Friday, December 2, 2011

Meanwhile, on Narr Shaddaa:

((as always everything i say is in Rodese, unless stated otherwise))
As The Specter exited Hyper-space, Navik walks from his room and to the ramp and stands there waiting for the ship to land. Navik yells,"Cyrus, if you could please hurry and land. I have some pressing matters i need to attend to. Thank you." He then simply stands there staring at the ramp waiting for it to open. Anyone who sees him can almost fill an uneasy filling radiating from him.


  1. As soon as the ramp hit the ground, Navik disappears. Cyrus hears on his comm,"Go, if you come back I will contact you when I am ready. Thank you for stopping."

    Screen wipe to busy street:
    Navik is talking to a small Caarite from around the corner, "Camassi, Bith, what can you tell me?" Navik says with hate dripping off every word. "Ah, Camassi. You know, names like that don't come out unless you are somebody... or have the credits of somebody. So which is it?", he says with the trade mark grin that seems to be on every Caarites face. Navik turns the corner saying, "Credits are no problem of mine, just tell me what i need to know and you will get what you want." "Ah, well, you know with that explosion that happened a few weeks ago, people like him are a little harder to find," he searches in a pocket and pulls out a small peace of paper. "Here." He hands Navik the papar, he looks at it then looks back up and the Caartie is gone with out a trace. On the paper is the address for a clinic he saw walking to find his contact and a name Dr.Qlaeren Ricaev . Navik turns and leaves.

  2. He then goes and stands on the opposite side of the street from the clinic. He simply watches who goes in and what comes out. On top it seems to cater the lower class of citizen of the moon. He walks in and is greeted by a human female. "Hello. How may we help you today?". Navik turns,((in basic)) "Yes i was wondering if i could see Dr.Qlaeren Ricaev? It is a matter of most importance." The nurse looks at a data slate,"Well, He has stepped out for a moment and should be an hour or so. If you would like you can wait here for the doctor." "No, I will come back later."

  3. (1.5 hours passes) Navik walks back in the the clinic, "Excuse me, has the doctor returned?" The same female is behind the counter, "Ah you came back, yes, He is in the back, third door on the left." "Thank you," he says with a slight nod. Navik walks down the hall, finding the door and knocks. "COME IN." He opens the door to see a Vratix standing behind a desk, "Yes, how may i help you." Navik closes the door and takes a seat, "I was told you could help me locate some one." "Who are you, who told you??" Navik stands back up "Who I am is not of your concern, nether is who told me. What I need to know is what you can tell me about the Bith Camassi." "I have never heard that name in all of my life, and even if I had i couldn't tell you where he is. Even if I had I am a doctor, I cant just walk around telling people about who I see." He rears up on the desk, "Now if you are quite done accusing me of misconduct i will ask you to leave, and don't come back!"

  4. Navik turns to face the door, and with speed the doctor had never seen he had two blasters pointed at each eye. In a hushed tone, "Listen to me, you will tell me what you know or you wont leave this office with all of you." Qlaeren Ricaev falls back on to the floor, "Now now now, there is no need for those. Like i said there is nothing i can tell you about this Camassi, i have seen all of four Biths none of them have that name." Navik lowers one pistol, "What if one of them used an alias!" The doctor rubs his mandibles, "I don't think so, the people that come in here don't have the money to have more than one name." "I need you to be sure," he shows him a pict of him, "this is the Bith i am looking for." He takes the pict, studies it for a second, "Yes, he came in here a couple days ago, it was a miner thing had some cuts from a fight he got in, or thats what he told Karrin, the nurse up front. Let me see." He turns and shuffles through a stack of papers. "Here, this is his chart and information, it should have where he lives and anything else you are looking for." Navik takes the folder and puts it in a pocket in his jacket, "OK, was that so hard." He then turns and leaves with out saying another word.

  5. Navik left the clinic and made his way to an ally way not far from it. He pulled out the folder and started reading, after a several hours of reading and asking around he found where the Bith he believed to be Camassi lived. He then asked people that lived around there what they knew of him. They had very little to offer. He then decided that the only way to get answers was from the resident. he then 'got' in to his house and found nothing in there but a bed and a few food packs. He left when he heard the door opening. He did see that it was a Bith with bandages on his head, and arm.

  6. As Navik was leaving he was confronted by several thuggish individuals. "HEY!" yelled a Quarren, "You look like you need to donate to the 'Us Not Kicking Your Ass Fund'." "HUHUH, good one Kelmut." laughed a Nikto. "Shut up Giran!" he shouted as he hit him in the back of the head. Navik stepped forward a step, "Now fellas, there is no reason that i need to kill all five of you." They all laughed in unison. Kelmut stopped and said "Well, it looks like we are going to teach you some math, GET 'EM!!" They sprang in to action. three pulled vibro-knives the others pulled and the other two pulled blaster pistols and opened fire. Navik moved with lighting speed, he pulled both his pistols and shot one of them with a blaster in the chest and dropped him. the three with knives closed in, he shot one of the in the knee and he fell holding it. The other two got in there and one hit him cutting his arm fairly deep, Navik spun and hit him in the head with the butt of his pistol, he fell hard blood pouring from the wound. The Nikto swung out wide and fell on his own power, the Quarren shot and missed hitting the wall behind Navik. He made a quick wide shot and hit the Nikto square in the face, he then looks at the ally behind him and back at Navik. He then runs as fast as he can away from the fight. Navik then sends several bolts hitting him three times in the back. He then walks over and picks up the one he hit in the knee, "Who are you, and who do you work for?!?" As he started to talk, a blaster bolt struck him in the back of the head. Navik turned to see a hooded figure run away. He speed off trying to catch him. As he turned the corner the figure was no where to be seen.

  7. After a few moments looking for some clue, Navik gives up searching, he then remembered he also had another reason for being here, he spent the next four hours searching store and venders for a camo-cloak. Navik then gets a comm call from the Cyrus telling him they group as arrived, and are waiting for him.

  8. Caarite

