaves and sighs. He still has to figure this Jedi stuff out...find Plo...

((ok its short but...yeah...D: i'll maybe post more))

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hiatus :O

Took all admin stuff down since this is on hold. You can still post comments but pages can't be edited and new posts can't be made (unless I do something) Just to keep it at the stopping point.

:3 posts can be made...don't feel like dumping everyone as authors XD but I took the admin stuff down.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

RP 20 - Other Problems

As the bizarre craft disappears into hyperspace from inside Sullust's upper atmosphere, Lara studies the coordinates from the radiation burst.

The Unknown Regions. An easy guess, but this guy is insane and dangerous on every level. Iku was scared of him and Elbor bent knee to him... I'm going to have to speak to Navik in private, or better yet... with Jace next to me, since he was there too. We can't have internal enemies. Going to need to talk to Null too. He was in there alone for awhile and no telling what this Other told him.

I'm in over my head here. Maybe he was right, I am the weak one. Sera wouldn't have fallen for that obvious trap with the bombers. She'd know what to do, but... if being a Jedi was easy... But he's got Sera's mindset, so any help is a sign of weakness. But its not. It makes you stronger and gives you an edge. It's how we beat Jopal. It's how we will beat this new evil. Sera is a part of that team whether she likes it or not. And I need to get her opinions on this. But first...

"This is Specter. Heading for a quick resupply and planning on the Legacy. Determine how we should handle things now."

Friday, January 20, 2012

RP 19 - On the Table

As Set tucks into the rest of the cake, Lara turns to the other person at the table. "So Eldor, what brought you to the Legacy. I understand you are working for Navik, but how did you get into this line of work."

Sunday, January 15, 2012

RP 18-Cereal Killer

((after leaving star's end and getting the info on the murderer..coming down after the crazy))

"That place looked cool!" Set tells Xol. "Too bad I couldn't go in to see what it looked it..."

"It's really boring in there," Xol says. "Full of a bunch of sleeping people."

Set sighs. "Hmmm...that does sound boring...not exciting like when we caught that cat lady."

Xol laughs. "We?"

"Yeah! I went too...I mean...I guess I didn't do anything though..."

"You were back up," he pats Set's head. "And now you can be not back up and we can relax for a little bit..."

Friday, January 6, 2012

RP 17-And the end of Chapter 1

Set walks over to Widdimur wraps his arms around hir neck and whispers in hir ear, "Please have babies. Don't listen to Xol...he'll LOVE them."

Widdimur wags hir long thin whip like tail. It makes a whoosh sound as it cuts through the air and Wid licks Set's face. "Bleh!" He pats the strill's head. "I love you too you slimy thing you. Don't take any more of our stuff now or Xol will be mad ok?" 


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Infinities: Ow my Face!

((I had 3 hp...I can still get up :P not expecting anyone else but myself to post :3 but all welcome)) 

Set wakes up as he starts to cough and wheeze and then slaps a hand to his mask. It must have gotten knocked loose after jumping off the speeder with...the girl! Is she ok? He slowly sits himself up. Everything hurts. Especially his face. The small twilek seems to be fine. She has a few bumps and bruises and isn't awake, but through the Force, Set knows he protected her from serious harm. He pushes through the pain and moves them both to a safe spot where Set can lean up against up the wall. 

Gosh...why does it hurt so ba...he gently touches a few shaky finger tips to his face and winces. He's bleeding. Now he feels it after a breeze blows by. How cold and wet the left side of his face is. Set brings his legs up to the point where he can hug them and rest his forehead on his knees. Don't cry...big baby...

RP 16-The Past

Xol stands up and stumbles a bit. "Well...I think I'm done...Or I should be done," he takes one last, long sip on his drink and then looks over at Set sadly. Set puts his data pad away and grabs Xol's hand. "Straight to bed!" Set commands. Xol nods as he slowly follows Set out who gives a quick wave to everyone.