Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Fantabulous Adventures of Set and Ti

After their long training session, Cyrus gets Ti settled in his room. For now, Cyrus is sleeping on a pullout cot, with Ti in the bed. Ti stays up for a whille, considering all the new adventures hes going to have, all the places he is going to see. Long after Cyrus is fast asleep, Ti decides to get up and explore the ship, unable to sleep regardless of his exhaustion. The only other time he was on a space ship, he was scared and confined in a room, but now there are all sorts of possibilities .

He quickly sneaks out of the room, trying to figure out where to go next. He really has no clue where to go as he hasnt been on the ship for long, but figures it wouldnt be a bad idea to try and find Set and see if he is awake


  1. Ti lets his instincts take over and goes where he thinks Set might be. When he gets around the corner, he sees Set talking with a droid. Ti decides to wait untill the droid leaves before tying to contact Set

  2. Set peeks around a corner to find Ti.

    "What are you doing?" he whispers.

  3. "I can hear set! I think Im doing it!!!"

    Ti seems to shut his eyes tighter trying to use telepathy

  4. "Doing what?" he crouches down next to Ti figuring maybe he has to look at whatever it is from this angle.

  5. startled, Ti falls on his back. The black cylindrical object on his belt makes an odd clang on the deck.

    "holy crap you scared me!!!! I thought I was doing that thing where I talk in your head and only you can hear me."

    he quickly sits back up, brushing himself off, and tries to rub the scuff off his lightsaber.

  6. "People can actually do that?" Set asks quietly as he tries to help Ti up. "That's cool! Did you see how huge this place is?"

  7. "Yeah master Cyrus does it all the time. He says once you have mastery of the force, you can do ANY-THING"

    Ti takes a look around the bay, and then says

    "woah, its alot bigger then I thought. Where do you wanna go first?!"

  8. "Hmmmm," Set thinks for a bit. "First...lets get a snack...and maybe we can check out the other stuff along the way."

    Widdimur whines and grumbles.

    "You can come too," Set walks toward a conference room to the left. "Let's see..."

    More grumbles as he follows Set.

  9. Ti walks behind Set.

    "I dont remember it being this way, but its so big I could be wrong" Ti says, looking in every direction as he walks

  10. As the two get close to the closed door, they hear a muffled voice inside, talking.

    "With your... sources, IMP-6... location... ith teachings. Something... hidden... Jedi and Sith...

  11. "SHHH," Set stops and listens. "I wonder what's going on? But we shouldn't! Sounds scary...Look stairs...The food was down here."

  12. "It might be important! Lets see what it is!!" Ti whispers, maybe louder then he should have. He then sneaks up to the door

  13. "Noooo," Set moves toward the stairs and sort of lays on them looking up at Ti as if that will keep him safe from anything.

  14. The door is locked.

    Other request is... need to learn... before Jedi. And what... kidnapped her from the Temple... Cyrus also kidnapped... reason. Information... useful.

  15. Ti considers putting his ear to the door to get a better listen, but recognizes the voice of sera. Not wanting to get on her bad side, he sneaks over to where Set is.

    "lets get out of here. I dont wanna be here when she comes out" says ti in a hushed tone

  16. "She's nice but yeah..." Set hurries down the stairs and points to the caff past the cargo boxes. "Almost there..."

  17. "lets go! suggary sweets await us!!!!". Ti Breaks cover and rushes towards the gally

  18. Set follows behind Ti and listens to the quiet of the cargo area. He hears Widdimur's claws click softly against the floor as he follows them around begrudgingly.

  19. Ti pushes the button to open the door and steps in. He stands before the Autochef in awe

    "Its full of food, but I have no clue how to work it"

    Ti scratches his head in confusion

    "how do we make this thing give us food" Ti says in frustration

  20. "I think you hit buttons...maybe?" He looks at the machine confused. "Lets try this."

    He hits a button and a screen flashes on. Set gasps in excitement that he figured this first part out.

    "Oh this is easy!" Set whispers. He finds the ice cream and hits a few buttons.

    Regular ice cream pops out from the machine.

    "Aww man...I can't eat it that way. But you can right?"

  21. Ti's Face lights up at the sight of the ice cream

    "I can, but why cant you?" He takes the ice cream from Set, and then goes about trying to figure out how to get some for set

  22. "I can't take this off my face," he points to his mask. "This air is poison! And if I take my goggles off, I can't see, but thankfully my eyes stay in my head."

    "I need," he hits more buttons, "Let's try that."

    With the combination of button mashing, a pouch that Set can actually eat, some cookies, and another ice cream out but slip and fall on the floor.

    The ice cream bursts open and Widdimur perks up. Now is his chance to get a treat! The cookies and pouch are sealed up and fine.

  23. "THE AIR IS POISION!?" Says Ti, dropping his icecream on the floor and grabbing his neck

    He takes a deep gasp of air and says "Wait....If the air is poision, then why am I ok??"

  24. Widdimur sort of rolls his eyes as he moves on to the next pile of delicious spilled ice cream.

    Set laughs. "No not for you. For me its poison." He finally gets a taste of what appears to be cake.

    "Yummy! This thing is pretty easy to figure out. Give it a try."

  25. Ti shurgs, and then laughs as he sees widdi scarfing down his ice cream.

    "lets see here..." tie says, pushing buttons. After a few seconds, he receives an uncooked potato.

    "What is...what is this?" Ti says, looking at the brown lump in his hands. He tosses the potato over his shoulder and trys another button. this time, he receives a large cookie

    "BINGO!!!!" says tie, taking a giant chunk out of his cookie in one bite

  26. Widdimur just can't help himself...he can't fight this burning urge to go after the tossed potato. He runs after it, picks it up, brings it back and places it at the children's feet.

    Set picks it up, looks it over, and throws it again. Widdimur goes after it.

    "Haha! Well...we know what THAT is good for. What else do we have...oops!"

    Set's hand slips from potato strill drool and his finger slides across a few buttons. An apple, a bowl of a bunch of crunchy colorful things spills out, and another pouch.

    "That's what I need!" He picks it up, takes a sip and puts it down on the table. "BLEH! That wasn't very good..."

  27. With a snide look, Ti slides his hand down the buttons, waiting to see what pops out. The auto chef beeps and bloops and makes a loud spurting sound......

    .....and nothing happens. With a disipointed look, he just kind of shrugs at Set

  28. A light flicks on and Xol is standing in the door way, arms crossed.

    "I didn't think THIS was going to happen...and I guess I was silly for that," he says softly as he looks at the floor, the two boys stuffing their face, and the strill dropping a potato, embarrassed.

    "Oh...I'm sorry! We are so sorry..." Set apologizes with a low bow. "We just..."

    Xol puts a hand on Set's lowered head. "I'll forgive you two...three..." He walks over to a door in the wall and opens it to show a cleaning droid and supplies. "After YOU clean up your mess." He pulls out just the supplies and leaves the droid.

    He goes back to the autochef to get a drink. "Keepuna..." he mutters as the machine seems to just NOT be working. He gives it a hard bang, and it's screen lights up.

  29. "sorry master Xol" Ti says with a look of embarrassment, and gets to work cleaning up the mess

  30. Another figure appears in the doorway. "Ack! What did you do to my ship you two?! There's food everywhere! And you, bad Strill! Bad!" Sera exclaims.

    A mechanical chime begins to ring through out the ship signalling the need the time to come out of hyperspace.

    Sera lets out an exasperated sigh. "Make sure they don't use that droid, Xol. I'll put the processor on the list of things to fix. As for you two... Ooh! Ooh..."

    She clenches her jaw to bite back some words before doing a snap turn out of the doorway. Her boot heels echoing loudly off the deck plate as she heads to the Bridge.
