Monday, December 12, 2011

Widdie and the Strill

((Story time! Again XD this time it's stupid silliness))

"It's you!" Widdimur says surprised at finding the strill from earlier again.

"And you!" the other strill says excitedly.

"I haven't seen another since I was a pup. What is your name? I'm Widdimur."

"I...don't have a name," the stray strill says. "I have no one to name me! It's just me against the world." It strikes a dashing pose.

Widdimur is impressed. Hir life was in no way easy being Xol's partner. This must be one tough witty strill.

"So, was that child creature your master," the stray strill asks looking at Widdimur. Hir eyes bright.

"The creature is my partner's child," Widdimur says.

"Partner? Not a pet? And you get to be around a nice child? I'm jealous," the stray snuggles up to Widdimur. "Some of these children play nice. And some of them are cruel! And some of the adults are cruel too!" It whips it's tail around to show Widdimur the injuries it has.

"Oh you poor thing!" Widdimur gently touches the tail.


  1. The stray strill flutters hir eyes and licks the side of Widdimur's face and bounces off playfully.

    It wags it's tail happily.

    Widdimur wags hir tail too and runs after the stray. Both strill are playfully jumping and running through the streets, bumping into people occasionally, impressing each other with their skill for dodging boots and plates and things thrown at them.

  2. "You are amazing!" the stray picks up one of the boots and tosses it into the air.

    "Oh but you are far more amazing!" Widdimur says propping hirself up on a bucket that was also thrown at them.

  3. "What kind of things do you do with your 'partner'" the stray asks.

    It's Widdimur's turn to strike a dashing pose. "We hunt down the scum of the galaxy and put them away for good," it scoots in closer to the stray, "If we don't rip them apart first..." Widdimur whispers.

    The stray shoves Widdimur with its paw playfully. "Ferocious!"

    "Yes," Widdimur flashes a grin. "But you are a master of survival I'm sure. I get food and a place to sleep given to me."

    "It can be hard to get everything I need," the stray says, "but I figure it out! Keeps me sharp! Would you like to eat something now? Lunch? My treat?" it flutters hir eyes again and walks off. Widdimur follows.

  4. The two strill walk up to the back door of a cantina. The stray goes up to the door and scratches at it. The top part of the door opens and a mandalorian looks down at the strill and yells at hir before slamming the door.

    The stray looks over at a confused Widdimur and winks.

    It scratches the door again. The same mandalorian pokes his head out and yells again, slamming the door.

    The stray goes at the door again, the top of the door opens and a bowl comes flying out of the darkness of the catina kitchen.

    It slams against the wall and bursts its round contents all over the place.

    The stray sits next to Widdimur, who promptly pushes a blasteroid with hir nose toward the stray for hir amazing food acquiring efforts.

  5. Meanwhile...
    SL-01 slithers down the street scanning for Set, as the droid turns a corner two armored security personnel point at it. "Hold it right there droid!" The droid stops, it's red eyes whirring as it scans the two men that are rapidly approaching with a third man close at their heels. "Is this the droid that attacked you?" says one of the security men to the nondescript thrid man in civilian's clothing; who nods affirmatively in response. "Droid did you attempt to hurt this man?" SL-01 scans the third man with it's red eyes. "Affirmative, my termination protocols were activated to assisst small biological unit Set. Termination protocols are currently on stand-by as requested by small biological unit Set."

  6. The two guardsmen look at each other slightly confused. "Where is you master droid?" SL-01 points into the sky. "Mistress Siella is studying some ancient ships in a far corner of the Outer Rim." The two men seem even more confused. "No, no. Where is this person called Set that told you to terminate this man?" The droid turns to scan the streets again. "Small biological unit Set's location is currently unknown. It appears that small biological unit Set has increased it's combat aptitude through rigorous training." The droid pauses in it's scans, "There is a 90% probability small biological unit Set will return to the Spectre." The two security guards glance at each other and nod. "Alright then, take us to the Spectre, we need to have a few words with this Set person."
