Tuesday, December 13, 2011

RP 13 - I was drunk in a bar...

Sera shoves her hands into her pockets, brooding as she walks back into Keldabe.

Stupid Xol. I knew he would not understand. He was right there when we got the messages from the Sages and then Darth Rivan told us about the staff. And he stood right there and watched IMP-6's about Lara.

Is he blind or just does not want to make the connections?

Sera sighs. Desperate to quiet the thoughts in her head she looks around. A sign above her head looks familiar. "Bartering Acceptable. No strills allowed inside." she reads.

Pushing open the door she steps into an almost forgotten world. If it weren't for the armored Mandalorians, the holonet transceiver in the corner, and a holo projector showing some type of sporting match... Sera could swear it would be a an ancient tavern. With a pot and cooking fire in the center of the room.

Finding a dark booth, she sits down and orders a local brew. The glass of nearly black sticky liquid with a tan foam arrives from a skeptical looking man. "This anything like Tarisian ale?" Sera asks skeptically wondering if the Mandalorian's put motor oil in a glass.

The man lifts an eye brow. "Drinking is a recreation here. This is Ne'tra gal. Goes down smooth and fills ya like a loaf of bread. You want something that strong to knock yourself out, I can hit ya with a stun bolt. " His derision is capped with a glob of spit on the floor.

Sera raises her glass and sips the the concoction. Not bad. So Mandalorian's can fight and make a good ale. Interesting skill sets.

She sits there pouring over her thoughts and pouring more ale into her stomach. Soon five empty glasses sit on the table and sixth half-full recruit is next to her hand. Sera reflects about trying Tarisian ale in the cargo hold of her parents ship at age nine. The crew let her take a sip of it and that had been enough to knock her out and give her a hangover the next day. Part of her training regiment as an Emperor's Hand was to build her tolerances to common poisons, drugs, and other things used to incapacitate people. Even without the Force regimens she'd learned to neutralize things like alcohol, she could probably drink almost any other human under the table.
Still, the Ne'tra gal was slowly catching up to her. Sighing, she takes another sip. One more after this I'll get cab or call Xol to come get me.

As she stupefies herself, the door opens and two figures walk in both wearing Mandalorian armor. One appears human-sized, the other is about a third of the other's height. The taller is wearing black armor with some gold accents. The shorter one is wearing dark green and brown-gold armor with leather straps and bone trinkets hanging from it.

The two walk over to the crowd watching the sports match and greet a few people. As Sera watches, the taller looks right at her and kind of cocks his head to the side. With a little horror she realizes that they are now walking her direction. Both slide into the opposite side of the booth.

A slightly gravelly processed voice comes from the one in black. "So what brings you back to the Oyu'baat, girl? Shysa hasn't arranged any details yet."

Sera casts her eyes at the table. "I think you have me confused with someone else."

The little one in green pulls of its helmet revealing a rather cute fuzzy head and two tiny ears perched a top her head. It's almost an effort for Sera to not coo at the thing, but seeing some of the fetishes across the armor changes her mind. Human teeth, bones and what looks like a braided scalp adorn the metal and jumpsuit. The creature sniffs quickly three times and looks at its companion. In a slightly high-pitched and halting basic it says, "She smell different from Xol's girl. Similar, but different. Family same, not person. Like you and others."

Blinking in surprise Sera looks at the other Mandalorian. He nods at the creature and removes his helmet. Sera's shock grows even more as she recognizes a Fett clone, but a young one. Despite the slightly longer hair and a beard, it is most definitely a clone
"You... You're... You're a..." she manages to stammer.

The clone raises an eyebrow and slides back in his seat. "Let's not start throwing around the 'C' word, girlie. While the circumstances of my birth differ from the majority of people in the galaxy, I'm just like any other person here. So you're not the girl from the other day, the one dying to meet the Mand'alor, but you look exactly like her."

The small creature gives the clone a small jab to the ribs. Then gestures to its own face. "Eyes different too. Green, not blue."

He gives a grimace. "Fine, barring the eyes they look nearly identical. Not a big fan of coincidences, so let's get right down to it. Some girl comes to Mandalore looking for our leader, dragging along previous associates of mine. Claims she knows things about a problem. Then I find you, who recognizes me as a clone within seconds of seeing my face. Given its been seven years since the war, most people who ever saw one have kinda forgotten about us. Unless... you have seen a few lately. Only people I know who still have some of us in large supply are the Empire. You want to tell us who you really are and what you are after?"

Sera lets out a snort of derision. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Jusht shay I'm lying." Her thoughts just replay the last sentence. Did I just slur my words? That stuff is more potent then they let on.

"Not really. Teek, here, is member of an amazing species. Very perceptive bunch if she is any indication. Fierce and brave too, real Mandokarla. But she can smell if you are lying... subtle shifts in your body are plain as day. Now, I know you will tell me the truth or Persuader will have to say 'hello'. " The sound of a mechanical action under the table draws her attention to a micro grenade launcher aimed at her stomach.

Mentally she does nothing but curse herself. Rule 1: Always watch a suspect's hands. The minute you stop watching their hands is when the pull the vibroblade on you.

"You ever hear you get more fliesh with shugar than... than that bitter shtuff?" Sera responds, her anger building.

"Believe me, this IS asking nicely. I could throw a 'please' on top if you want, but there is still gonna be a grenade launcher here."

Sera begins to laugh. "Pull the trigger. Kill me. Do me that favor now. Won't have to do the shtupid ritual, everyone diesh later anyway. Think thish would be lessh painful than what Jopal would do to me."

Teek looks at her companion and shakes her head. The man pulls back the weapon and places it against his shoulder. "Teek says you aren't lying about that... I've heard a lot of people bluff with more convincing words than those, but you are serious here."

Sera nods. "Told you. Shtupid Xol and shtupid othersh, no clue what I'm dealing with."

The girl drains her glass and signals for another. The barkeep glances at the empties and places a new one down. He looks to the man, who signals for something.

The man turns back to Sera. "You need to ease up on those things. You go in on an empty stomach and they will mess you up quickly enough. My name is Draigo and you girlie have gotten me curious."

The barkeep comes back with three bowls of a delicious looking stew, a glass of water, and some type of blue syrupy liquid in a pouch. The stew goes down in front of everyone with Dragio getting the water and Teek getting the blue stuff. Sera eyes the stew hungrily, but with suspicion.

Draigo laughs, gesturing a thumb to the cooking fire where a big cauldron sits. "Came out of the same pot. Everyone's here did. Eat up, it'll take the edge off. Now tell me, what is it that Xol can't seem to help you with?"


  1. Xol shakes his head when Sera rushes past and his thoughts are on her while she is gone.

    What is she up to?
    Is she behaving? Is she wreaking havoc? No one is screaming yet...
    Is she ok? Of course she's ok...she can defend herself quite well...she's not 4...STOP IT.


    Set peeks his head into The Sarlacc. He was off with Ti, sharing the new drink in the autochef. "Can I train with you too?"

    "I'm not training you in the arts of worry and stress," Xol laughs. "But we can train right now. It will help me calm my thoughts. You can think more clearly when your mind is calm."

    "Yep!" Set makes himself comfortable. "Did Widdimur come back yet?"

    "No he hasn't," Xol says trying to figure out exactly how long the strill has been gone. "This is where he is from and I understand wanting to explore, but it has been a while. I'm sure he's fine....but maybe..."

    "We can look for him later! He'll be fine. We can find him when you stop worrying," Set closes his eyes.

    "You're right," Xol relaxes.

  2. SL-01 slithers in sight of the Spectre, armed entourage in tow. Spotting Set as he walks into the Sarlaac the droid points. "Small biological unit Set is there." The two guards stare in some confusion at the adolescent Kel-Dor, but then spotting Xol assume the Droid is referring to him. "Move it Droid, we need to have a few words with him." The Droid slithers up to the Sarlaac with the guardsmen who stand at the bottom of the ramp. "You there, Kel-Dor, are you responsible for this droid?"

  3. Sera thinks about it for a second and begins to laugh. "Shure...

    "I'm an Imperial Agent assigned originally to kill Koro and Mankrus, while investigating Jopal. I find Koro ish just a dupe, so he lives. Mankrus sends Sethrin to kill Koro. Koro kills Sethrin. We confront Jopal, but Mankrus confronts Jopal and attacks him. I order the Imperial fleet to attack both and declare Mankrus officially rogue.

    "Both run, but realize that their power struggle is hurting them. They reunite to face us. The Emperor sends a Captain with a vendetta to help us. The others become pseudo-Imperial officers and we are assigned to hunt both down.

    "We wind up killing a bunch of Black Sun guys. Navik is shtill doing that. We find Mankrus and kill him. I get haunted by Shith ghost. Jopal masquerades ash a Mandalorian and eshcapes. He findsh a nasty Shith weapon that makes him invincible. He also rebuildsh an ancient Mandalorian fleet to attack the Empire... if he winsh he winsh, if he loshes... the Empire will hunt down every Mandalorian in the galaxy.

    "But the secret ish this... I found a way to shtop Jopal, but I have to do thish ritual that Count Dooku tried to do during the Clone Warsh. He nearly killed my cousin with it, she was four then. So if I can get thish thing to work, I can take his weapon, and become invincible and kill him. And if I kill Jopal, Xol sees darkness and me killing Vader an the Emperor then not getting what I want. But I have to become a monster like Dooku, to do it. But Xol's sages and the Sith holocron say I do, despite Xol saying I don't.

    She pauses to breathe, then takes a spoonful of the stew. "Hey! This ish good!"

    Draigo, manages to not bat an eye, continuing to eat during the girl's story. Teek stops and stares wide eyed at Sera, enraptured by the story. She turns to her companion and shakes her head. Sera ignores their interaction, draining her glass and calling for another.

    The Mandalorian nods and moves his hand back to his weapon. His eyes narrow as he watches the girl. "One quick question. Are you telling me, you are some kind of Jedi?"

  4. As the guards yell at the kel-dor, Navik walks down the ramp. He looks at them and yells back up the ramp, "Don't worry Xol, I have this." He walks over and extends a hand to them, "Hello, I am Navik, This droid is not the Kel-dor's. It has just chosen to follow the poor child, It belongs to an associate of ours who is not with us at the moment. If you would be so kind as to release the droid in to my care i will see that it doesn't do what ever it did again." ((Joe, i am going to make you play the guards.))

  5. Sera takes a long sip of her new ale. "Pfft. Jedi. Everyone is Jedi this Jedi that. Jus cause I use a lightsaber and throw things around with my mind doesn't make me a Jedi. I... Am... Sith... and people don't forget that, mainly cause their dead."

    Draigo does not relax. "Thought there were only supposed to be two of you running around. I've killed a guy claiming to be Sith and then you have Jopal."

    "There is just the two of us plus my master's former apprentice. But shh... he doesn't know, yet. So two plus one." she giggles in reply. "There is a bunch from a planet I'm not supposed to know about that say they are Sith... but they aren't. Just little wanna be's kidnapping children."

    "This place, it called Dromund Kaas?" Draigo asks, tightening his grip on his weapon.

    Sera pauses and looks at Draigo. "How'd you know that? That is supposed to be a secret place. Shh."

    "I don't know where it is. But I put a lot of effort into finding out who Jopal is and what he is up to. I learned Black Sun found him there. Looks like that was not their fortune after all.

    "So little Sith, why are you here?"

    Sera stuffs a piece of bread in her mouth and chews for a minute. "I told you. I'm an Imperial..."

    "Not that. Why are you killing brain cells and liver function in this bar?"

    "Oh! Cause Xol is stupid and can't help."

    Draigo inclines his head and takes a sip of water. "The problem with the visions?"

    "Yesh! You're smarter than Xol. He can't figure that out." Sera states with a sigh.

    The Mandalorian chuckles. "Xol may be inclined to agree with you about that. I've ruined one of his visions before. Let's see what you've got, little Sith."

  6. Xol sighs in relief when Navik shows up. One less thing to worry about. Maybe...He looks down and slightly back at Set as he tried to tip toe away. "Set..."

    Set spins around to face Xol. "NO! I made it stop! It was trying to do terrible things! It wanted to correct my vocabulator! I don't know what that means but it sounds horrible! I saved people! I should get a reward! That droid is crazy! I RODE IT!" Set shakes the bottom of Xol's robes as he "explains" the situation.

  7. Sera takes another gulp of ale before starting to tell her tale. By the end of the story Teek is hanging on every word. Draigo has released his hold on his weapon, closing his eyes and bowed his head in deep thought.

    "Well?" Sera asks expectantly.

    "Well? I think Jedi and Sith are two sides of the same coin. You put two much stock in prophecies, rituals, and visions. I trust a well oiled and charged blaster at my side, loyal brothers and sisters at my back, my own abilities.

    "I've seen the Force at work. I saw Jedi do amazing things. I will never forget the feats of courage and strength some did. On the same token, I watched some of Dooku's dark assassins cut through entire units, destroy cruisers, and pull off next to impossible kills.

    "So don't even start to think I don't know the power of the Force. There is something more powerful, though. A keen well-organized mind. Every opponent I have come across has fallen because I kept my wits and was able to out think them. You might want to keep that in mind.

    "What is the specific part that is troubling you?"

    Sera thinks about it for a second. "I want the power to defeat my master. Do what I am supposed to as dictated by our traditions. But if I do that, I'm going to be sacrificing my cousins like Dooku tried."

    "How do you know that?" Draigo asks with a smile.

    "Cause its what I know happened." the girl replies sullenly.

    Draigo shakes his head. "Not so, little Sith. You see visions and prophecy. I see a lot of holes and gaps in information. Walk with me here.

    "Dooku kidnapped your cousin and tried to use her for this ritual, but he had only one piece. So he fails and causes the problem. You mentioned there were two rituals... which one did he pick?"

    "The same one I picked, the one for power. He was like that."

    "Do you know that for certain?"

    Sera pauses bite swallow. "No... I don't."

    Draigo nods. "There you go. Just because its within someone's character to do evil does not make good inescapable. I've seen enough thieves, smugglers, and pirates with remarkable decent streaks to make the most charitable look bad. But they are still criminals.

    "Now, how much do you really know about the ritual? How much did this Sith Lord tell you? How much did you fill in with your own assumptions?"

    The girl slumps a bit. "He told me the name. I recognized the name as what happened to my cousin, but other than that... I have nothing."

    The Mandalorian takes a bite of his stew and gives Sera a satisfied smirk. "So you are getting tangled up about something you have no knowledge of beyond your suppositions.

    "Use your actual brains, little Sith. I always wondered how the Jedi and Dooku managed to twist their followers into knots. Now I see it. They fill your heads full of osik, so you can't logically think things out. Even if you kill your master, he'd still control you in the way he twisted your thoughts.

    "Forget traditions, prophecy, visions, or legacy. Do what you think is right here and here." Draigo taps his armor above his heart and then taps his temple. "Trust me on that, little Sith. You need information and lots of it before you can make that decision. If you don't, that's how people control you. And the last I heard, the Sith were pretty manipulative. Honestly, where do you think Dooku got the idea for the ritual? Or was the holocron being in a CIS base, just a mysterious coincidence of the Force?"

    Sera lowers her eyes and stifles a belch. "I am soo stupid. Rivan is playing me. I'm trained to spot this stuff and use it against my enemies. I played Koro for six months, but how could I be so blind?!"

  8. Draigo chuckles swabbing some of the stew with a piece of bread. "Visions and Prophecy, kid. You start down that road and it twists you up on things. I'm telling you. So what are you going to do when you get back?"

    "Tell Xol you are smarter than him." Sera says with authority.

    Teek begins to chortle with laughter. Draigo shakes his head. "I'll write it down for you. Just enjoy the rest of the night, little Sith. Just enjoy it."

  9. Xol laughs at Set. "You do this on purpose...you know I can't be too mad at you after that."

    "Yes," Set says with a nod. "I MEAN NO! Darn," he kicks at the ground.

  10. After a few hours, there is a knock on the ramp of the Sarlacc.

    Standing there is a Mandalorian in black armor and a smaller Mandalorian in dark green armor. Over the taller one's shoulder hangs a young blonde girl singing a Mandalorian tavern song.

    "Xol? I'm here to return something to you!"

  11. Xol doesn't know whether to be shocked or laugh. "What happened to her?" he asks, the tone in his voice showing how he feels.

    Set however, just laughs.

  12. "Xol!" Sera exclaims, interrupting her song. "You're on the ceiling. How'd you do that?"

    Draigo pushes up the ramp and deposits Sera into a chair.

    "I found that in the Oyu'baat hitting the Ne'tra gal. She was on number six when Teek and I got there. She rounded out number eight when I got some food in and information out. She put Vahn under the table at eighteen and Carid under at twenty-nine. She couldn't walk straight at thirty-two. When she challenged any Mandalorian to take try to take on a real Tarisian at forty... I picked her up and made her say good night then.

    "I honestly don't know where she put it all. Each one of those glasses was a pint. And a pint of Ne'tra gal is like eating a loaf of sweet bread. I know grown men who can't down more than four in a night."

  13. Set peeks over the side of the chair Sera is in and laughs. He pokes her.

    "Forty?!" Xol exclaims. "She wasn't even gone all that long...she's like some...black hole or something. Anyway...thank you for bringing her back safely."

    "I hope she can handle the after affects as well or it isn't going to be fun at all later on."

  14. Sera swats at Set's finger giggling. "Carid said his liver hurt when he fell over."

    Draigo shakes his head. "Teek give him the medicine."

    The little Mandalorian hands Xol a brown paper bag. Inside is several processed meat sticks, a bottle of water, several packs of pain reliever tablets, and several packs of seltzer tablets.

    "Have her eat as much of the meat as she can before she goes to sleep and drink the water too. That'll absorb the alcohol, but she is going to vomit something horrible tomorrow morning. The pills and seltzer tabs are for tomorrow. The pills will stop the cramps and the tabs to settle her stomach.

    "Follow that and she won't have a hangover. I'll be around tomorrow to check on her after my house calls."

    Draigo tosses Xol a two fingered salute while Teek waves an emphatic goodbye.

    Sera waves goodbye, before lapsing back into the song. After a few minutes, she looks up at Xol.

    "He's smarter than you, Xol. He'll know the answer to your question, Set." she breaks out into hysterical laughter so prolonged she squeaks a little.

  15. Xol waves to the two armored figures and looks back at Sera and Set. He slumps into a near by chair.

    "No way Squeaky!" Set pokes her some more and looks over at Xol. "Uh no way is that guy smarter than Xol..."

  16. "Is too. He solved my problem and wrote it down for me. Said I'd forget it, whatever it was."

    She pulls a folded piece of paper from a pocket. "See!"

    "Still, bet Xol doesn't know the answer. Nor to your question either."

  17. Xol gets up and takes the piece of paper...

  18. Meanwhile, in a cramped cabin aboard the Sarlaac, Navik, SL-01 and the guards have a discussion...

    "Look, to be honest the droid didn't actually do anything other than make some idle threats. As long as you take resposibility for it and make sure this doesn't happen again everything will be fine. I'd recommend a restraiing bolt though, frankly that droid just doesn't seem right."

    At the mention of a restraing bolt sparks shoot out of SL-01's head and the droid shudders for a few moments. "Warning, restraing bolts or modification to my programming would have a 95% probability of activating the Iku destruct sequence."

    The guards, back away from the droid, "What the hell is an Iku...you know what, never mind. Just keep that thing away from our citizens."

  19. The paper reads:

    "Little Sith,

    Prophecy and visions are messing up your head. None of those matter. You know what needs to be done in your heart and head.

    Ask questions. Get answers and information to make an informed decision. If you don't, you will be nothing more than a puppet your entire life. Choose your own path.

    Remember two things when you face Joapl...

    First, he is arrogant. Keep him talking to keep him unbalanced.

    Second, if you sever a person's head with a lightsaber, it leaves about two and a half minutes worth of oxygenated blood in there. Enough time for them to have a lot of realization sink in.

    There is no destiny, but what you chose to make for yourself.

    Xol, since I know you are reading this, give it back to her tomorrow morning. I will check to see you did when I come back around tomorrow. "

  20. Xol sighs and puts the piece of paper in a safe place to give to Sera later. He's about to sit down when he remembers he needs to make sure she eats and drinks what Draigo left.

    He looks at the bag, looks at Sera, looks at the bag, and sighs again.

    "Set...make sure she ingests this..." Xol hands Set the meat and water. Xol sits in a chair across from the two to make sure nothing insane happens.

    Set looks at the food stick for a second and then says to Sera, "Open wide! The train is coming through!" as he tries to get her to eat it.

  21. "You're silly, Set." She grabs the food from him and starts to chew on it. She then grabs the youngling in a large hug and starts tickling him.

    "Silly Set. That sounds funny."

  22. Navik gives a respectful bow, "Of course, it will be of no more problem to your fair city," he turns to the droid, "You, return to the Specter, go to an empty crew room and stay there until me or Siella get you. If you so much as put a hand out of the door you will be put on a sun." Navik turns back to the guards, "Thank you for returning It to our care, you will have no more trouble out of it."

  23. Sera rubs Set's head gently and hugs him closer. "Silly little Set. You're funny and cute. I could hug you all night. You're like the little brother I never had."

    Sitting there hugging the now squirming child she eats a few more of the sticks and drinks the bottle of water. Before she knows it, she is sound asleep, snoring, and still hugging onto Set.

  24. "So I have a second dad and a first sister? I must be lucky!" Set hugs Sera back.

    Xol frowns under his mask. She probably won't remember this...will Set have his little heart crushed? Or maybe he'll understand she was drunk? Now I have to explain what it is to be drunk... He shakes his head.

    When Sera falls asleep, Set snuggles in and decides to take a nap.

  25. As the guards leave, SL-01 turns to face Navik. "Command functions from biological unit Navik invalid." The droid slithers out of the room and into the bowels of the Sarlaac where it finds Sera, Set, and Xol. The droid's red eyes whir as it examines Sera, "Biological unit Sera is operating fae below nominal functionality." It's eyes whir for a few moments longer. "Probability that biological unit Sera has been poisoned, 95%. Commencing search for assassin." The droid grabs the nearest cargo container and dumps it on the deck revealing a pile of individually packaged golden cake tubes filled with sweet bantha cream. "This container devoid of hostile threats, proceeding to the next."

  26. Set pops awake to a shocked Xol and a rampaging droid...and CAKES!

    "Number 1!" Set commands from his snugly nook. "What are you doing?!"

  27. Sera mumbles in her sleep. "Droid cakes for everyone!"

  28. Set grumbles and carefully climbs out of Sera's arms so he does not wake her. He ushers the droid out of the ship. "You can't go flippin' things over! You gotta...you gotta ask first!"

    Set pats the droid, walks back in, grabs a cake off the floor, climbs back up with Sera, and eats the cake. "Yum! I didn't know we had these!"

    "....Neither did I..." Xol looks around at the mess on the floor. "It could have been worse...they could have been smashed all over the ship..." He begins to sweep them up back into the crate.

  29. SL-01 turns and slithers back towards Set. "Small biological unit Set is in danger. Biological unit Sera has been poisoned. Continuing search for assassin." The droid slithers over to a tool cabinet and reaches out to dump it over but pauses. It swivels it's head around to look behind it at Set. "Requesting permission to examine this container."

  30. "Permission not granted," Xol says annoyed. "Stop tearing my ship apart...there is no assassin. Sera "poisoned" herself. Now could you kindly leave my ship? Or sit still? Something less destructive."

  31. "And Set...I don't care how fast you are or how long you can hold your breath. Please don't take your mask off again to eat unless its in the room," Xol says pointing to his quarters before flopping back into his chair.

    Set tries to hide behind Sera's limp arm. "I'm sorry," he says sadly, sensing how drained Xol is. "I'm sorry for every time I've worried you..." He hides a little more. "And I'm sorry for any future times I may worry you."

    Xol chuckles.

  32. Sera mumbles something in her sleep pulling Set in. The youngling can feel a rush of Force energy pouring from Sera as the air around her is seemingly charged with it.

  33. Set gasps and tries to push Sera away. "Let me go! What's going on!"

    Set frantically looks over at a calm Xol.


    "Calm down before you wake her up. You're ok," Xol says, sinking into the chair.

    Set calms down but still pushes back against Sera's hug.

  34. As Set pushes back he gets a moment of vision.

    Lara and Cyrus running through a hallway chasing something. They are dressed funny and have one long braid in their hair.

    They come to a stop at some large doors. Set can feel something dark and dangerous behind the doors. Lara and Cyrus both have Force push the doors open. Inside the doors is pain, sadness, and things that make Set absolutely sick to his stomach.

    Horrified, he sees both Lara and Cyrus walk inside. The doors slam shut behind them as the darkness closes in.

  35. Set curls up as best as he can.

    "Set," Xol says a little worried. "Are you ok..."

    "No," he moans. "No...don't do it...don't go..." he seems more upset now. "I SAID NO GUYS!" he finally yells.

    Set looks around confused and turns to Xol who is a few inches from him. "Set! What happened?"

    "I don't think I like this anymore!" he complains. "I don't know if I like seeing things! Why can't I see only good things. Why scary things!?"

  36. As Set freaks out, Sera curls up in the chair. Still alseep she whispers, "What about the others? The others did not disappear."

  37. Set wiggles free from Sera and throws himself onto Xol who falls backwards onto the floor.

    "You saw something?" Xol asks with a huff.

    "Yes...oops!" Set lets Xol up and climbs onto the other chair. Xol sits on the floor in front of him. "It was terrible! Lara and Cyrus and...and...and...DOORS! Doors to spooky dark places." Set pulls the hood on his robes up over his head.

  38. Sera mumbles quietly in her sleep. "Open doors. Things best left hidden come out in the dark."

  39. Xol turns to look at Sera. Is she dreaming? Or is something else going on.

    Set curls up into the chair. "The dark is scarier than I thought."

  40. "They're coming. They will find. They will devour. Only two left they search for. Must have them then it is complete."

  41. "Stop it! Wake up!" Set leans over the arm rest of the chair and grabs a hand full of the small yellow cakes from the box beside it. He throws them at Sera. "You're creeping me out!"

  42. Sera seems start having a nightmare, tossing and turning in her sleep. "No. No. Eight! Eight! Eight!"

  43. Xol goes over and nudges the girl. "Sera...Sera wake up."

    "Please wake her up..." Set has pulled up the cushion on the chair and is hiding behind it. "She's a crazy sleeper..."

  44. "No! Coming for Lara and Cyrus! No! Eight coming..." the girl says fitfully.
