Friday, December 9, 2011

RP 10: Something, Something Darkside

Set hugs Sera back again and sniffles. "I know...and I'm sorry for that too...breaking stuff." He pauses. "So we are kinda the same...maybe Xol can be your second dad too."


  1. Sera looks at Xol. He reminds her so much of her master in many many ways, the man who had become a father to her and taught her everything she knew about the Force.

    But where her master is rigid and uncompromising, Xol is flexible and giving. Its a discordance she cannot really deal with.

    "Xol, is just... a friend. One I never expected, and one I really don't deserve."

    Sera looks at Xol then back to Set. "We good, kiddo?"

  2. Xol just shakes his head at Sera as if to say something along the lines of silly adorable Set.

    "Yes," Set sniffles and puts his goggles back on as he goes to stand up. "And everybody deserves at least one friend..."

  3. Sera gets a lump in her throat again as Tweaker rolls back in.

    It scans the group, then ejects a small container of parts. It whistles at them before turning to go. "Organics. I will never understand them and their incessant leaking of fluids.

    "I am returning to the bridge to make sure that that 'Butcher' hasn't caused any harm to there or any of the ship's essential systems."

    Sera dismisses the droid and turns back to the two Kel-Dor she is sitting on the floor with.

    "Tell you what, Set. Help me fix this, and I know a special recipe that I can maybe let slide on the treat thing... What do you say?"

  4. "I get to help? Sure," Set says a little excited. He then looks at the autochef. "And this is actually fixable?"

    Xol sits down at a table close by and puts his head down on his folded arms.

  5. Xol hears in his head.{Go see about your arm. I'll keep him out of trouble.}

    Sera smiles and nods. "Everything is fixable, you just have to have the right parts and the right tools! Now let's look at this right here..."

    She begins to point to things and give little explanations, all of them force Set to turn his back to Xol and the door to the galley.

  6. Xol's head pops up as he hears Sera's voice. He was actually dozing off. He slowly gets up and walks out. This does actually sting...

    "Will it zap us if we touch it? Can it feel this? Where is the food?" Set asks many questions as they work.

  7. Sera giggles a little and patiently explains how it works. After about 30 minutes, the auto chef is fixed.

    Sera stands up and wipes her hands off on a rag. "Like I promised, Set. When I was growing up, the crew of my parent's ship used to make this for me."

    She shows Set the buttons to press. And a mug with a little straw extends. Steam rises from the mug and it is very warm to the touch. Inside is a milky brown liquid that smells ever so sweet.

    Sera pulls another mug from the machine. "Be very careful, it is quite hot. I do not want you to burn yourself. It's called 'Hot Chocolate' for a reason.

  8. "We finally did it! That was faster than I thought it was going to be. It looked like a mess before. You're smart!" Set takes a sip from the straw. "Oh that is a little hot. But it's sooo yummy!"

    Xol steps into the galley as the two are having their hot chocolate. "I take it this thing is fixed now?" he asks, as he looks at the autochef.

  9. Sera and Xol happen to notice SL-01 passing by the galley entrance. In the Droid's hand is a data pad, as it passes by punching information into the data pad they notice it's vocabulator appears to be making a humming noise. It sounds as if the droid is humming a song to itself, an action that Siella used to do quite frequently. The droid pauses before the doorway. "Intriguing." it says, "what a fascinating discovery." As Sera and Xol look closer it appears the data pad is not actually powered on although SL-01 continues to tap the screen and hum to itself.

  10. "Well...THAT doesn't seem to be fixed," Xol whispers, referring to SL-01. "I wonder what Siella had planned for that thing...Anyway, I'll take my chances with the autochef...what do you have there?"

    Set hits the buttons for some hot chocolate for Xol.

  11. Jace walks back into the gally with a restraining bolt in his hand.

    "Stupid droid wont let me near it. Just keeps running off. It tried to scan me with a canteen. Bloody thing is a lunatic"

  12. Sera shakes her head. "We'll figure out something."

    She blows on the mug again and sips. "What do you think Xol?"

  13. Xol stares at Sera for a second. She's not threatening to kill the droid...or she hasn't already killed it...she's doesn't seem too worried about it.


    She's enjoying a very sweet drink. SHARING said drink...she must have a fever...

    "It's very very good," Xol says finding it hard to stop drinking.

  14. Xol hears {Is Set going to be okay?}

  15. ~{He'll be fine. I didn't know it was THAT bad...but I'll work with him and help him through this...} Xol takes another quiet sip of the hot chocolate.

  16. {We have had these discussions before. What happened to Set is not what the Sith teach. We do not steal children. There can be only two... a Master and an Apprentice.

    {To break this rule is to regress into effective animalism. Controlled by base emotion, instead of harnessing, controlling, and directing it.

    {Everything I have done is to stop things like that from happening to children like Set. It breaks my heart to see him a victim of such people.

    {One day I will be powerful enough to stop things like that. And I will wreck vengeance for Set across Dromund Kaas.

    {But I reaffirm my promise to you that I will not teach Set the ways of the Sith. I will protect him as if he were family, though.}

    Sera looks over the lip of her mug at Xol, a twinkle in her eye. She strokes Set's head lovingly before bending down to whisper something in his ear.

    The child eagerly turns around to the auto chef and presses a few buttons. He pulls another mug from the device and presents it to Jace.

  17. ~{I don't think Set would appreciate that can just look at him and know...vengeance isn't the way.}


  18. {Maybe not for him to do. But that justice, that vengeance, comes to those murderers and kidnappers... he might well appreciate one day.

    {His innocence is precious, but it will pass one day and hopefully not too roughly. I hope you can shape him into a good man, Xol.}

  19. Xol looks off to the side and then into his mug for a moment when Sera mentions justice AND vengeance. He then looks over at Set. ~{I know I will do my best..}

  20. Sera drains her mug and pats Set on the head. "Well, its been about an hour since I got up and I am still in my pajamas. And I have a lot to do today.

    "I'm heading on planet to supervise the acquisition of parts and supplies. Anyone who wants to can feel free to come with me."
