Tuesday, December 6, 2011

RP (HK - 4)7

"Most kids hide under bed sheets don't they?"

Walking into the room, Xol tries to comfort the distraught strill. "What in the world...that thing needs to go...Widdie has never been like this toward anything. Are we just locking it up till the next jump and then tossing it?"


  1. "I'd prefer to destroy it. But I have no idea what might happen if I throw it in the fusion press." Lara says kicking the book into the crate.

    Slapping the lid shut, she clips it closed. "Ugh. I can still feel it seeping out the box. I can't imagine what it was doing to Siella."

  2. Jace changes into some of the civi gear he brought. A black wifebeater, brownish leather jacket, some pants, and boots. He stashes his Armor and weapons in the storage locker next to his bed. Surprisingly, he finds the security code is unset. He quickly sets one, and finishes stashing his gear. As an after thought, he keeps a Blaster pistol in a shoulder rig separate from his gear(same model Cyrus used to carry, the westar 43), and dones it under his jacket. Once he is sure everything is locked up, he pops open the crew quarters and steps outside, not really sure where to go first. He decides to hang a right, and decides to check out whats uptop overlooking the crew bay

  3. Xol watches Lara kick the book and secure it. "I'd prefer it meet its end off the ship...just in case something crazy happens."

    "I trust you to keep this locked up and from harming others...keep yourself safe as well. If you need any help with it, just yell...I'll be there..."

    Xol watches Lara take the crated book away. He walks over to the rail over looking the cargo bay area and wayches Set, Ti, and Navik...oh and the strange droid...can't miss that one...

  4. "Why are kids on a special operations gunship?" Jace keeps thinking to himself. "Its so...strange. Oh well, they must have some purpose." He decides. He walks around the cargobay, trying to figure out why there is a ULAV in various states of repair. So many unanswered questions. He climbs the staircase to go to the second deck, and almost runs into Xol as he steps out of his room.

    "Apologies my friend." His Imperial accent is a little less there, speaking with a tone more heard on the outer rim planets like tattooine

  5. "Oh it's fine. As big as this ship is I guess you can't avoid running into someone at some point." Xol says leaning on the rail so he is no longer in the way.

    "HEY! DON'T YOU FALL! YOU BETTER NOT FALL!" Set yells up at Xol, peeking out from behind a box and then hiding again.

    Xol shakes his head, still looking at Jace and asks, "So... familiarizing yourself with the ship?"

  6. "pretty much" He says with even less of an Imperial accent. "Its such an odd design, I dont even know where to begin, so I figured Id just wander till I fell out of the airlock". He gives a good hearty laugh with the last bit.

    He moves beside xol, taking a position also leaning over the rail. "What.....are they doing exactly?"

  7. Xol laughs as well. "It seems to make more sense from the inside."

    He looks down at Set and says, "I actually don't know...playing? They may learn something...chances are they won't pay enough attention the first time around to learn much."

    Widdimur flops down next to Xol and sticks his head in between the bars of the rail to look down at the cargo area with the Xol and...whoever this new person is...

  8. As widdi flops down, Jace kind of shudders as if he was hit by a wave of sulfur gas.

    "What a LOVELY smelling animal you have here..." he says with the slightest bit of sarcasm.

  9. "Sorry...he's terrible isn't he?" he nudges Widdimur with his boot. Widdimur grumbles and after completely squeezing between the bars, he glides down and lays on a box.

    "I can't smell him through the mask but I have had the "pleasure" of having it off around him. Oddly enough, females can't smell that. Most loyal creature I've ever met."

  10. "That is the single most foul oder Ive ever had the pleasure of enjoying. Your a lucky man" Jace says with a bit of playful sarcasm.

    "so whats the deal with the kids? I was under the impression this was a special ops team, not a daycare"

  11. "They are the future of two dying traditions. It wasn't planned and we aquired them after a while of being on this ship, but it's happened." He pauses. "And I'm glad it did. Everyone seems to be better off..."

    "SET! Don't you dare..." Xol warns a sneaky little kel-dor who has a sort of metal stick and is sneaking behind a certain slithery droid, trying to poke it's tail.

  12. "HA! What are you training them to be some sort of Jedi?" he says. Then, almost under his breath, he says "Damn shame what happened to them. You didnt hear me say that, mind you. The Empire likes to make sympathizers like me "disappear"." The last part seems to be said open endly, as if he is testing the waters to see if Xol is pro order 66 or not. Jace quite obviously isnt

  13. "No...No Jedi on this ship," Xol says with an even tone. "I don't know much about them...but I do know a...I guess we were friends in a sense...a friend was killed. Plo Koon. He didn't deserve what hand he was dealt."

  14. "Most of the information on order 66 is classified, but I figure the jedi couldnt have been all that bad. Otherwise, why would the Empire devote resources to the inquisitorious program? I swear, for every good thing the Empire does, it has somthing bad in the shadows. We just have to be willing to look past the bad and find the good in it." he says with a smile.

    "so, what is your role on this shp/ with the team?" he asks

  15. "Baby sitter," he says quickly and laughs.

    Then he pauses and thinks. "Hmmm...I think I am the voice of reason that occasionally gets listened to and needs to be listened to more often...And I'm decent with a gun."

  16. As the small Kel-Dor sneaks up behind SL-01 the droid suddenly rotates its upper torso around to face the youngling. "Your effort at stealth is sorely lacking. In a combat scenario I could easily have dismembered you by now. Perhaps if you try again with less yelling you might be more successful."

  17. EEP!

    Set quickly ducks back, away from the droid, dropping the "stick".

  18. SL-01 retrieves the stick and advances upon the little Kel-Dor. "You have dropped your combat training implement." The droid extends the stick point outward as it advances on the youngling. "I could show you several techniques for handling basic melee weapons, this programming is still intact from my prior designation. Would you care to be instructed in the basics of effecient kill points on a living sentient? There is a remarkable correlation of kill points on most species."

  19. EEP!
    "No thanks!"

    Set gets on his hands and knees and crawls into smaller spaces, trying to get away from the droid.

  20. SL-01 places the stick in front of the Kel-Dor who has managed to wedge himself into a vent shaft. "This location is sufficent for hiding your physical mass. I could enhance your deception by obscuring this vent with cargo containers. I am certain your physical mass will be obscured from everyone's view and you will likely never be found. Shall I begin obscuring this location?"

  21. "Noooo! WAAAAHHH!"

    He just couldn't stay calm and try and figure this out like a big kid anymore. This thing was way too scary and it was fast. And smart..too smart...

    Set actually pushes past the droid and runs as fast as he can to Xol crying and shaking his now droid-cold hands.

  22. Navik moves so he blocks the droid the the corner, "You, you stay where ever you came from. If you get near these kids again I will disassemble you, and you wont see it coming. Do you understand me?!?"

  23. "My purpose is to assist. The small biological unit seemed to require assistance with it's intended tasks. It's performance in the training excercises was well below nominal." The droid's red eyes track the movement of the little Kel-Dor. "My current programming compels me to inform you that any attempt at disassembling this unit will result in a sizable explosion regardless of the effeciancy of my optical sensors. My sensors indicate the med bay is currently locked down, as a result I will be able to return to the location from which I came."

  24. Set clambers up to Xol and grabs onto him. "It's going to kill me!"

    "No it won't." Xol has been doing what he does best, observing, and marveling at how forward some droids can be.

    "As long as you tell it 'no' when it suggests something, it can't do anything to you...I think..."

    "You THINK?!"

    Xol stands quietly for a moment and finally says, "...Just go down there and give it a command."

    Set figures this must be some kind of test...so he finds his center of calm (surprisingly fast this time), whimpers, and slowly heads down the stairs.

    He inches over to the droid until he is a few feet away and looks up at Xol then back at the droid.

    "Um...mr droid...no...mrs droid...um...er..." Set points at the droid and says, "You need to stop helping us or else we can't learn!" His hand starts to shake and he puts them both behind his back and takes a step back. "Please?"

  25. SL-01 stares at the little Kel-Dor with it's glowing red eyes. "It is my pupose to assist. Apparently my incomplete programming makes me an unsatisfactory assistant." The droid casts it's gaze to the floor, it's eyes dimming in the process. It turns from the little Kel-Dor; shoulders slumped and slowly begins to slither out of the cargo bay. "Should you desire my unsatisfactory assistance in the future don't hesitate to ask." As it nears the hatch to the crew quarters it pauses. "Perhaps if Mistress Siella returns to finish my programming I could be of more use" With a slight shudder, SL-01 heads down the crew quarters corridor.

  26. "Aww! You just need to learn to not be so spooky!" Set calls after the droid.

  27. Near the door to Siella's quarters SL-01 turns back to look at the little Kel-Dor. It's red glowing eyes seems to be malfunctioning as they blink very rapidly several times, some sort of lubricating fluid appears to be leaking from it's face "Your instruction is noted. This unit will endeavor to become less spooky. Please enjoy the rest of your training session." SL-01 enters Siella's quarters.

  28. Set flops down sitting onto the floor and then flops onto his back. "I'm a meanie..."

  29. Navik walks over and puts his hand on sets head, "Your not a meanie, for one droids have no feelings like we do, and two they are built to help us. That one is incomplete. I am sure once Siel'la has finished it, it wont want to remove anything from you." HE then smiles as best a Rodian can. Set can tell something is bothering him. Navik the stands up, "Well I think that is enough for to day. We can do more tomorrow, but right now I have something I need to do." He walks quickly to his quarters, locking the door behind him.

  30. "It was so sad though," Set says softly as he watches Navik lock the door. "UGH EW NO!" he pushes away a drooly Widdimur who was just trying to make Set feel better.

    Widdimur looks sadly at Set. "NO! I don't want to be a meanie! Here." He leans one side of his face over to Widdimur. "Just a little one..."


    "Ew..." Set hugs Wid. "Ok no more..."
