Monday, December 26, 2011


((Because next level Set can get force powers! Has to make sense!))

Set closes his eyes and concentrates.

"Use the Flow and see what's around me..." Xol says.

Set relaxes once he realizes he has closed his eyes as tight as he could. Too tight. "Hmmm...I see...I see...BLACKNESS!" Set sighs and opens his eyes. "This isn't working."

"You can't give up now! Give it some more time. I know you can do it."

"Ok ok fine..." Set closes his eyes again. "I looks...foggy...I swirly something...Is that you!?" He opens his eyes.

"Yes! Why did you stop?"

"I guess I got excited hehe," Set laughs. "Ok...let's try this again."

"Red're sitting on the floor?"


"YAY!'s still so so's bright the machine I played on earlier!" Set says excitedly, still with his eyes closed, still able to hold onto the little bit he can see. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


((I don't know exactly when to make this? I'm assuming after we found Red and his army haha. Just wanting to toss a post out...))

Set is happy to be out of The Sarlacc and in the hugeness of the Legacy with all it's bright lights and games. Xol was able to fix a slot machine so Set can play non-stop without winning credits or putting in credits and has been watching him have the time of his life for the past 10 minutes. Xol wonders what this place will feel like when it's full of people and marvels at the amount of money this thing could pull in.  

Friday, December 16, 2011

RP 14 - Crazy Droids, Twinkies, and a Bathroom

Lara's eyes snap open. Xol is standing above her, Set is hiding behind him, and SL-01 is shaking a container like a maraca nearby. Her head is swimming and fuzzy.

Groaning, she looks around and sees a small pile of snack cakes on her. Her skin still tingles from the vision and tiny imperceptible pin-pricks are fading across her arms.

"Wha... ?" she manages to ask

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Visions of the Force: Cyrus and Lara

Lara's eyes open to a sun-lit room. Sitting up, she finds herself not wearing the coveralls she had been wearing the before. Replacing her clothes is a set of Jedi robes without the hooded over-cloak.

Looking around the spacious neutral color room, she senses a familiarity. An arched window fills the back wall, giving the only light in the room. Lara steps to the window an looks out on a bustling city world. "Imperial Center... no, Coruscant! Everything is older, but like brand new." she murmurs. Her reflection in the transparisteel causes a gasp. Her hair is tied back in different style, but a long braid reaches to her shoulder.

The pieces sink in, but it makes no sense. Jedi robes, braid, old Coruscant... she has to be in the old Jedi Temple. Moving to the doorway, she pokes her head out into the hallway. "Hello? Anyone here? Hello?"

Smothering silence answers her calls. Sighing, Lara steps into the hallway. Her boots click on the marble floors, echoing loudly in the emptiness. Briefly, something else echoes through the halls, a thin whisper. Lara stops, trying to pinpoint the location. "Hello? Is someone there?"

Continuing down the hallway, memories of the place begin to flood into Lara's mind. The whispers come back stronger and more distinct. Forcing down the memories, Lara sets off in the direction, but stops short of a training room. The whispers had stopped, to be replaced by the vmmmm of a lightsaber blade.

Peeking through the doors, a familiar looking Miraluka runs a black and white lightsaber through a complex series of maneuvers. Lara slips into the door and watches him for a moment. Of course it would have to be him. Cyrus is tied to this place the same as me. I wonder what has become of the others taken from here. Did they all suffer as we have? Or were they better off?

As the Miraluka closes down his lightsaber, his back is to her. Lara clears her throat and speaks. "Hello, Cyrus. It's been a long time."

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

RP 13 - I was drunk in a bar...

Sera shoves her hands into her pockets, brooding as she walks back into Keldabe.

Stupid Xol. I knew he would not understand. He was right there when we got the messages from the Sages and then Darth Rivan told us about the staff. And he stood right there and watched IMP-6's about Lara.

Is he blind or just does not want to make the connections?

Sera sighs. Desperate to quiet the thoughts in her head she looks around. A sign above her head looks familiar. "Bartering Acceptable. No strills allowed inside." she reads.

Pushing open the door she steps into an almost forgotten world. If it weren't for the armored Mandalorians, the holonet transceiver in the corner, and a holo projector showing some type of sporting match... Sera could swear it would be a an ancient tavern. With a pot and cooking fire in the center of the room.

Finding a dark booth, she sits down and orders a local brew. The glass of nearly black sticky liquid with a tan foam arrives from a skeptical looking man. "This anything like Tarisian ale?" Sera asks skeptically wondering if the Mandalorian's put motor oil in a glass.

The man lifts an eye brow. "Drinking is a recreation here. This is Ne'tra gal. Goes down smooth and fills ya like a loaf of bread. You want something that strong to knock yourself out, I can hit ya with a stun bolt. " His derision is capped with a glob of spit on the floor.

Sera raises her glass and sips the the concoction. Not bad. So Mandalorian's can fight and make a good ale. Interesting skill sets.

She sits there pouring over her thoughts and pouring more ale into her stomach. Soon five empty glasses sit on the table and sixth half-full recruit is next to her hand. Sera reflects about trying Tarisian ale in the cargo hold of her parents ship at age nine. The crew let her take a sip of it and that had been enough to knock her out and give her a hangover the next day. Part of her training regiment as an Emperor's Hand was to build her tolerances to common poisons, drugs, and other things used to incapacitate people. Even without the Force regimens she'd learned to neutralize things like alcohol, she could probably drink almost any other human under the table.
Still, the Ne'tra gal was slowly catching up to her. Sighing, she takes another sip. One more after this I'll get cab or call Xol to come get me.

As she stupefies herself, the door opens and two figures walk in both wearing Mandalorian armor. One appears human-sized, the other is about a third of the other's height. The taller is wearing black armor with some gold accents. The shorter one is wearing dark green and brown-gold armor with leather straps and bone trinkets hanging from it.

The two walk over to the crowd watching the sports match and greet a few people. As Sera watches, the taller looks right at her and kind of cocks his head to the side. With a little horror she realizes that they are now walking her direction. Both slide into the opposite side of the booth.

A slightly gravelly processed voice comes from the one in black. "So what brings you back to the Oyu'baat, girl? Shysa hasn't arranged any details yet."

Sera casts her eyes at the table. "I think you have me confused with someone else."

The little one in green pulls of its helmet revealing a rather cute fuzzy head and two tiny ears perched a top her head. It's almost an effort for Sera to not coo at the thing, but seeing some of the fetishes across the armor changes her mind. Human teeth, bones and what looks like a braided scalp adorn the metal and jumpsuit. The creature sniffs quickly three times and looks at its companion. In a slightly high-pitched and halting basic it says, "She smell different from Xol's girl. Similar, but different. Family same, not person. Like you and others."

Blinking in surprise Sera looks at the other Mandalorian. He nods at the creature and removes his helmet. Sera's shock grows even more as she recognizes a Fett clone, but a young one. Despite the slightly longer hair and a beard, it is most definitely a clone
"You... You're... You're a..." she manages to stammer.

The clone raises an eyebrow and slides back in his seat. "Let's not start throwing around the 'C' word, girlie. While the circumstances of my birth differ from the majority of people in the galaxy, I'm just like any other person here. So you're not the girl from the other day, the one dying to meet the Mand'alor, but you look exactly like her."

The small creature gives the clone a small jab to the ribs. Then gestures to its own face. "Eyes different too. Green, not blue."

He gives a grimace. "Fine, barring the eyes they look nearly identical. Not a big fan of coincidences, so let's get right down to it. Some girl comes to Mandalore looking for our leader, dragging along previous associates of mine. Claims she knows things about a problem. Then I find you, who recognizes me as a clone within seconds of seeing my face. Given its been seven years since the war, most people who ever saw one have kinda forgotten about us. Unless... you have seen a few lately. Only people I know who still have some of us in large supply are the Empire. You want to tell us who you really are and what you are after?"

Sera lets out a snort of derision. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Jusht shay I'm lying." Her thoughts just replay the last sentence. Did I just slur my words? That stuff is more potent then they let on.

"Not really. Teek, here, is member of an amazing species. Very perceptive bunch if she is any indication. Fierce and brave too, real Mandokarla. But she can smell if you are lying... subtle shifts in your body are plain as day. Now, I know you will tell me the truth or Persuader will have to say 'hello'. " The sound of a mechanical action under the table draws her attention to a micro grenade launcher aimed at her stomach.

Mentally she does nothing but curse herself. Rule 1: Always watch a suspect's hands. The minute you stop watching their hands is when the pull the vibroblade on you.

"You ever hear you get more fliesh with shugar than... than that bitter shtuff?" Sera responds, her anger building.

"Believe me, this IS asking nicely. I could throw a 'please' on top if you want, but there is still gonna be a grenade launcher here."

Sera begins to laugh. "Pull the trigger. Kill me. Do me that favor now. Won't have to do the shtupid ritual, everyone diesh later anyway. Think thish would be lessh painful than what Jopal would do to me."

Teek looks at her companion and shakes her head. The man pulls back the weapon and places it against his shoulder. "Teek says you aren't lying about that... I've heard a lot of people bluff with more convincing words than those, but you are serious here."

Sera nods. "Told you. Shtupid Xol and shtupid othersh, no clue what I'm dealing with."

The girl drains her glass and signals for another. The barkeep glances at the empties and places a new one down. He looks to the man, who signals for something.

The man turns back to Sera. "You need to ease up on those things. You go in on an empty stomach and they will mess you up quickly enough. My name is Draigo and you girlie have gotten me curious."

The barkeep comes back with three bowls of a delicious looking stew, a glass of water, and some type of blue syrupy liquid in a pouch. The stew goes down in front of everyone with Dragio getting the water and Teek getting the blue stuff. Sera eyes the stew hungrily, but with suspicion.

Draigo laughs, gesturing a thumb to the cooking fire where a big cauldron sits. "Came out of the same pot. Everyone's here did. Eat up, it'll take the edge off. Now tell me, what is it that Xol can't seem to help you with?"

Monday, December 12, 2011

Widdie and the Strill

((Story time! Again XD this time it's stupid silliness))

"It's you!" Widdimur says surprised at finding the strill from earlier again.

"And you!" the other strill says excitedly.

"I haven't seen another since I was a pup. What is your name? I'm Widdimur."

"I...don't have a name," the stray strill says. "I have no one to name me! It's just me against the world." It strikes a dashing pose.

Widdimur is impressed. Hir life was in no way easy being Xol's partner. This must be one tough witty strill.

"So, was that child creature your master," the stray strill asks looking at Widdimur. Hir eyes bright.

"The creature is my partner's child," Widdimur says.

"Partner? Not a pet? And you get to be around a nice child? I'm jealous," the stray snuggles up to Widdimur. "Some of these children play nice. And some of them are cruel! And some of the adults are cruel too!" It whips it's tail around to show Widdimur the injuries it has.

"Oh you poor thing!" Widdimur gently touches the tail.


"Look Widdimur..."

Widdimur looks down at the puddle. And begins to drink from it.

"No no!" Set pushes him. "We need to keep moving or we'll lose her...if this is her...and if it's not then we will discover...something? Right?"

Widdimur snorts.

"And if we don't keep moving, Number 1 will catch up...and Jets too...and then we can't be sneaky!"

Sunday, December 11, 2011

RP 11 - Five Fabulous Days on Mandalore

Sera sits in meditation aboard The Sarlacc. Her thoughts shift from subject to subject, unable to still her mind and focus herself.

She remembers Marka Ragnos' warnings. Her master, Darth Sidious, would inadvertently destroy the Sith if left to his machinations. Sera reflects that this must actually be true to some extent, as the long dead Sith Lord seemed to request that of all his pawns.

Thoughts drifting to her master, she knows that while he has been a father to her, she must overcome that love and be willing to strike him down to complete her ascendance. However, what she must currently learn to overcome is her complete trust in him. His tests of her are getting more dangerous and will continue to do so until she proves that she is strong enough to fully step into the mantle of his apprentice. The only question is what must she sacrifice to make that climb.

Of sacrifices, her mind turns to the holocron of Darth Rivan sitting nearby. The inert black pyramid taunts her with the possibility of what must be done to stop Jopal. Rivan spoke of an ancient ritual, one attempted and failed thirteen years before by Count Dooku. The same ritual that was the bane of her cousin Lara. It left Lara shattered, without memory, or able to feel the Force. To make things more difficult, the ritual would require herself, Lara, and her newly discovered cousin Bria. Light, Neutral, and Dark... all in similar visage and within the same bloodline. Can the dire warning Rivan gave outweigh the threat to her cousins?

Thinking of Lara, Sera has to smile. For her fights of control and initial distaste for her cousin, the girl has proven to be just as powerful and as skillful as Sera, herself. She has endured so much pain, more than Sera has ever known, yet she has tempered anger, hate, and fear. For the first time in her life, Sera has begun to question if her master was right. Is the darkside stronger than the light?

Reflecting on the Force around her, Sera can feel Xol in his cabin trying to meditate on the future. Koro remains in his bacta tank, still recovering from his electrocution at Jopal's hands. Ti steadfastly goes through the motions of lightsaber drills, practicing what Koro had taught him. Scanning around the area, Sera finds hints of Force Sensitives among the locals of Keldabe. She smirks at the thought of Jedi Mandalorians, dismissing the notion and continuing her movement. For a second, she cannot feel Set. But then she realizes that the focus had been too long range. The Kel Dor youngling is very close to her. Opening her eyes, she sees his little head and breath mask inches from her face.

With a sad smile she greets the child. "Hello to you too, Set."

Friday, December 9, 2011

RP 10: Something, Something Darkside

Set hugs Sera back again and sniffles. "I know...and I'm sorry for that too...breaking stuff." He pauses. "So we are kinda the same...maybe Xol can be your second dad too."

Thursday, December 8, 2011

RP9 something clever

"Karl," Xol says to Sera with a sort of disgusted tone. "That's one creature my patience could not have endured for too long..."

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

RP (IG-8)8

Sera's eyes snap open. Memories of the night before come to her unwanted. She shakes her head at her own stupidity. Looking around the darkened room, she stretches then speaks the command word for lights.

Laying on her desk is a datapad with a message blinking. With the Force, she retrieves it and then settles in on her bed.

A tiny image of herself appears, no... its close, but it's not her. Body language is all wrong, but the girl's Ord Mantell accent seals it... Lara.

"Now what were you up to?"Sera muses, feeling a churn of anger in her chest.

The holo of Lara bows slightly. "Sera, I'm leaving you this message for you so as not to disturb you. You really did need your rest, cousin. I'm notifying you that Admiral Thrawn has seen fit to assign us a new member. He is Lt. Jace Adeen, some commando or other Spec-Ops soldier. Tweaker should have pulled his file and service record by the time you watch this.

"Kor... Cyrus is badly wounded. He tried to patch himself up, but didn't get very far. I got him in some bacta, but..." She looks around then continues in a slight whisper. "But the 2-1B doesn't give him a high chance of survival. If Cyrus got to a skilled combat surgeon, those odds could increase, he was practically electrocuted by Jopal. Ti-Ket was stuck in there with him, the child is going to get scarred. Be nice to him or... well, I don't know what you will find your self waking up to. It won't be pleasant though.

"As for thoughts of rescuing Siella, there might be more to her 'surrender' than we know. Remember that creepy book you thought would be okay to let her study? Well, she did. And she started bleeding out her nose while reading it. To make things more interesting, she created a droid to 'help with the transformation'. It's words. It's very creepy words. With that in mind, and your level of paranoia... check your spy holos of everyone on the ship. Yeah, kept that from me; but truth comes out in the end. I have suspicion so you might want to make it a priority to check over her activities including R4.

"We should be at Corellia now. Tweaker is putting into Imperial supply for needed items. Your best guess as to where we are headed next.

"One last thing. I kinda feel we're on an even playing field now. In an effort to be cordial, I am not going to pass myself off as you. The new guy has met me as Lara Shan, your assistant and cousin. Tweaker and Xol backed me on that one. You just be your 'pleasant' self, he'll see the difference. If you are willing, can you be a litmus test on his opinions of Force-users. Just have the lightsaber visible, is really all Xol and I ask. Other than that, hope you had a good rest. Try not to get us killed."

The image of Lara tosses a small wave before disappearing. Sera groans. "I don't need that much sweetness in the morning."

With a wave of the Force, Sera smacks the intercom. "Xol, my quarters. Please. Bring my favorite bucket of bolts with you. We need to talk."

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

RP (HK - 4)7

"Most kids hide under bed sheets don't they?"

Walking into the room, Xol tries to comfort the distraught strill. "What in the world...that thing needs to go...Widdie has never been like this toward anything. Are we just locking it up till the next jump and then tossing it?"

Sneak: 101 (the fun had teaching kids)

After the hype of the 'new guy' dies down a bit, Navik walks back to where he was talking to Ti and Set. "Ok, so what I do is part of what you do and what you ware," he then takes off his coat, as he dose it seems to almost shimmer in the light, "You see this is a camo cloak, it changes with where you are and helps you hide things," for the first time they see two holsters in the small of his back. He walks over to the wall and holds it up, it changes to the color of the wall, he then asks Ti to walk over and stand behind it, it the changes to try and mach his skin color, and dose the same with Set. So they can both see it, he then says "Ok, if i asked you to hide right now what would you say off the top of your head, dont think about it."


"The information you may need is not always available in one place..."

Xol thinks for a moment. "The simplest thing would be the hyper space and air lock combo. And speaking of information...did Sera give you my message? What I've found out for you?"

Sunday, December 4, 2011

RP5: End of a Trilogy

After escaping to hyper space, Cyrus stumbles out of cockpit, heading for the medical bay. From inside, a ringing metallic clang can be heard periodically, as smoking armor is discarded from the stumbling and injured miraluka, left to stay where it falls. He manages to strip everything off of his torso before stumbling into the medical bay. His skin is charred and burnt, and in places there are deep gouges that are bleeding profusely where the force lightning almost seemed to cut across his body. His only respite from the pain was the knowledge that "Jopal" would likely be in the same state, judging from the deep cuts left by Cyrus's lightsaber. How those blows didnt sever Jopal in twain, Cyrus will never know.

Cyrus manages to stumble onto the table before succumbing completely to his wounds. With a gasp, the medical droid begins to diagnose and treat his injuries. Most of them, it seems, will leave unpleasant scars, reminders of past failures.

Cyrus dreams of the fight as he drifts into and out of consciousnesses. Every move he did wrong, every thing he could have done differently. The force almost seems to reprimand him for his failure, showing him everything he could have done that would have changed the outcome of the fight. Notes for later, he subconsciously decides.

Ti sits in the corner, quitly sobbing and holding onto Cyrus's signature lightsaber, worried about his condition. To a 9 yearold(or someone not trained in treat injury) Cyrus easily looks like he could pass on at any moment, but luckly most of the wounds will easily be treated in the next few hours.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

RP4-Lom >.>

((This is going to be for the time that happens between saving Set and our last session after the meeting with Jopal and the mandalorians.))

Getting back onto the ship after the group rescues Set, Xol slowly walks into the medical bay with a slight limp, Set at his heels. He sits down on one of the beds and in seconds, has the young kel-dor on his lap.

"I'm sorry!" Set sobs.

"It's not your's my fault...I was supposed to be watching you," Xol says wincing a bit while hugging Set. "Never again..."

The Fantabulous Adventures of Set and Ti

After their long training session, Cyrus gets Ti settled in his room. For now, Cyrus is sleeping on a pullout cot, with Ti in the bed. Ti stays up for a whille, considering all the new adventures hes going to have, all the places he is going to see. Long after Cyrus is fast asleep, Ti decides to get up and explore the ship, unable to sleep regardless of his exhaustion. The only other time he was on a space ship, he was scared and confined in a room, but now there are all sorts of possibilities .

He quickly sneaks out of the room, trying to figure out where to go next. He really has no clue where to go as he hasnt been on the ship for long, but figures it wouldnt be a bad idea to try and find Set and see if he is awake

Friday, December 2, 2011

Meanwhile, on Narr Shaddaa:

((as always everything i say is in Rodese, unless stated otherwise))
As The Specter exited Hyper-space, Navik walks from his room and to the ramp and stands there waiting for the ship to land. Navik yells,"Cyrus, if you could please hurry and land. I have some pressing matters i need to attend to. Thank you." He then simply stands there staring at the ramp waiting for it to open. Anyone who sees him can almost fill an uneasy filling radiating from him.

Set and Xol

((This is going to be me talking to myself haha. Anyone can post if you want to but it's more of a story telling thing for me))

The two Kel-Dor make it back to Xol's room. Xol makes himself comfortable in a chair, with his feet up on a table, arms crossed and Set climbs into the bed and buries himself in the blankets. A few moments later, Set rolls over. He stirs again under the blankets. Another flip-flop and a sigh.

"What's wrong little one," Xol asks, looking up at the ceiling, trying to relax. "Are you not comfortable? It is hard to sleep with the mask on, but you get used to it...that is...until I get this room "fixed" for us. You can take the eye piece off but you must get used to not being able to see if you don't fall asleep right away..."

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Xol puts a hand on Sera's shoulder (the one he did NOT shoot) and says, "Thank you...keep the young ones and yourself the safest," and he walks off to go back to his apprentice.


"So Set...what have you been up to while I was away?" Xol asks as he walks into the cargo area and sees Set not sitting where he left him.

"Nothing," Set says. He mumbles something in dorin as he looks at the metal object in his hands.

"Playing?" Xol asks with a laugh. "With that? I felt Ti do something."

"Oh yeah Ti made it float!" Set lifts his arms up as high as he could and then lowers them and says, " was more like this low..."