Thursday, December 1, 2011


Xol puts a hand on Sera's shoulder (the one he did NOT shoot) and says, "Thank you...keep the young ones and yourself the safest," and he walks off to go back to his apprentice.


"So Set...what have you been up to while I was away?" Xol asks as he walks into the cargo area and sees Set not sitting where he left him.

"Nothing," Set says. He mumbles something in dorin as he looks at the metal object in his hands.

"Playing?" Xol asks with a laugh. "With that? I felt Ti do something."

"Oh yeah Ti made it float!" Set lifts his arms up as high as he could and then lowers them and says, " was more like this low..."


  1. Sera leans against the door frame with a small smile. Watching the scene.

    Memories of her lessons coming to her mind. Her master was tough, but he was kind and taught her how to focus. One day, when she had done the necessary steps. She would enjoy teaching a youngling like them, an apprentice of her own.

  2. Xol takes the object from Set with the force. "So...he made it float like this huh?" and he holds it over Set's head. Set jumps up for it but Xol keeps it out of his reach.

    "Try and get it from me," Xol says.

    Set jumps for it, tries to fake it out by hiding behind boxes and jumping out again at it or sitting down then jumping back up. He tries to throw something else at it and Xol just catches that too and puts it down. Set even tries to focus on it, hoping to do what Ti did and take it that way.

    Xol feels the tiny ripples in the force and says, "There you go...stick with it."

    Set was holding his breath as he tried and exhaled a big puff of air and sat on the floor, upset that he couldn't do it. The ripples stop.

    "It's ok, don't be discouraged..." Xol says as he walks over. "You can never do everything all at once. Patience."

    Set scooches over by Xol, still sitting on the floor, and hugs Xol's legs. The object falls to the ground as Xol is a bit surprised by this...the last time he got such a hug was from the child who's family he had gotten Widdimur from.

    Xol relaxes, Set gets up, runs over to the object, picks it up and runs back to Xol with it.

    "I know this doens't count....but I want to try again..." Set says.

  3. Sera feels a tug at her heart. She walks over to the two Kel-Dor and makes simple gesture. The object floats in front of Set.

    With a glance at Xol, she begins in a soft voice. "The Force, or the Flow as Xol calls it is all around you Set. It surrounds us, binds us, and is a part of almost everything in the galaxy.

    "Telekinesis is tricky for those without a talent for it or who have raw strength. But there's a trick that with practice will help you in all that you are trying to do.

    "Look at the sphere in the air. Now, close your eyes and breath deeply. Open your mind and feel the Force around you. Feel it brush your skin, your clothes, Xol, me, and the object.

    "Keep your eyes closed. Now, when can you feel the Force flowing around you let it carry you with it... like a leaf floating on a stream.

    "As you float with it, you will be able to feel it flowing around other things. When you find it flowing around the sphere, simply reach out with your mind and divert the flow against the sphere and not around it. You aren't so much pulling it to you as pushing it.

    You can do it, kiddo."

  4. Set looks up at Xol, remembering what he had said about from where to get his lessons. Xol gives a nod and Set looks back at Sera. He sits down on the floor, since this is the easiest way for him to stay still.

    He looks at the object and closes his eyes. The young kel-dor concentrates and holds his eyes closed tight and then relaxes, figuring, maybe you can actually try TOO hard to do this...he breaths deep and the small ripples can be felt again.

    Set knows HE isn't actually floating but he feels as if he is and feels like he is "in the right place in his mind" so to say. He sees and feels everything at the same time...and he's got it! For a few seconds he's got the object and it's his and it's in the air because HE put it there and in his excitement he loses it and it crashes to the floor.

    He opens his eyes and jumps up off the floor. "Did you see it!? Did you see? I did it it!" He rushes over and hugs Xol again and then hugs Sera. "Thank you."

  5. Sera steadies herself from the sudden hug. She pats Set on the back. "I saw. Good job, kiddo. You're welcome."

    Gesturing again, the sphere floats back into the air and rotates slowly on a tilted axis. Sera looks at the youngling.

    "You've taken your first steps into a much larger world. With time, lots of practice, and patience; things become easier and you can learn a finer control. It becomes an extension of yourself.

    "Remember this lesson, Set. It is the most fundamental thing you can learn about using the Force. Feeling that flow is the key. Sometimes you need to move with it. Other times, you have to redirect it. But it all comes down to the flow of the Force between us all."

  6. Set nods and sits down again. "I see what I was supposed to try and do before Xol...I need to relax...can I just practice that? If I can figure that out first, I think moving things will be easier..."

    "Yes. Once you can easily see and feel the Flow, and tap into it, the rest of the teachings and techniques will seem less difficult."

  7. "Sera has some very good points about the use of the force Ti. You would do well to take note, but it seems to me you have already figured out what she said. Cyrus says in a hushed tone.

    "I just did what you do, Master Cyrus. You always look so Calm when you do anything with the force, except for that one time when you saved everybody at the landing pad, but even then you looked calm. I wanna learn how you did that! It was like an energy wave that was all like WOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHHHHHHH and then like BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! ((How I envision the "attack" version of move object")) I wanna learn that!!!" Ti says the last part very animated, waveing his arms around

    "All in due time, my young learner." Cyrus says with a smile. When you centered yourself, and could feel the flow of the force around you, thats the feeling you are going for. Dont be afraid of it. Mastery of the force will come though meditation and practice. Perhaps Master Xol and set would meditate with us sometime?

  8. Xol chuckles at Ti and then has a moment of quiet pause as he thinks. "Yes...we could do that sometime Cyrus."

  9. "For now though...I think it's time we rest," Xol says and he watches Set stretch and yawn. "Come can have my bed till we figure something out..."
