Tuesday, December 6, 2011


"The information you may need is not always available in one place..."

Xol thinks for a moment. "The simplest thing would be the hyper space and air lock combo. And speaking of information...did Sera give you my message? What I've found out for you?"


  1. "Ah, finally! LT, weve made contact" one of the pilots says. He flicks a switch, and then answers

    "Specter, this is Shuttle R066-2. We have orders from admiral Thrawn for a Personnel transfer, and request you move for docking"

  2. "Roger shuttle, proceed to *insert coordinates* for link up. What kind of personnel are we talking?"

  3. "Uh, not sure. looks like some sort of commando type. Hes your quote/unquote secret weapon against the mandolorians, what ever that means. Moveing to dock now, R066-2 out"

    The shuttle moves to the port side of the specter and engages a docking clamp. With a pressurized hiss, the door slides open.

    A Figure in matt black armor with a blue command pauldron steps onto the specter. He is wearing bulky armor of an obscure design, it appears to be a modified pattern of katarn commando armor, with the helmet hanging off his belt. On his back, hes has what looks like a repulsorlift in jetpack form. His right eye is completely covered by a targeting computer. He has a tactical rifle slung across his chest in a position where he could easily get it. He holds a large Empire issue duffle bag in each hand, and sets them down on the deck as he steps onto the ship

  4. Tweaker brings up a larger scale holo for Null at the control panel. It blats at the image unflatteringly.

    "More armored biologics, amusing. Why do biologics persist in wearing armor. According to records of your exploits and Imperial statistics, it seems nearly worthless for protection in combat. It does boast impressive efficiency with psychological tests.

    "I digress. Shall I pull up this one's records while landing us on Corellia?"

  5. Set's eyes widen when he sees the new comer on the ship. A new very intimidating individual. Without a second thought, he hops up from the floor and quickly makes his way to Xol's room.

    He tries the door. It's locked?! Oh no! "Xol! Xol! Let me in! This guy has a gun and bags!" He whispers loudly.

  6. Lara jumps from the bed and kicks the book into a corner. Standing in front of it, she tries to relax and look casual.

    She looks at Xol and nods so he can let Set in.

  7. "Begin compiling the files and let me know what you find. I'm going to welcome our new guest."

    With that, he walks to and then slides down the ladder from the bridge and makes his way to the cargo pit.

  8. Xol unlocks the door for Set and lets him in. Set rushes in before the door can even finish opening and hugs Xol.

    "What in the world happened?" he asks trying to sort of peel Set off of him. "Who has a gun?"

    "And armor...and bags! Huge bags! Like...maybe I could fit in one!" Set points to the closed door behind him as if that will make everything more clear for Xol. "In the cargo bay..."

    Xol looks over to Lara and down at the book. He never even thought how much of a danger that could be to the young ones. It needs to be somewhere "safe" till they can get rid of it properly.

    "Come on Set...show me what's got you so crazy..."

    He walks out with Set and kind of meets up with Null.

    "We have a guest?" Xol asks the Chiss.

  9. Lara points to the pile of sheets. "Guard it, Whid! I'll be back in a minute."

    She edges around the door frame and raises an eyebrow at the new person.

  10. Widdimur looks at the book, sniffs it and flops down in front of it.



    When they are in view of the new comer to the Specter, Set peeks out from behind Xol and points.

    "See!" he whispers.

    Xol just grabs Set's hand out of the air and calls down, "Welcome...and who might you be?"

  11. SL-01 slithers from the cargo area to find the collection of people. "Has this shuttle brought mistress Siella? My programming is incomplete, I am unable to fulfill my purpose or accomplish my designation without further programming." The droid spots the new figure in armor and slithers close to it. "Do you know the location of Mistress Siella?"

  12. "Lieutenant Adeen. Jace Adeen. Thrawn sends his reguards, and..." He taps his rifle "...his firepower. Based off the images and data sent by this ship to him and the way this group operates, he has decided you could use an extra gun to deal with this Mandolorian threat."

    He reaches down to grab his bags. "Got a place for me? Its been a long flight"

  13. Lara speaks up from the doorway. "That's something we need to discuss, SL-01. Your maker is studying some ancient ships in a far corner of the Outer Rim. We will be going back to pick her up when both our schedules align.

    "I am afraid she didn't mention leaving you on board. If it was an over sight, we might be able to help reunite you. Otherwise, she may have wanted you to stay aboard the ship. I do not know for certain either way.

    "If I may be so forward, what is your primary programming?"

  14. SL-01 looks down at the floor. It's glowing red eyes seem to dim for a moment. "My primary programming is to assist Mistress Siella with the transformation. My programming is incomplete though. You don't think she has gone in search of a more completed model do you?" It's eyes dim again. "If you contact her please be sure to tell her I am still here, I will assist her by any means necessary.

  15. "It's ok Set..." Xol says softly.

    "He's not gonna stuff me in a bag?"

    "No...he's not..." he pats Set's head and redirects his attention to Adeen.

    "My name is Xol. To your right Lieutenant, you will find quarters and the galley."

  16. "Thank you....Im sorry, I dont know your name. I wasnt given very detailed information on who I was to meet up with." He holds his hand out to shake Xol's

  17. Lara shifts slightly. "She was examining an ancient Mandalorian fleet, not droids to my knowledge.

    "What transformation are you referring to? We knew Siella was studying Ikku rather closely for signs of infection or regression, after healing him. Or was there something else?

    "You seem highly specialized to do your programming. I've never seen a droid with your type of locomotion before. We knew Siella was a genius, but nothing on this scale. So I assume this specialization is something built for her task at hand, correct?

  18. "yes, this droid is quite fascinating", Jace says, slightly distracted. "What was the base model on it?"

  19. The droid is silent for a moment, swaying slightly on its serpentine treads. "I believe Mistress Siella reshaped me to be closer to her own image. If my programming were complete I feel certain I could give you more details on her research." The red eyes dim again, "Unfortunately the Mistress has not found the time to complete my programming."

  20. Xol shakes Adeen's hand. "I don't expect people to know my name when I do not know theirs."

  21. SL-01 turns to Jace. "My original design was based on an IG-100 magna droid, but Mistress Siella declared that design to mammal-centric for her. She redesigned me to this form."

  22. Still grasping Xols hand, Jace says "This was sprung on me as much as it was sprung on you. Im just here to make the best of the situation"

  23. The girl regards the droid for a second. 'If you want to get an oil bath or recharge, there are stations for that in the workshop. You will find it fascinating there. We'll see what we can do about re-uniting you and your maker. I can make no promises, though."

    She turns to the new person and sticks out her hand. "Lara Shan. I'm assistant to the pseudo-officers here. Sera is resting in her cabin, Navik is here somewhere, Sele'Vida is resting in her cabin, while Xol and Null you have just met. We have one more, but Cyrus is taking a bacta bath and will be inaccessible for at least a week.

    "You'll find we are quite informal, Lieutenant. We have to in order to be able to operate in the manner the Admiral wishes.

    "If you wish, I can show you to the crew quarters now. The cleaning droids should have gone over it since our departure from the Outer Rim. The previous occupant was quite a large individual and not the neatest either."

  24. Navik is standing in the cargo-bay, watching Set run off. He laughs to himself, and looks a Ti "Do not worry Ti-ket, come with me." They walk over to the congregation, Navik puts out a hand saying, "Hello, I am Navik."

  25. after a round of hand shaking and introduction, Jace replys with
    "An Informal setting on an Imperial Navy vessel full of alien officers. Never thought I would see the day, No offence. No wonder you guys are able to get so much done. When you tell humans to do a job, they do it like a human would, which 90% of the time isnt the best. I apologize again for these circumstances. Thrawn was quite clear I was to link up and get integrated with you all as soon as possible."

  26. "This is one of the less disastrous surprises I've been presented with," Xol says trying not to think of all the terrible things he's had to deal with recently.

    (kel-dor) "Can you stay so I can play with Ti?" Set carefully makes his way back over to Ti and Navik after he notices the strange droid with the red eyes.

    "I will..."(/kel-dor)

    "So...did you need help with anything else?"

  27. Lara throws a sideways glance at Xol.

    Xol hears {Make sure that Ti keeps his lightsaber and Cyrus' in their room until we know how this Jace will react. Sera should prove a safe litmus test for that.}

    Lara nods politely at Jace. "Then I am assuming your orders were passed down and not given by Admiral Thrawn personally?

  28. "Hmmm actually Jace...Lara will help you with anything right now. I have a few things I need to attend to," Xol says as he walks off to see if Ti will allow him to keep the sabers safe in the room until Cyrus is able to teach him again.

  29. "Ive recieved orders from Thrawn via Holo only. My direct orders came from a LT Mohc. Hes my direct superior for my commando group, and has seconded me to Thrawn for the duration of this op. I havnt had a chance to review any personnel files on you guys, mainly due to the short time table between when I was briefed and when the op officially started for me, and the fact Id rather do my own recon then read the Empires version of you guys."

    He takes his bags and starts to move towards the crew quarters.
    "If we arnt expecting any action for the next bit, Id like to get out of this armor. I was told to show up in full battle dress as a "show of force", and I only did so because it was an order. It makes me look like the typical Stormtrooper that has to intimidate others into getting his way. How they expect me to have a working relationship with you all with that sort of attitude is beyond me" Jace says with a friendly smile

    {{anyone that would attempt to use empthay on him or sense his feelings would sense that he actualy thinks having to show up in this manner is slightly retarded and that hes actually pretty nervous about working with all these aliens}}

  30. Xol gets the sabers from Ti, promising to take very good care of them so Ti doesn't have to leave Set and Navik, and takes them to a safe place in Cyrus room.
    Before Xol actually puts them away, he looks at them. Turns them over in his hands, looks around at the empty room, looks back, and gives one a good shake.

    Nothing happens.

    He grumbles something in kel-dor and locks up the sabers. He makes sure the whole room is also secure before returning to watch the young ones and to come back to Set yelling no at the droid.

  31. Lara gestures toward the crew quarters and walks with him toward there.

    "Then you have no issue here? Working for an alien and with aliens of equal official rank? And even female officers as well?"

  32. "Its....different then what Im used to. I dont have a problem with it, but it will take some getting used to." jace says

  33. Lara smiles warmly at Jace. "That's good. We've met more than a few Imperial officers who have been derisive and hostile to us. It's been less frequent since Sera demoted one in front of his men.

    "Don't worry about the armor too much, either. The group is primarily covert, so walking around Nar Shaddaa or another world like that can be counter productive. Our mandate is to not let the bad guys know that we are Imperial.

    "But here we are, home away from home. You are the only one staying in here, so make yourself comfortable. The droids did clean up after Ikku.

    "I'm told we are going to have to lay over on Corellia to pick up supplies. If you need anything, use the intercom to the bridge. Our droid quartermaster, is there and will add it to the list. Just ask for Tweaker.

    "Is there anything else, Jace?"

  34. "Demoted one? I take it Sera is the CO of this vessel? And unfortunatly, my mission parameters require me to be armed and armored any time we leave the ship. As you can tell, my armor is anything but standard imperial, so I doubt that will be an issue regardless."

    Jace sets down his bags near a bunk in the corner of the room, and says "I believe I'll change into somthing a little less...ostentatious, and then I'll most likely wonder the ship and get an Ideal for its layout, if that wont be a problem?"

  35. Lara giggles a little. "Something like that. My cousin is nebulous about her position, but she bleeds Imperial pride. For someone who has been at the Imperial Court for 6 years, she knows how things work off of Imperial Center. You two will probably work well

    "You'll probably like her, too. Blonde, Green Eyes, looks a lot like me. Direct, forceful, very analytic, and absolute. She makes a good commander and is not shy about being there on the front lines.

    "As long as you aren't doing a parade ground march in Stormtrooper whites, shouldn't be a big issue many times.

    "Feel free to roam around and get your bearings. The only place I recommend steering clear of is the medbay, but that's just for now until our other crew member is stabilized.

    "I'll let Sera and Sele know to expect you. See you around, Jace."

    She closes the door behind her as she leaves. Feeling a bit flustered, she heads back to Xol's room. One her way across the cargo bay, she grabs a small crate for the book.

  36. Xol doubts this droid will actually attempt anything crazy and opts to follow Lara.

    When he catches up to her he asks, "So...what part does this crate play?"

  37. "Need something I can put a lock on at least. Pretty sure a bed sheet won't slow down an over curious 8 year old or a thief."

    Entering Xol's room, the two notice that Whiddimur is still staring at the book, but now from as far across the room as it can go. It whines plaintively at them, obviously glad that they are back.
