Tuesday, December 20, 2011


((I don't know exactly when to make this? I'm assuming after we found Red and his army haha. Just wanting to toss a post out...))

Set is happy to be out of The Sarlacc and in the hugeness of the Legacy with all it's bright lights and games. Xol was able to fix a slot machine so Set can play non-stop without winning credits or putting in credits and has been watching him have the time of his life for the past 10 minutes. Xol wonders what this place will feel like when it's full of people and marvels at the amount of money this thing could pull in.  


  1. Xol gets a call on his com from Navik, "Hello Xol, could you come to my quarters for a moment. If you need to you may bring Set with you."

  2. "Come on Set. The captain wishes to speak to me."

    "But I didn't win yet!"

    "You can't technically wi..."

    "I KNOW! But I want 3 in a row!"

    "Later...this place is huge, that crazy droid is around, and there are mass amounts of dangerous things and people here now..."

    "Oh ok fine..."

    The two kel-dor make their way to Navik's quarters. The lights and machines taunt Set as they walk.

    "Be careful you don't end up with a gambling problem little Set," Xol jokes.

    They reach what Xol figures is Navik's room and knock. "Navik?" He had to use the Flow to navigate this labyrinth of a vessel.

  3. The wall sinks in and slides to the side reviling a door way. Looking in they see Navik behind a bar mixing something. "Yes yes, come in. I have something to discuss with you." As Xol walks up to the bar Navik pours the concoction in to two glasses, it is a bright green almost neon. He hands one to Xol and takes the other for himself and gestures for Xol to follow him, He walks over to the wall and puts his hand on it. The area around it glows and the wall slides in reviling another room. This room is full of little black spheres with a single table in it with a small view screen and a hand held holo-projector. The spheres move in and out of the room though a small whole in the wall. Navik walks in saying "You see, I have spoken with Thrawn. He has given me my ship back. I would like for you to be the head of my security. This room has every thing that has happened on this ship recorded right here," He points several stacks of data pads and 2 computers, "If you agree to this, you can have it and do with it as you please. As of now, you are the only person i trust, you and Sele." Navik takes a long drink, "Now what do you say?"

  4. Xol rubs his chin as he thinks. "What exactly will this job require?"

  5. "Well, you will be watching the casino when we open. You can do it as you see fit, you will have these droids to help you. If you are worried that they will be seen, I have had on follow you sense we recovered that Red fellow. He walks over to the view screen "Xol." On the screen is Xol from the last two days. "As you can see, they are good at what they do. So, can I count on you?"

    "You will also be able to watch over little Set here."

  6. "That was what I was the most concerned about," Xol pats Set's head. "I don't think I can return to being a Sector Ranger knowing I have Set to look after. Would be a very dangerous life if I brought him along and even if I had a home to leave him at, it would be lonely."

    Xol looks back at Navik. "You can count on me," and he gives a quick salute.

    "So wait...you work here now?" Set asks.



  7. "WONDERFUL!!," Navik downs the rest of his drink and moves back to the bar and starts make another, "Now if i could get a hold of an mechanic who won't run off."

  8. "Sera is a master at mechanical jobs," Xol says. "You may want to ask her about that."

  9. "Well, I will have to see what she is capable of," Navik downs he second drink looking at Xol, "I know you two spend quite a bit of time together, could you let her know i am looking for her, I have something else to tend to right now."

  10. Xol looks at his drink and then turns to the side. He lifts his mask off just for a few seconds to down the whole thing.

    "Hey...did you just...you said..." Set starts.

    "No I did no such thing!"

    "You don't even know what I was going to....oh wait..." Set thinks. "Maybe you did know what I was going to ask..."

    Xol coughs a bit as he laughs at Set. "I will be sure to bring this up to her Navik."

  11. He watches Xol lift he mask, "Ah i was hoping you wouldn't let it go to wast," Xol feels the effects by the time he finishes talking. "Better be carful, drinking it like that will put you out faster then a stun bolt. You better sit down, not real sure how you handle your booze." Navik motions to the large couch. (the drink hits very hard)

  12. Xol carefully walks over and sits down in the couch. "Well...this is why I stay away from this kind of stuff most of the time...what..." he rubs his head, "What was that? So I can...can avoid it?"

  13. Navik chuckles, "That was a drink i became almost famous for on Tatoonine, they called it Navik's Special. Its a mix of over 7 types of alcohol, bantha milk and some other things. You'll be fine in about an hour, I'll sit here with you and Set."

  14. Xol shakes his head. "Seh...seven?! That's a lot."

    Set sits on the floor and looks up at Xol. "Oh no...not you too? As long as you don't have scary dreams!"

    Xol takes his goggles off and rubs his eyes. He leans back in the chair. "Ya know...I see things..." he laughs. "Well...ri...right now...I...I can't see a thing." Xol drops the goggles and Set holds onto them.

  15. Navik just sits and watches Xol making sure he doesn't go any where.

  16. "Set?" Xol asks. "Am...am I doing a good job...tell me...tell me I'm doing a good job." He seems like he is looking at the ceiling or perhaps something floating above his head as he sinks into the seat more.

    "Uuuummmm....yes" Set says. "You are doing a wonderful job." Set looks over and Navik and shrugs.

  17. Navik looks at Set, "Don't worry Xol will be just fine. He may not remember the next hour or so, but he will be fine."

  18. Navik gets up and goes to the bar and sets down his glass, then calls out on his comm. "Cyrus, Jace. Could you come to my room, i have something i need to talk to you two about."

  19. Xol sighs heavily. "Oh good...be...because I am really trying hard this time," he rubs his eyes again.

    "If I don't remember now...I will...I will think it up later..." he puts his hands behind his head. "That's what I do...er...Captain...Sir..."

    "Why on Dorin is it so dark in here," Xol asks.

    "Your goggles are off," Set chimes in.

    "Oh I...I see now...HA!" Xol laughs.

  20. Navik walks over and puts a hand on Xol's shoulder, "Navik will do just fine Security Officer Xol."

  21. Xol sits up and leans over to put his elbows on his knees. "I'm sorry Sir...I'll remember..."

    "Little Set..." Xol points to his eyes.

    Set puts the goggles back on Xol's eyes. Xol sways a bit and takes them back off. "How...how is that! Make everything stop...it...it needs to stop moving."

    Set takes the goggles back from Xol and laughs. "Poor Xol..."

  22. "Set, it will only get better from here, i have seen men who are self proclaimed drunks get put down by this drink," Navik says as he finishes his second, "They always have fun things to say."

  23. "Will more of that drink make it stop," Xol chuckles. "It actually wasn't half bad...I thought it was going to taste terrible." He sinks back into the chair.

    "No," Set climbs up onto the couch and hugs Xol's arm. "I think that would just make it worse! You don't want to end up like..."

    Xol wraps his other arm around Set and hugs him. "You...you know I love you..."

    "Is this going to happen to me every time someone has too much to drink?" Set sighs.

    Xol hugs Set tighter. "You don't..."

    "Oh! I love you too," Set pats Xol.

    Xol lets Set go and then seems to be feeling around. He puts his hand on the side of Set's face, moves to the top of his head and pats him.

  24. "I am afraid Set is right, more would just make every thing worse." Navik gets up and goes to the bar and gets a bottle, then walks back to Xol, "Here when you fill up to it drink this."

  25. the bottle has a odd clear blue liquid in it with no label. "This is another of my mixtures, this one will help. Just trust me."

  26. Set takes the drink from Navik, grabs Xol's hand and puts the drink in it.

    "Will it help me with the cheeka," Xol laughs. "Probably not..."

  27. "No, it wont help with the 'cheeka'," Navik laughs, "It will help you fill better sooner."

  28. "Well then..." Xol stops before he drinks. "And...and Set...do as I say not as...not as I do or something like that..." He lifts the mask up and in one gulp the drink is gone.

    "Oh wait!" Xol sits up quickly and then flops back down. "Ow...was...was I supposed to drink it that fast..." there is a pause. "AH who cares." He waves his hand around at where Set is sitting next to him.

    "Where...where..." Xol touches Set. "AH HA!" and he puts his arm around Set's shoulder and drags him closer. "I missed you..."

    Set pats Xol and shakes his head.

  29. "You where, the faster you drink the faster it gets in your system. You will fill better i about thirtyish minuets." Navik says as he gets uo and gets more to drink.

  30. "Excellent," Xol leans on Set.

    "You're smooshing me," Set pushes Xol.

    "When...when she was hugging you...you didn't care," Xol says sadly.

    "Sera wasn't smooshing me," he pushes Xol over to the point where he leans against the arm rest. "There..." Set sits next to Xol and wiggles under his arm. "Much better now!"

    "Yes..." Xol yawns.

    "Why do adults bother drinking that stuff anyway if it turns you into this?"

    "I...I don't know," Xol laughs. "Or maybe I do know now...my eyes little Set," he lazily moves his hand toward Set who puts the goggles in his hand.

    "There...nothing is moving anymore as long as I don't move...maybe?"

  31. Xol sits up a little and looks at Set.

    After a while of being stared at, Set asks, "Are you ok...Am I ok? What are you looking at?"

    "You...you are beautiful," Xol finally says. "Don't let anyone tell you otherwise...shoot them if they do..."

    Set can't help but giggle. "I'm not shooting anyone."

    "You're right!" Xol points at Set then lets his arm flop heavily. "That's my job."

  32. With in the training area of The Legacy, Sera meditates deeply. After a few minutes shes stands and points at Tweaker.

    The R2 unit whistles his understanding and activates the control console. Two training droids activate, stepping forward and igniting lightsabers.

    Sera thumbs the activation stud of her prized relic, both magenta blades extending. She slides her hands into position on the hilt and nods at the droids.

    Both droids charge her simultaneously, one angling high the other low. Sera jumps forward with astonishing speed, passing in between both blades and the droids themselves. She lands in a somersault, spinning back into her Soresu stance.

    It takes a moment for the droids to recover themselves, but they turn and charge again. Sera's yellow eyes watch them as if in slow motion. She extinguishes her lightsaber and sprints toward the droids.

    As the droids make their slashes, high and mid this time, the Sith spins between them while igniting her lightsaber. The magenta blades intersect perfectly with the droid's red blades. Sera twists her wrists slightly angling the droid's blades back and around.

    With the spark and crackle of burning electronics, the droids lay destroyed on the ground... destroyed. One lies with a severed head, the other cut in half just below its "chest".

    Sera looks at Tweaker. The droid projects a hologram of the fight. The entire sequence barely cleared thirty seconds according to the timer. Frowning, Sera calls the lightsabers to her hand. "Cyrus is much tougher than these droids. I need something to compare to."

    "Care to try your luck then, little Sith?" Draigo says from the door way.

    "No offense, but I'd wind up cutting you in two."

    Teek appears behind the Mandalorian and chitters in laughter. "Patch bred to kill Jedi. Training to kill Jopal. Lightsaber no match for beskar'gam."

    Sera appears doubtful. "I'm going to be fighting Cyrus close up. What can you do in that range?"

    Draigo pulls a rough metal looking sword with a leather wrapped handle from his belt. "I can do plenty! I won't any of my specific Jedi killing stuff, but I will use more than just my beskad."

    Sera nods re-ingiting her lightsaber. "Bring it Mando! You're funeral."

    Draigo begins to charge wielding his sword in his right hand. He watches the Sith girl prepare to the physical and he smiles inside his helmet. Just outside her reach, he spins and lets loose a torrent of fire from a hidden flame thrower on his left arm.

    Sera instinctively launches herself back, part of her robes smoldering from the attack. As soon as she lands, Draigo is on her. The sword lashes at her at every angle almost like a machete flaying through underbrush.

    Her Force-honed reflexes and a few guiding presses sees the blade get no where near her her skin. Soresu style holds up against the unpredictable and brutal method Dragio is using.

    Knowing what she must do, Sera finds the opening and slashes at Draigo to drive him back and into her greater control circle. The Mandalorian presses the attack instead of backing off and the lightsaber cuts across his chest.

    Sera realizes in horror that the blade had no effect other than to burn off a streak of paint from the armor. The horror is further compounded as she blocks a strike from Draigo's sword. Her lightsaber blade meets the axe like edge of the physical weapon and they lock.

    Both combatants battle over the lock. Dragio tilts his head slightly. "Beskar: tough, durable, and impervious to everything once a Mandalorian metallurgist alone is done with it. Great stuff! There is a reason Jedi still feared us. And a reason the Sith always bought our services..."

    The Mandalorian laughs deeply as he slides from the lock and delivers a vicious uppercut to Sera's chin. The force of the blow knocks the girl from her feet.

  33. Xol wakes up, his head swimming and temples pounding. He's not out of the woods yet but he does feel a lot better. "Set...are you awake?" Xol asks. 

    Set is laying on Xol, his head on his chest. "No." He doesn't move. "I was keeping an eye on you." 

    "Awww thank you," Xol rubs Set's head. "How long was I out? What happened?" 

    "You drank some stuff faster than you were supposed to and you were pretty funny," Set laughs. "Then Navik gave you something to move it along faster. Seems like it's helped? You weren't asleep for too too long. " 

    "Hmmm maybe...my head is killing me...I should just lay here..." Xol yawns. "Maybe sleep." 

  34. Sera rolls back recovering from the hit. The taste of blood seeps into her mouth. Fire lights in her eyes.

    "Come on little Sith! Don't hold back! Your enemies won't!" Draigo taunts.

    The girl smiles, before waving her hand. Draigo is sent flying through the air and crashes into a wall. He slowly stands. "Now that's what I want to see. Come on girlie!"

    Sera launches forward at an incredible speed, closing the gap in the blink of an eye. She feints with the lightsaber, blocking past Draigo's guard. With effort, she is able to place her palm on his chestguard.

    Pulling deeply from the Dark Side, she unleashes a torrent of Force Lightning into the Mandalorian. The violet electricity crackles off a shield harmlessly, though the shield dies in the process.

    Draigo wastes no time in regaining momentum. He hooks his arm under Sera's, pinning it back. Leaning forward he headbutts her followed by an offhanded gut punch.

    As Sera crumples, she slams Draigo into the wall before flipping him up and over into the floor. Gasping for breath, she staggers to her feet. Blood runs from a cut on her forehead.

    Draigo slowly gets up as well, favoring his right leg a bit. He groans as Sera is able to telekinetically throw him away, but manages to aim well enough. A line of cable shoots out and wraps itself around Sera. The hook finds purchase and both Sith and Mandalorian are thrown across the room.

    Both land roughly and are slow to get up. "Had enough yet, little Sith?" Draigo says with a laugh. The laugh turns into a cough, with a bit of blood coming up.

  35. Xol rubs his head, "Oh and I don't remember...anything...so I'm sorry if I said anything ridiculous..." he says a little embarrassed.

    Set laughs. "Well...you WERE pretty ridiculous and you DID tell me to shoot people for judging my looks... But I still love you."

    "I said what?! Oh boy...don't listen to me...Er if I'm drunk which usually never happens."

    Xol sits up and holds his head. "Oh...make it stop..." he stands up and stumbles a bit. Set steadies him.

    "I don't think you should be walking," Set says a little worried. "You should probably sleep more."

    "No no...I'll be fine. Walking might help me." Xol gives a nod to the rodian. "Thank you again Navik. I'll inform Sera of your offer." Xol slowly and carefully makes his way back into the brightness of the casino with Set helping him keep steady. "Ugh...you still want to win that game Set?"

    "Are you kidding? No! I need to take care of you! Lets go!"

    "But...Sera..." Xol mumbles, still feeling the effects of the alcohol lingering.

    "Ok ok fine!" Set stands still and quiet for a few minutes. Xol sighs as he finds standing still to be difficult.

    "This way." Set drags Xol by the hand through the ship to where he felt Sera should be.

  36. Xol and Set make it to a training area. They can see Draigo and Sera on the other side of the room. Xol leans up against a wall and slowly slides down till he's sitting on the floor.

    "Get her," he yells and shakes his head. "Hehe...maybe I should have stayed?" he laughs.

    Set giggles. "See? Maybe you should listen to me?"

  37. Sera groans slightly. Her body begs for her to stop, but she HAS to pin down this cocky Mandalorian.

    Concentrating deeply she fades from sight before Draigo can locate her. Tearing a strip of her shredded robes, she binds the cut on her forehead. Switching off her lightsaber, she quietly edges away.

    Draigo climbs to his feet hobbling slightly. There is no sign of the girl, which is disconcerting. He was unaware of such a trick, live and learn though. Using his helmet's 360 degree vision, he sees no movement.

    "Nice trick, girl. I knew a few Jedi Masters who would be impressed by that. You really going to try that sneaky stuff?"

    Sera grinds her teeth at the taunt. Quietly, she picks her way around behind him. Using the Force, she grabs one of the broken droid bodies and hurls it at the Mandalorian. Despite looking the opposite way, Draigo rolls out of the way easily.

    He comes up looking past her. Sera smiles and throws another droid body. Again, Draigo dodges the object. He scans around looking for her still.

  38. "You see that? That is how you get hurt," Xol puts his arm around Set's shoulder and points in the direction of the thrown droid. "I'm sorry...kiddo..." Xol laughs. "I can't help myself."

    "Apparently..." Set scoots close to Xol. "Can we go now? Before we get hurt?"

    "SHHH...I put my money on the one with armor..."

    "No you..."

    "Shhh," Xol puts a finger to Set's mask and laughs. "I'm sooooo sorry."

  39. A voice from the other side of the room turns Sera's head. Xol and Set were in the room and were nearly hit by one of the droids she had thrown.

    Cursing herself for carelessness, Sera reaches out with the Force and grabs Draigo by the neck in a Force choke. She let's her invisibility fade away as she squeezes. "Give up!"

    Draigo to his credit, doesn't claw at his neck he raises an arm toward her. However, a sticky line hits her in the chest. Sera is puzzled until the electric charge begins to zap her.

    Both combatants fall to the floor and don't move. Teek lets out a cry of alarm, running over to Draigo.

  40. "Darn," Xol grumbles.

    "Are they ok?" Set asks concerned. "That looked bad and the...I dunno...what that is...but it seems upset. Lets go help Sera."

    "Yes...we should," Xol slowly stands up and chases after Set who gets to Sera first.

    "Are you ok?" Set doesn't know if he should touch her or not.

  41. Sera looks to be unconscious. Teek is busy with a medpac attending to Draigo.

  42. "Oh no Xol! I think she's hurt bad!" a frantic Set yells.

    Xol snaps out of his stupor and quickly makes his way to kneel by Sera. Set pulls a com out of the pocket of Xol's robes and calls for help.

    Xol looks over at Teek. "Is there anything you have I can do for her now?"

  43. Teek chants in odd rythmic language as she applies the medpac to Draigo. Recognizing Xol, she pulls a medpac out and hands it to him before going back about her work.

  44. Xol gets to work, with the help of Set, to try and help Sera the best they can until help arrives.

    "What were you doing Sera," Xol mumbles.

  45. Teek finishes her ministrations and grunts in satisfaction.

    "Little Sith train for fight. Patch challenge to test her, make sure she can do job. Kill Jopal or shebs Jetii, if necessary. Patch also test himself for next battle."

  46. "Or what now?" Set asks confused.

    "It doesn't matter...she shouldn't be training to do such things anyway..." Xol says as he continues to help Sera,

  47. Alarms blare on the bridge of the Legacy as the Specter comes out of hyperspace almost right on top of it, quickly sliding into one of its docks. Cyrus Deftly lands the gunship, and is quite literally walking down the ramp before the flight crews even know that somthing has landed.

    At almost the same time, Sera/Lara and Xol both get a message from the force.

    ~~I Almost overplayed my hand. If we are going to throw Jopal off balance, we must wait momentarily. I am in the Starboard side bay, which I believe is under you both. I shall see you shortly~~

    As the armored figure of Cyrus walks down the ramp, workers kind of stop and stare, unsure of what to make of him.

    "You there, Why are you just standing around!? Make yourself useful!" Cyrus barks at an imperial tech. The man quickly grabs a fuel hose and a team begins to refuel/refit the specter.

    Cyrus starts walking towards the turbolift out of the hanger, With Ti following close behind

  48. Cyrus hears on comms a frantic Navik, "What have you done, I am hearing alarms. I don't like hearing alarms on my ship."

  49. Jace pulls off his flight helmet as he steps out of his Eta 2.

    "Listen Harkins" he says to the deck officer "I dont care what your computer says. The throttle is simply not responsive enough in combat situations. I want it improved, now!"

    Look Captian, I know what you want, but its simply not possible with out completely re-working the engine housing. And then there is the fuel lines. Do you know how fast you would drain this thing with what you want? 5 maybe 6 mins of flight time. Thats with out using your cannWHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?" Harkins yells as a gunship comes blasting into the hanger, just a weee bit 2 fast before touching down on the deck.

    A black armored figure steps out of lowered ramp just a few seconds later, lightsaber clearly strapped to his belt.

    Jace whistles a long, low note. "Look at that bastard. Walking around like hes some kind of jedi"

    "The last time I saw a guy walking around like that it was a Holo of Lord Vader." Harkins says with a shudder

    "Eh, best to stay clear of him. He looks pissed. And big." Jace comments as the figure and a young natoulan walk towards the turbo lift

    (Cyrus would be considered body type 3 in swtor, with jace being a 2)


    ~~Nothing, I just came in a little to hot is all. Wanted to see how hard core the manavouring thrusters on the specter were before I jump to malachor 5~~ Navik gets through the force, and NOT over comm

  50. Over comms "Fine, i would appreciated some warning next time, and quit talking in my head. You have a comm for a reason. I also need to talk to you, in person. As soon as you can."

  51. Deciding that Sera and xol are most likely busy with something, Cyrus and Ti head off to see navik. Deciding that the bridge is the most likely place, they head there.

    "Im on my way" Cyrus says through the force and over the comm at the same time to Navik

  52. As if he knew, over comms "I'm in my room, not the bridge."

  53. after about 20 mins of walking and answering millions of questions from Ti, Cyrus simple stops.

    "Should be about...here" He says, and knocks on the side of the wall. The panel seems to sound hollow, and this prompts another thousand questions from Ti.

    "Patience, my young apprentice. Watch" Cyrus simple says, backing away form the hidden door.

  54. The wall sinks in and slides to revile a door way leading in to a large round room, Navik stand in a depression in the floor looking a a huge screen. He looks at the door, "Ah figure you would be a bit later. Wish Jace would have been with you. Any way, please come in come in. Can i get you something from the bar? Ah hello again Ti-ket."

  55. "HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" Ti says, waving as they walk in.

    "That would be welcomed, friend" Cyrus says, walking in. "What can I do for you? And who is this Jace fellow?"

  56. "Very nice," Navik says as he makes his way to the bar, "As for this Jace character, he is some one Thrawn sent us, your temporary replacement. None of us knew how bad you where. Now we see you are a fast healer, good." Navik says as he pours several liquids in a mixer and starts shaking it. "Any way, I know you are one hell of a pilot, I want to know if you would be lead the fighter wings. Jace is the head right now, but i can find something else for him to do." He then gets two glasses and walks back to Cyrus handing him the glasses and pours the drinks, a vibrant blue in color, smells incredibly sweet. Navik takes a glass and drinks it very slowly, Cyrus takes a sip and it is one of the strangest things, it is sweet yet sour. He cant even taste the alcohol in it but it he can fill it effects very fast.

  57. As the initial effect hits Cyrus, he begins to slow down his metabolism so the alcohol wont take its toll on his body.

    "Interesting proposition. I know we dont really have the time now, but if I am to take this job I want somthing better to command then those TIEs. They arnt worth a damn in my book." Cyrus says, sipping his drink, and plopping down next to Ti on one of the rooms couches

  58. As Navik sits down, "Oh yes, I do agree with you there, I am going to talk to my engineer about that. I would like to keep the base of it so we can keep them in the racks, keeps he floor clear, but any insight you can give on the matter would be greatly appreciated. I have to admit, I dont trust you, or the things you do. I do on the other hand respect skill, and you sir have a hell of a lot of that.(you can tell the drink is getting to him) I mean, light swords, why!? a blaster is so much better i can kill some one from around 20 meters, you have to get in there face, but I digress. My mother tried to raise me to tolerate others." He finishes his drink. "But yes, the TIEs must go, you and this Sera person will have to work on that." He starts swaying a bit, then gets up and goes to the bar and gets a bottle of a clear blue liquid.

  59. A medical team moves in and the two kel-dor back away.

    "That was quite sobering," Xol says with a sigh. He looks down at Set. "Back to your machines?"

    "Yes!" Set grabs Xol's hand and drags him back to the still rigged machine. It's pretty easy to find since it has a compartment on the side open. Set climbs up onto the chair and Xol takes a seat on the chair next to him.

  60. "A civilized weapon for a more civilized time..." Cyrus says, glancing at the saber on his belt.

    "I hardly expect you to trust any of us, but now that this ship is back and in your care, I could fathom a guess that you may infact become more trusting of the rest of us."

    "I do have one stipulation for taking this job. Regardless of what ever official military rank Thrawn decides to bestow upon me, you will ignore that. I wont be treated like another member of the crew that is to be ordered around like a dog. I do this for you as an acceptance of mutual respect. A partnership, if you will, where we are equals." cyrus says, finishing his drink.

  61. After about a minute or two of sitting in the chair, Xol begins to doze off and then is immediately jolted awake by a loud alarm of sorts...not really an alarm? But he jumps up, grasping at his waist for a blaster that isn't there. It's on The Sarlacc. He looks up and sees a cheering Set.

    "LOOK! Three..." he stops and looks at the machine. "I don't know what those are...but I got 3 in a row! Yaaay!"

    Xol laughs with a sigh and plops down into the seat again. Set gives a few final claps to himself and goes back to playing.

  62. Navik slams the bottle down, "That's the best part, after this whole Jopal ordeal is over. The ship is mine, I will no longer be in the Empire, this is MY SHIP!!" He throws his hands in the air. "Any one in my employ when I go is free too." Navik then downs the bottle. "There, that will make it all better." He goes back and sits on the couch next to Cyrus. "Now if you dont mind waiting on that Sera person, that would be fantastic."

  63. "As you wish..." cyrus says, waiting patiently

  64. "Nonono, you can decide what you say. No more of this 'As you wish' nonsense, if we are in a 'mutual partnership' then you can say no to me." Navik says as he slumps in to the couch.

  65. A few minutes later, Xol wakes up to Set poking his arm. "Ok I'm done...You can put it back the way it was."

    "You're done? But you didn't really play."

    "I already won...it's not as much fun anymore."

    Xol puts the machine back to its original money taking state. "So what do you want to do now."

    "Hmmmm...practice with the Flow."

    Xol is surprised. "Really? You have this huge ship and all these games and you want to do that?"

    "Yep! I wanna be like you and make mom and dad proud," Set's happiness jumps down a notch when he mentions his parents. "They couldn't do any of this and were excited that I could. They said it's been a long time since someone in our family was 'so strong'."

    "My family is the opposite. We have always had sages so for me, it was a given that I would go to the temple." Xol puts a hand on Set's shoulder. "I'm proud of you...and if I'm proud, then your parents are too. Let's go to The Sarlacc and practice."

  66. On The Sarlacc

    "Ok ok...I can move things," Set floats a pillow across the room. "I can 'see through' things. Middle," he points at the middle box out of 3 lined up. Widdimur peeks his nose out. "I can talk in your head o0o0o0"

    "When can I SEE important things like past, present and future and stuff!" Set pouts.

    "That takes a lot more training, time and patience Set. You can't rush it...but you seem to be learning rather quickly." Xol stands up and heads out of the ship.

    "Hey! Where are you going?"

    "I can't tell you. You will have to figure that out."

    "But I'm already good at hide and seek!" Set points at Widdimur.

    "No no...you are going to see where I am through the Flow and myself...your first try at 'seeing the present' as you had said you wanted to."

    Set claps excitedly. "I have no idea how I'm going to do this but I will figure it out!"

  67. "And since you know how to 'talk in my head' you can use that to talk to me," Xol says as he heads out of the Sarlacc. "Don't go wandering around to get me...stay here...I'll let you know when I am ready."

    Set salutes Xol. "Ok Widdimur...let's do this!"


    "Ok ok...YOU sit there like a bump on a log...I'LL do this!"


    Xol tries to think of a good place to go on this ship. Not any kind of obvious place like where food is...but it can't be too obscure or Set won't be able to tell by just the immediate area. He snaps his fingers. He'll sit by a machine and make Set tell him whats on the screen as well as what other games are around. He'll sit where the different game sections meet up.

    Once Xol is comfortable on the floor, a pretty confusing sight for anyone who happens to walk by, he tells Set, "Ok I'm ready...Let's see what you can do."
